Wedding Woes

Wednesday. It happened.

I need lymphatic massages for my stomach area.   The chiropractor I went before I got my surgery (for my bad back) actually does them under my insurance (just my copay).  But she couldn’t get to me till the 1st (yesterday) And I needed them
ASAP so went to a holistic massage therapist for my first two last week.  I knew I had to tip the massage therapist I used. 

When I went to my chiro/insurance person last night she had the massage room all set up nice and she had a tip jar too.  Do I tip if I’m going through insurance?  It’s considered a medical massage. Or was that tip jar for people getting massages out of pocket?

Re: Wednesday. It happened.

  • I would just ignore it. I don’t tip on medical procedures, and I would never be putting a tip in a jar at a normal massage either! I’d leave it when I paid. 
  • Thanks for the confirm!  My thoughts exactly.  And even if I did throw in some money?  How would she even know I did?

  • @CharmedPam  What's a lymphatic massage?

    So I've been up since 5:30am .... BabyKitten woke up in a mood and idk. Usually she's fine for a bit and then gets upset so idk how long she was awake for at this rate. I'm wondering if her teeth are bugging her again .... so much for a break. *sigh*

    I just had a weird call. Dude was rude and I kept trying to push so I could get him someone to help him cuz clearly I wasn't the one to talk to him.
    It's for a complaint. Well yeh .... so I gave number for our head office and let my boss know what's going on in case she gets feedback.
    Idk if it's even for our office!
  • I have the day off because PINKEYE.
    I didn't have the day off, but took it yesterday, because the kid faked sick.

    That's how my week is going
  • I keep debating going to the chiropractor. I slept horribly on vacation thanks to a crappy bed and really crappy pillows for 2 nights visiting family and my neck has hurt ever since. I think I can wait it out but not sure I want to. I went to the chiro before the trip just to get things going well so I hate to have to pay again 2 weeks later. I miss the days when my neck didn't hurt all the time and then lead to headaches.
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited October 2019
    @STARMOON44, jic you didn't see my Tues. post, I wanted to mention my recent roof work experience because I remember that is something your dad is considering (if he hasn't already done it).  We put a totally new roof on one of the new duplexes.  The building is about 2200 sq. ft.  It only took 1.5 days with a 6-man crew.  Nothing special needed to happen in the interior, because it is only the attic that's opened up.  The interior ceiling is still there and that's almost always true for roof work.  In fact, my own normal crew of reno guys were inside installing the kitchen cabinets, while the roof work was going on.

    Edited to add: @kvruns, maybe a heating pad would give some temporary relief until either your next chiro visit or your body recovers naturally?  I sometimes get soreness in my neck/shoulders and that is what helps me.  Though my issues sound a lot more minor than yours and they only happen occasionally.  I'm not at a point where I need to see a chiro yet and the heating pad trick usually solves the problem.  For work, I'll use the those temporary heating pads that you "peel and stick".

    Another busy day at work.  Still training the person who will be helping me during hectic times.  Like this afternoon, lol.  I think I can now let her fly on her own.  A little bit, lol.  There is an extra desk in my office that they set up for her, so at least that makes it easier for her to ask me questions, if she needs to.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • It’s raining. And hot. And even though I got a ton of sleep last night I’m still tired. I can’t seem to shake this exhaustion. 

    Not much going on really. Working on the floors, which is slow but at least we’re finally replacing some boards. Once we’re done with that and fill the holes we can start sanding and staining. I still need to pick a stain. The boards were using to replace are pine (we think the originals are either pine or hemlock, maybe poplar). Any suggestions?
  • I am back home and tbh a little relieved. I love my bff but a week straight of toddler tantrums was a lot. I’m ready to see FI and the kitties. Somehow it is cooler in LA than it was in PA, go figure. But overall it was a nice trip and it was great to catch up and drink all of the tea. I did really enjoy the Pittsburgh Natural History Museum, and the restaurant that I discovered during my last trip was still alive and still absolutely delicious. We were able to eat there twice and when we left the second time there was a 2.5 hour line wrapped out the door and around the building just to place an order and be seated. I tried their roasted carrots with smoked honey and goat cheese and I am for sure going to try to recreate that at home. 

    Spirit airlines is the absolute worst though. Last night they delayed my flight four times before switching it to its original departure time this morning. My personality can not handle that many changes at once. 

    Sucks about the pinkeye @GBCK. I’m pretty sure bff’s toddler gave me a stye because three days after being around a constantly naked potty training toddler who puts his butt on everything I got my first stye since I had dirty restaurant dish water splash me in the face ten years ago. I was able to knock it out with warm compresses but it was still annoying. 

  • It’s raining. And hot. And even though I got a ton of sleep last night I’m still tired. I can’t seem to shake this exhaustion. 

    Not much going on really. Working on the floors, which is slow but at least we’re finally replacing some boards. Once we’re done with that and fill the holes we can start sanding and staining. I still need to pick a stain. The boards were using to replace are pine (we think the originals are either pine or hemlock, maybe poplar). Any suggestions?
    Are these replacement boards to match existing flooring or is it all new flooring (I forgot!).  If it's replacement boards, I'd pick 2-3 stains that seem about the correct color and then paint some of the same wood with each one.  Then put those pieces down on the floor to compare.  For something big, like a floor, you'll want a good-sized sample of each.

    If you're replacing the whole floor, choose the stain color you like best!  Pine is nice because it is a light colored wood, so it will take on whatever stain you put on it.  Though I would generally recommend staying somewhere in the light to light-medium spectrum.  Darker colored floors can make a room look smaller and less open.

    I'd also still recommend sampling the stain(s) colors you're interested in.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • It’s raining. And hot. And even though I got a ton of sleep last night I’m still tired. I can’t seem to shake this exhaustion. 

    Not much going on really. Working on the floors, which is slow but at least we’re finally replacing some boards. Once we’re done with that and fill the holes we can start sanding and staining. I still need to pick a stain. The boards were using to replace are pine (we think the originals are either pine or hemlock, maybe poplar). Any suggestions?
    Are these replacement boards to match existing flooring or is it all new flooring (I forgot!).  If it's replacement boards, I'd pick 2-3 stains that seem about the correct color and then paint some of the same wood with each one.  Then put those pieces down on the floor to compare.  For something big, like a floor, you'll want a good-sized sample of each.

    If you're replacing the whole floor, choose the stain color you like best!  Pine is nice because it is a light colored wood, so it will take on whatever stain you put on it.  Though I would generally recommend staying somewhere in the light to light-medium spectrum.  Darker colored floors can make a room look smaller and less open.

    I'd also still recommend sampling the stain(s) colors you're interested in.  
    These are replacement boards to match the existing flooring. We’re only replacing the boards that need to come, so it will be a mix of the originals and the replacements. The replacements are also old (like mid 1800s) so they’re all roughly the same era, although the replacements had paint of them that is getting sanded off before we finish laying them down. 

    Thanks for the tip about testing them out! For the stain you we don’t choose we would just sand that area again before we stain the entire thing? 

    Heres the work in progress...

  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2019
    I just submitted my finished project that I proposed earlier this year before shit went sideways at work and we got much busier than anticipated.  I'm hoping my boss likes it.  :)  

    I signed up for a causebox subscription just to check it out.  I received this felt letterboard where you can put sayings and whatnot on it and it's created a monster.  I've done 3 boards in the last 24 hours.  :D I'll post a pic of a couple of them.    (for anyone who's interested, it's OK.  I've got some quality stuff in both the boxes I've received, but I think I may give Fab Fit Fun a shot since you seem to get more stuff.  Causebox is all about ethically sourced stuff and items with a cause. I've used almost everything I've received except for this vegan leather portfolio that is a ) white, which is not my color and b ) just not something I'd use since I don't go to an office/have a briefcase.) 

    Last night was our scout parent planning meeting.  It ran so long.  We took DefConn to FIL's (which he fed him dinner).  DH and I didn't eat until almost 10pm.  We're going to suggest we back it up by a half hour or so if possible.  

    I could so go for a massage.  Definitely no tip if it's covered by insurance. 
  • @STARMOON44, jic you didn't see my Tues. post, I wanted to mention my recent roof work experience because I remember that is something your dad is considering (if he hasn't already done it).  We put a totally new roof on one of the new duplexes.  The building is about 2200 sq. ft.  It only took 1.5 days with a 6-man crew.  Nothing special needed to happen in the interior, because it is only the attic that's opened up.  The interior ceiling is still there and that's almost always true for roof work.  In fact, my own normal crew of reno guys were inside installing the kitchen cabinets, while the roof work was going on.

    Edited to add: @kvruns, maybe a heating pad would give some temporary relief until either your next chiro visit or your body recovers naturally?  I sometimes get soreness in my neck/shoulders and that is what helps me.  Though my issues sound a lot more minor than yours and they only happen occasionally.  I'm not at a point where I need to see a chiro yet and the heating pad trick usually solves the problem.  For work, I'll use the those temporary heating pads that you "peel and stick".

    Another busy day at work.  Still training the person who will be helping me during hectic times.  Like this afternoon, lol.  I think I can now let her fly on her own.  A little bit, lol.  There is an extra desk in my office that they set up for her, so at least that makes it easier for her to ask me questions, if she needs to.  
    Oh my goodness so thoughtful of you to remember! He is still planning on doing it and I’m so glad to hear that it is a smooth and not disruptive project. 
  • kvruns - My chiro recommends cold first!  Can you buy some Biofreeze?  I had some random spasms in my back this morning, thankfully in an area I can easily reach, put that on and have been fine since.  I actually bought the Biofreeze for H, but have used it more on myself!  

    Just got back to my desk and had some cake for the retirement party the firm is having for a co-worker.  She's been here 43 years!  She is a funny lady and I will miss her, though I haven't worked in her department for 13 years!

    It is yoga day!  And our never ending half bath project is getting so close!  H installed the vanity and sink Monday and Tuesday.  Today he is installing the tile backsplash (which consists of one large floor tile).  So by the weekend, we will finally have a working sink again!  Then I will hang up the decor I made and the mirror and we will be all done!
  • Ugh sorry about the neck/back pain @kvruns.. that happens to me too, I hate it
    It's hot but tomorrow the high won't get out of the 50s, so looking forward to that.  The kids are begging to paint pumpkins so i think im about to go help them with that.  
  • It’s raining. And hot. And even though I got a ton of sleep last night I’m still tired. I can’t seem to shake this exhaustion. 

    Not much going on really. Working on the floors, which is slow but at least we’re finally replacing some boards. Once we’re done with that and fill the holes we can start sanding and staining. I still need to pick a stain. The boards were using to replace are pine (we think the originals are either pine or hemlock, maybe poplar). Any suggestions?
    Are these replacement boards to match existing flooring or is it all new flooring (I forgot!).  If it's replacement boards, I'd pick 2-3 stains that seem about the correct color and then paint some of the same wood with each one.  Then put those pieces down on the floor to compare.  For something big, like a floor, you'll want a good-sized sample of each.

    If you're replacing the whole floor, choose the stain color you like best!  Pine is nice because it is a light colored wood, so it will take on whatever stain you put on it.  Though I would generally recommend staying somewhere in the light to light-medium spectrum.  Darker colored floors can make a room look smaller and less open.

    I'd also still recommend sampling the stain(s) colors you're interested in.  
    These are replacement boards to match the existing flooring. We’re only replacing the boards that need to come, so it will be a mix of the originals and the replacements. The replacements are also old (like mid 1800s) so they’re all roughly the same era, although the replacements had paint of them that is getting sanded off before we finish laying them down. 

    Thanks for the tip about testing them out! For the stain you we don’t choose we would just sand that area again before we stain the entire thing? 

    Heres the work in progress...

    We usually use extra pieces of wood and stain those as samples, as opposed to the actual area we are putting stain (or paint, etc.).  To get an idea of what the color and finished product will look like.

    But, yes, you could also stain the boards being used and sand the stain away since you'll be sanding them anyway.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • ei34 said:
    Ugh sorry about the neck/back pain @kvruns.. that happens to me too, I hate it
    It's hot but tomorrow the high won't get out of the 50s, so looking forward to that.  The kids are begging to paint pumpkins so i think im about to go help them with that.  
    I kind of hate you right now. If my outlook calendar is correct, it's going to be 98 here tomorrow. I just can't anymore. 

    We both had to go into the office this morning, so puppy had to be crated. Unfortunately, she had an accident in her crate and kicked it all over the wall. So I came home on lunch and got to spend an hour cleaning up a literal shit show. 

    We found a new dog friendly place nearby that does half price wine on Wednesdays. We really should stay home and cook, but wine down Wednesday with the puppers sounds like such a better way to end this day. 
    Fair enough.  I could never live in the area is already warmer than I'd prefer!
  • kvruns - My chiro recommends cold first!  Can you buy some Biofreeze?  I had some random spasms in my back this morning, thankfully in an area I can easily reach, put that on and have been fine since.  I actually bought the Biofreeze for H, but have used it more on myself!  

    Just got back to my desk and had some cake for the retirement party the firm is having for a co-worker.  She's been here 43 years!  She is a funny lady and I will miss her, though I haven't worked in her department for 13 years!

    It is yoga day!  And our never ending half bath project is getting so close!  H installed the vanity and sink Monday and Tuesday.  Today he is installing the tile backsplash (which consists of one large floor tile).  So by the weekend, we will finally have a working sink again!  Then I will hang up the decor I made and the mirror and we will be all done!
    I used to drown myself in BioFreeze.  However, a product I found almost as effective with none of the scent and half the cost is Pro Cure!  It's literally epsom salts in a gel.  I have used it when I throw out my lower back but love it for my leg and foot night spasms/cramps/contractions.

  • BioFreeze is good I agree - I'm going to look at that link MobKaz as bio freeze is expensive. I had been using some normal icy hot but it doesn't do much.  

    OOM mine recommends ice too although I always forget. I did go ahead and go yesterday, it took him a few tries on my neck which never happens and he couldn't get my upper back either - probably from holding B at Disney forever. I'm not 100% but it is better
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