Wedding Woes

Bring Me All The Coffee in the Land...

Went to the Bills game yesterday and had an AMAZING day. They won, the weather was hot (too hot and I’m sunburned) but it was a really great day! 

Saturday I had drinks with a friend who had her son about 6 weeks ago so this is the first time we’ve gotten to hang out since he arrived. We had a great time catching up even if we stayed out late! 

How was everyones weekend??

Re: Bring Me All The Coffee in the Land...

  • Weekend was BUSY! 

    Saturday Chiquita started at 9 w/ altar server training, and soccer photos in the morning and in the afternoon she had a soccer game, a birthday party and we met MIL at the marina for pizza and beer for dinner.   We left at 8:30 and were BEAT. 

    Sunday Chiquita served on the altar at 9 AM and then we went out fishing on the boat in the afternoon.    Chiquito channeled his inner Joey Lawrence and every time a wave was more than a foot (easy to do when you're fishing) he just let out a "WHOOAAA!" and got scared.  Kiddo needs more boat time to get acclimated. 

    I'm spraying myself like crazy for mosquitoes and I'm both loving this long summer but will welcome the first frost when it happens so we can feel better about the bugs being dead, soccer practice resuming and a bit less fear.   Our town lost a resident last week and there's another case of EEE here too.   The mosquitoes LOVE me and I'm paranoid.    
  • K was still unexpectedly off work.  We went to see Turkey (nickname) in the hospital and it was hysterical.  Apparently, Turkey LOOOOOOOOVES Sophia?  And was told, "You can't watch any more Sophia until K and Varuna leave."  So, Turkey told us to put back up the crib guards and leave and then turned to Dad and said, "Sophia?"  

    We did errands on Saturday and then watched Men in Black: International.  I laughed all the way through it; I enjoyed it more than the reviews led me to believe I would.  Basically cooked and cleaned all weekend and just relaxed, nothing too special.
  • Pretty good weekend here. I am sitting for an extra puppy, so it's a little crazy, but fun. Saturday went to the park and then we went to the soccer game. It was a good win. Then we went to my friends' backyard for a fire and to let the pups run.

    Yesterday DH's family came over. I really would have preferred not to do it while pet sitting, but they don't care what I prefer. So I went grocery shopping for the majority of the time they were here and let DH deal with it. MIL got all bent out of shape because the puppies kept jumping on my niece (2 y/o) and made her cry. I told MIL it wasn't a good time for them to come, so I don't even feel a little bad about it. (I am teaching my dog not to jump on people, but it takes time and she's not on her best behavior when she's out of her routine.) 
  • Charlotte- My Sunday was similar.  Went to the Eagles game, it was hot, got sunburnt, they lost and I'm BEAT!

    Banana - That is so scary!  Keep applying!  We had a localish case too, but the next county over.

    Our weekend was productive!  Friday I got on my 2nd coat of paint in the half bath and bought the last of our tailgating food for Sunday.  Saturday H wanted to mow the front lawn, so DD came outside with me, so I could rake up some of the excess debris leftover from the siding guys.  We only have the dumpster until tomorrow, so we are trying to take advantage!  After that, H used the chainsaw to cut into our dying tree stumps to help them along.  One is almost gone!  After that, I got showered and went to buy DD her fall/winter wardrobe from Once Upon a Child.  They had no sales, but it was packed!  So crazy in there!  I packed up DD to take her to my sister, when she finished working.  They went down the shore for the night, DD was so excited to be going!  H and I stopped for a kid free dinner out on the way home.  Then when we got home, I was able to get the third and final coat of paint up in the half bath.  Hoping to install the vanity one day this week.  Tonight, I want to finish the touch ups with the white paint.

    Sunday we were up early and had breakfast, packed up our tailgating needs and left.  I was able to find a pretty good spot, even though the lots were filing up quick.  My friend said they would be there around 10 AM, but at 10 AM she said they were just leaving and still needed to drop her kids off at her mom's house.  They would be an hour and a half!  Had I known I would have packed more than two tiny gatorade's for H and I!  So H and I just hung out and snacked off an on, hiding in the shade that our SUV provided.  I was kicking myself that I forgot my pop up tent!

    We got into the stadium in time for kick off and found our seats at the very top of the stadium!  We were literally the last row!  But it was great because we had an amazing breeze up there and stayed in the shade all game.  The game had its ups and downs, but in the end we lost.  Boo.  In the end it was a fun game with friends!
  • @charlotte989875 did you get to see the little squish? Or was it just a girls night? Yay to new mama getting out :) 

    @banana468 Jeez your Saturday has me tired just reading it!

    @VarunaTT How old is Turkey? Apparently Sophia is popular in the preschool range lol

    So I'm kind of in the "hunt for a 2nd vehicle" mode - even though my G2 test isn't for almost 2 weeks and we're prob not getting another vehicle for at least a year. There is just so much to account for - insurance, gas, car price, etc - that I just wanna know where my finances need to be. I know I need to make more money, but how much? I think $200 per pay would be sufficient.

    Did I mention I have a meeting with my boss Oct 1st? I'm hoping to take a course that could bump my pay.

    Saturday my mum came over. M and I were able to bring a shelf from the car in and I finished vacuuming while my mum took BabyKitten to the park.
    It was hard day to keep BabyKitten inside, and even though we had a/c on, were inside awhile and put sunscreen on her - she did overheat a bit. We're not sure how, but gave her a little motrin and a washcloth and it helped her perk up. We basically had her drink water like crazy too.

    Sunday was a lazy day mostly.
    Today was late drop off, so M was home with her this morning. We let her sleep in because daycare naps are so different than what she's willing to do at home. Apparently when she got up, she was pointing at my seat and saying "mama, mama!" Beeb! <3
  • The past few says have been a cluster. This is about to be a TL; DR with some loss/pregnancy loss triggers. 

    Friday was a rough day at work. 99.9% of the time I am so good at compartmentalizing. Like maybe I’m even too good at it. But we had a patient pass away and for some reason it hit me so hard. We have patients die all the time. It’s the ICU. But this one just caught me and I ended up crying in the driveway after my shift for almost an hour and half. Then I texted my mom thinking about my brother, and she told me he’d been arrested again. This is also the week that is the year anniversary of my bff’s stillbirth, and that was awful and my heart is hurting. I booked a spontaneous trip to see her yesterday that will cover the exact date. I didn’t tell her why and I’m not going to pry, but I think it will be good for her to have me there. She doesn’t have a lot of friends where she lives (she moved across the country when she got engaged), and her husband’s family isn’t very supportive. I think we both could use each other’s company right now. My soul is just feeling heavy. 

    End of loss triggers. 

    To complete the cluster that was this weekend, I caught FBIL (FI’s brother, not his sister’s FI) cheating on his wife on Sunday via Facebook. We had a family get together yesterday and it was really awkward to pretend like everything was okay. And I know I need to meet with FSIL and talk to her so I’m not a hypocrite about the similar situation that happened a few months ago. It was just a shitty cherry on top of a shit weekend. I need a margarita. 

  • Damn @levioosa that’s a lot. All the good feelings heading your way. 

    I remember my Mom (she is a retired L&D nurse) saying that sometimes some patients just stick with you. You do a lot (A LOT) of good and the losses must be terrible.

  • @levioosa As a nurse, it's definitely not an easy job <3 but everything else probably doesn't help.
    That's amazing of you to plan a trip, it'll make you both feel better I'm sure
  • Friday, DH and FIL didn't get home until after 11pm.  We went to bed after 1am.  

    Saturday, we were up early and ready to get on the water.  FIL overslept, so we got a later start than intended.  We had a great day on the water. The boat is in excellent mechanical shape.  It's got some cosmetic stuff we need to do, but it's definitely going to be FIL's retirement project.  ;)  But it's peppy as all get out and DefConn was so happy that it goes 'really fast'.  

    Sunday, we slept in a bit, made breakfast.  I got a pedi and picked up a few things from the store.  The rest of the day was relaxing and watching football.  I watched the Emmy's and was SO excited to see Fleabag and Ozarks get some love.  Also, Billy Porter's win and then speech were just lovely.  There were actually some really great speeches overall...short, to the point, but impactful.  
  • Levioosa - As Banana said, you are being a good nurse, friend and person.  That is a lot to take in, in such a short period of time.  The trip to your friend will be very welcomed, I am sure!  Hugs to you and take care of you too.
  • Been getting ready to leave tomorrow to head south. First going to see my 96 year old FIL then on to my high school reunion. In addition to that, I've been setting up a volunteer list for friends to help out another friend who had back surgery today. Meal Train is done and now waiting for approval from her husband for the sign up to keep her company during the day. She will have very limited mobility for 8-12 weeks and can't be left alone for several weeks. I took food over yesterday so that they have food when she comes home. 

    Hope everything goes well for your DS @ei34. Hang in there @levioosa, you are being such a wonderful caregiver and friend. 
  • What a weekend @levioosa.  Hoping this week will be better for you!
    @mrsconn23, awesome that you got such a good deal on a good boat!  I love to be out on the water too.  Just not under the sun if that makes sense
    @MissKittyDanger, GL with that meeting

  • @charlotte989875 did you get to see the little squish? Or was it just a girls night? Yay to new mama getting out :) 

    @banana468 Jeez your Saturday has me tired just reading it!

    @VarunaTT How old is Turkey? Apparently Sophia is popular in the preschool range lol

    So I'm kind of in the "hunt for a 2nd vehicle" mode - even though my G2 test isn't for almost 2 weeks and we're prob not getting another vehicle for at least a year. There is just so much to account for - insurance, gas, car price, etc - that I just wanna know where my finances need to be. I know I need to make more money, but how much? I think $200 per pay would be sufficient.

    Did I mention I have a meeting with my boss Oct 1st? I'm hoping to take a course that could bump my pay.

    Saturday my mum came over. M and I were able to bring a shelf from the car in and I finished vacuuming while my mum took BabyKitten to the park.
    It was hard day to keep BabyKitten inside, and even though we had a/c on, were inside awhile and put sunscreen on her - she did overheat a bit. We're not sure how, but gave her a little motrin and a washcloth and it helped her perk up. We basically had her drink water like crazy too.

    Sunday was a lazy day mostly.
    Today was late drop off, so M was home with her this morning. We let her sleep in because daycare naps are so different than what she's willing to do at home. Apparently when she got up, she was pointing at my seat and saying "mama, mama!" Beeb! <3
    It was a ladies night and exactly what we both needed!!
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