Chit Chat

From the Desk of Jells2dot0

I'm typing this from my work!!!!! I know this is really only exciting for me, but I couldn't help myself.


It was a fucking nightmare trying to get up and get into the office this morning. I was exhausted by the time I got to my desk. I wish they had nap time built into my schedule. Instead, my calendar shows back to back meetings all day. LOL


Re: From the Desk of Jells2dot0

  • Yay desk! Boo meetings.

  • Yay! Congrats on being back! I hope it's a great day! :) 
  • Hurray! That's great news. Reward yourself tonigh with a nice hot bubble bath, a glass of wine, and a good book!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Congrats on being back!!! I hope your day isn't too crazy. 
  • smichek said:
    Congrats on going back to work! But on Veteran's Day, really?

    Yeah, I love how 50+% of the employees are veterans, I work in the defense industry, and we don't get the day off.


    In my case, I had to come back today or I'd be shuffled to long term disability. No thank you to that!


  • Have a good first day of work, Jells.
  • Congratulations! Did they let you show up in yoga pants?
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Congrats!! Have a great day :D
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yay for being all better, BOOOOO for having to work today.  Are you a contractor?  After I retired from active duty I backfilled 3 different contractor positions in the office where I am now a DOD employee. We only had a handful and the ones I backfilled were always the ones that didn't get renewed at budget time.  We only have 5 contractors left in our directorate and they had to take the day off because the supervisors aren't coming in for 5 people.  I used to hate that with a passion.  Sucked up what little annual leave I had.
  • Boo, no naps!
    Yay, just incredibly happy you're there!
  • That's awesome Jells! You'll get into a routine soon enough, good luck lady!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Congrats on being back at work! That's a tremendous achievement!
  • @kmmssg- yes, I'm a contractor! We certainly do not get much time off!


  • smichek said:
    @kmmssg- yes, I'm a contractor! We certainly do not get much time off!
    Waaaaait, you're a defense contractor? That's what my dad does. How did I not already know this?

    LOL I'm mostly tight lipped about it. I'm more intriguing when there is a certain level of mystery. J/K I try to practice good OPSEC.


  • Congrats! Glad you're back at your desk, even if the meetings are looming...
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
  • YAY Jells!!  I'm so happy for you!!

  • Yay, Jells. That is awesome!  I'm hoping you are back to your normal routine, soon, and your fatigue eases.  Take a nap after work and have hubby make you a four star dinner with all of the wine.
  • Yay, Jells. That is awesome!  I'm hoping you are back to your normal routine, soon, and your fatigue eases.  Take a nap after work and have hubby make you a four star dinner with all of the wine.
    I wish! Hubby is out of town and I can't drink. Is it horrible that not being able to drink is more upsetting to me than my DH being gone?? ;)


  • Yay, Jells. That is awesome!  I'm hoping you are back to your normal routine, soon, and your fatigue eases.  Take a nap after work and have hubby make you a four star dinner with all of the wine.
    I wish! Hubby is out of town and I can't drink. Is it horrible that not being able to drink is more upsetting to me than my DH being gone?? ;)
    Well you can always talk to DH on the phone to help with missing can talk to a bottle of wine all you want and it won't help :) Good luck on your first day back!
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