I am curious as to what the proper etiquette is here, so I don't offend any of my guests. My wedding is 2 1/2 hours from my relatives. We purposely hosted our wedding later in the day on Saturday, Sept. 5th so that the guests from my side of the family would be able to travel that same day without issue. However, about 10 of them have decided to get hotel rooms for Friday night, and one approached my grandmother about times for the rehearsal dinner. FI's parents are currently paying for the rehearsal dinner. Should my FI and I offer to take over the costs of the rehearsal dinner so there is no issue with all 10 of those guests being able to attend it? I would feel bad asking my FIL's to pay for more people, and I never expected all those guests to choose to stay over the night before. Financially, we can handle taking over the rehearsal dinner costs. What is the etiquette here?