Wedding Woes

You may need to find another line of work?

Dear Prudence,

I work for the state government in the department that involves public assistance. I used to be a true-blue liberal. I supported programs that help people. But I’m seeing a lot of clients who abuse the system or purposely make bad choices. I read evaluations from clients who aren’t really disabled or hear from clients that they don’t want to stop abusing substances. I don’t want to sound like a right-wing blowhard, but I’m afraid I’m turning into one. How can I keep my liberal card in the face of what I see every day?

—Turning Into a Public Benefits Skeptic

Re: You may need to find another line of work?

  • I don't know that being bothered by people lying or abusing the system is a liberal/conservative thing. And while I won't deny their are people who lie and cheat the system, there are more people who actually need the help your department provides...and they can come from all walks of life and all sorts of problems. Just because someone can't get off drugs yet doesn't mean they should be automatically abandoned.

    You need to decide if you can put up with the alleged liars and cheats in order to continue helping those who really need it, or you can find another line of work. That's it, really.
  • I can really relate to the LW.  I used to be very gung-ho about social programs.  Everyone who needs a helping hand should get one.  Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, because most people are good people.

    Warning, I'm getting on my soapbox, lol.

    And then I started owning rental properties.  I am a whole lot more jaded now.  I still think most people are good people.  But the percentage of sh***y ones is much higher than I'd previously thought.  And a much higher percentage of blatant irresponsibility than I'd imagined also.

    I've had two tenants who were on Section 8 (gov't. housing assistance).  Both of them abused it.  I see abuses of the program with applications I receive.  We have a former friend who was on S8 and abused it.  I had another former friend who collects disability, but was perfectly capable of working.  She even admitted it.

    Anecdotal?  Yes.  Exceptions?  Possibly.  But when it starts being over 90% of the people whose personal stories/histories that you know a good bit about, it starts to make your heart heavy at how screwed up the system is.

    People SHOULD get a helping hand, when they need one.  But that's the problem, at least with S8.  It's not designed to be a "helping hand".  It's designed to be a "way of life".  And the result?  There are years long waiting lists in most of the country to get on S8.  We are supporting entire families of able-bodied people for years (not referring to truly disabled people).  While so many others who might legit only need some semi-temporary help, ie 6 mos.-2 years, can't get it.

    What I think we truly need is to help people BETTER!!!  Like the old Bible story.  Don't give people fish, so they can eat for the day.  Teach them how to fish, so they can eat for a lifetime.

    --More free/reduced cost daycare programs so single parents can support their families and get off of or reduce gov't. assistance.

    --Better and cheaper/free education for everyone.  Adults, too.  So people can get better paying jobs.  Even just financial literacy classes would be a big help to most people who struggle.

    --More resources for mental health, including depression.  Talk about an understatement, smh.

    --Better transportation systems so people without cars can get to grocery stores with cheaper and healthier food.  And/or can expand the area they are able to work in.  Okay, this one I realize is an extra difficult one because it involves infrastructure and substantial expense.  But we're also light years behind Europe on it.

    I know there aren't any good answers.  Plus doing anything on a large-scale is easier said than done and could never be perfect for everyone's situation.  But, as a society, if we don't at least try to improve.  We never will.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Before school counseling/in my 20s/through grad school I worked for a home health agency as a Social Work Assistant.  The home health piece meaning I visited patients in their homes.  A big part of my position was helping patients receive entitlements.  Sadly, just my experience, the ratio of people who abused the system vs. those who truly had a need was around 75/25.  The irony of the term entitlements was that the former group was often very entitled.  "Can I get more off my rent?" "Is the Obama phone program ever gonna give out iPhones?" "Why my neighbor get social security and I only get SSI?" etc.  But, the 25% of patients who were in true need are definitely enough IMO to keep programs like SCRIE, SNAP etc around.  There were heartbreaking cases.

    Agree  with PP that it's not a liberal/conservative issue.  I think that some programs could use an overhaul and still consider myself liberal...I'm thankful the programs exist.
  • ei34 said:
    Before school counseling/in my 20s/through grad school I worked for a home health agency as a Social Work Assistant.  The home health piece meaning I visited patients in their homes.  A big part of my position was helping patients receive entitlements.  Sadly, just my experience, the ratio of people who abused the system vs. those who truly had a need was around 75/25.  The irony of the term entitlements was that the former group was often very entitled.  "Can I get more off my rent?" "Is the Obama phone program ever gonna give out iPhones?" "Why my neighbor get social security and I only get SSI?" etc.  But, the 25% of patients who were in true need are definitely enough IMO to keep programs like SCRIE, SNAP etc around.  There were heartbreaking cases.

    Agree  with PP that it's not a liberal/conservative issue.  I think that some programs could use an overhaul and still consider myself liberal...I'm thankful the programs exist.
    The problem with overhauling the system is the 75% will exploit the 25% and say you're cutting them.  For example the cut to federal funding for Special Olympics proposal, it was <10% of their annual operating budget (and really, I love what SO does for athletes, but I've also seen how brutal they are in fundraising practices), but you would think it was going to end the entire SO organization the way the media spin was done!  Politics is about power, and neither party want to touch this issue because they know how it'll get spun! (and I don't see this as a D or R, Liberal or Conservative, liberal or conservative either, everyone recognizes there is a problem with those who legitimately NEED the help can't get it and those who are there to milk the system somehow know how to work it with precision)..  
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