Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Boutonnieres for Everybody!....?

What do y'all think about boutonnieres/pins for everybody, mother's included? Is that weird? I'm just not big on corsages. One more question, my mom and dad are walking me down the aisle, should I give her like a nosegay?


Re: Boutonnieres for Everybody!....?

  • We did pin-on flowers for everyone.  The mothers got larger, more ornate orchids while the men had smaller ons in the same color.  I would also keep all florals simple - a nice pin on your mom would be stunning.  A nosegay for her would distract from your bouquet and would just be overkill to me.
  • The only thing to consider with pin-ons for everybody is what will the women be wearing? For instance, my mom is wearing a dress with a silk bolero jacket over it. the style of the jacket will not hold up to the weight of a bout... and the fabric will also have a noticeable hole from pinning something to it.

    We opted for corsages for that reason...

  • I would ask the mothers what they prefer. If they, because of what they're wearing, would prefer a wrist corsage you should get them a wrist corsage regardless of your feelings about them.
  • We also asked and the women preferred wrist corsages so that their flowers wouldn't get smushed from hugging.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Boutonnieres for Everybody!....?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would ask the mothers what they prefer. If they, because of what they're wearing, would prefer a wrist corsage you should get them a wrist corsage regardless of your feelings about them.
    Posted by aragx6[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>yea this is what i did-fiance mom wil lbe doing boutinere and my mom a coursage</div>
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  • Like PPs said, ask what they want. If everyone wants a pinned on flower, then there's nothing wrong with that.  I would not have your mom carry a nosegay, especially becase she's walking you down the aisle...that to me would look like two brides or something, or it might appear that your mom is trying to steal your thunder (which I'm SURE she's not, that's just what I'd think if I saw a mom and bride both carrying a bouquet)
  • I've seen more than one mom carry a nosegay and it looks fine.  I might be bias because I had one at DD's wedding.  It was teeny tiny.  No confusion on who was who had who had a real bouquet.

    Ask your moms what they want.  DD's biomom wanted a corsage (I hate them - old lady like), Her MIL wanted flowers for her hair and they were gorgeous.  I just wanted anything but a corsage to pin on or wear on my wrist.  Hate them.  I have very thin hair so the flowers wouldn't work their.  Ask the moms.
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