I really need to de-Mom my handbag this morning. In addition to the usual stuff, I think I'm carrying two toy cars, a Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood coloring book, two handfuls of crayons, and assorted cake-sized Frozen Fever paper plates with matching cocktail napkins.
That said, we all survived the weekend. For anyone who is on FB, DH and I both really thought Wooz took first in freestyle, but when the final league championship awards were handed out, she had a 1st place medal for backstroke, second place for freestyle, her relay team nabbed a third place medal, and she had a 7th place ribbon for butterfly. So that kid managed to place in every single event she swam in the league championships. So proud.
And now Y swim league is done 'til next May, and her tryout for Junior Swim League is in a few weeks.
Made it through the party yesterday. We had someone so bold as to RSVP at 8:something yesterday morning for a 1:00 party. BUT we had space and extra favors, so we said why not. DH and I were kind of meh on the place (Wooz had her 5th birthday there, too), but she loved it, so I guess that's the important thing.
Wooz is at camp at DS's preschool this week, and it is awesome. No prep work (except for their field trip Thursday), just slather some sunscreen on and she's out the door.
Wooz's birthday is tomorrow, my mom's PET scan is Thursday, follow-up with the surgeon Friday. Oncologist most likely next week, to be scheduled after her appointment with the surgeon.