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Monday Fitness Check-In

How did we do this week, ladies?  I didn't do so hot, honestly.  I've been taking it easy a little.  I also ate a lot over the weekend.  The weight I gained in the last few weeks (2.5 lb) I had lost this week when I weighed in on Friday plus an additional 1 lb down.  I think its due to nausea so I tried to eat more this weekend....I made gluten-free mozzarella sticks yesterday and they were HEAVEN. 

Monday: Nada
Tuesday: 50 minutes eliptical
Wednesday: 5 mile walk
Thursday: 30 minutes eliptical
Friday: Nada
Saturday: Nada unless you count shopping?
Sunday: See Saturday.

This week's plan?

Monday: 30 minute elliptical, 5 mile walk
Tuesday: Doubtful I'll get anything in...Rajah has his appt with the specialist
Wednesday: Spin for 50 minutes and 10 minutes elliptical
Thursday: 30-45 minutes elliptical
Friday: Doubtfully anything as I'll help H pack and we will be traveling to my Mom's to drop Rajah off (I'll be staying with her next week).
Saturday: Trick'or'treating with my niece and nephew...and eating ALL the candy.
Sunday: Hopefully a walk

Re: Monday Fitness Check-In

  • Last week:
    Monday: 45 weights and strength training
    Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Cardio and weights
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: no work out
    Friday: 30 minutes of yoga and stretching
    Saturday: 13K steps cleaning the house!!
    Sunday: PiYo Sculpt

    This week:
    Monday: Short run (maybe 2 miles?)
    Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Cardio and weights
    Wednesday:MASSAGE DAY
    Thursday:  Yoga
    Friday: If it's not raining, a short run.  If it is raining, maybe kettlebell training.  
    Saturday: not sure
    Sunday: not sure, probably PiYo
  • Fitness for me last week was nonexistent. Moving on.....

    M: Total Tone class
    T: 30DS 
    W: Core and More class
    Th: Rest 
    F: 40 mins cardio
    Sa: Yoga class 
    Su: Something outdoors with H and Snoos 

  • Let's just pretend last week didn't happen. I DID get to go horseback riding for a couple of I know that definitely counts as exercise!

    This week -

    It's raining. A lot. But due to our recent flea treatment, I have to vacuum every single day for a week so that'll be my exercise. We also have several healthy meals lined up. Right now it's leftover skinny mushroom spinach lasagna, then slow cooker chicken tortilla soup, and then pumpkin chili for Halloween! Once all this rain clears out I plan to start running again.

  • @minskat30 Baby Minskat says it's OK for your weight to be all over the place right now. <3

    Last week workout-wise wasn't the best, but diet was fine, so it's whatevs. I was so tired the majority of last week that I skipped more workouts than I planned to. I think I worked out 4 times in total, but it's OK because today will be my 19th workout of the month, and if I follow through on my plans to do more cardio later today, I'll hit 20. 

    This week:
    Today- Training session with personal trainer and then 50 minutes of cardio later.
    Tomorrow - Arms and cardio
    Wednesday - Legs and cardio
    No idea if I'll be able to fit in a workout Thursday, and I definitely won't be working out Friday. :) Might fit one in on Saturday though, we shall see. I may not care at all after Friday!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Last week:
    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Crossfit
    Wednesday - 2 mile run
    Thursday - Crossfit
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 7 mile run
    Sunday - rest (recover from Saturday's drinkfest)

    This week:
    Monday - Crossfit
    Tuesday - 2-3 mile run
    Wednesday - Crossfit
    Thursday- rest
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 10 mile run
    Sunday - rest or CF if I'm up for it

    I'm not going to make it to 22 workouts this month (it looks like I'll have 19) but I like where I'm at with my training, so no frowny faces here!
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

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