Wedding Woes

I'm over the funeral photo shoots.

Dear Prudence,

I’m coming up blank for a script I need to deal with the family I married into. They like to take family photos at funerals. I most definitely do not. I consider it out of place, and the fact that I look hideous in black and get swollen and blotchy after crying doesn’t help. Whenever they’ve started telling me to get up and smile with various cousins, I always have demurred and stay sitting. This has not gone over well. At the last funeral, the designated family photographer tried more than once to snap me, and I told him no directly. So he started taking candids. I told him to delete them immediately and that he did not have my permission to take or publish my photos. A cousin who thinks she’s the family’s head genealogist overheard and came over to tell him to ignore me and keep the photos anyway.

As far as I’m concerned, that was the final straw. I haven’t been to any family functions since. If necessary, both my husband and I are prepared to shut them out of our lives. Since I’ve been told by more than one of his relatives that I’m not “real family,” it’s no great loss. But is there a way I could have gotten my point across more diplomatically? The fact that my wishes got railroaded so thoroughly leaves me at a loss. What’s worse, I have a stalker whose interest gets piqued by any pictures he finds of me on the internet. Considering that my in-laws don’t seem especially interested in my boundaries, I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information with them. Do you have any advice?

—No Photos, Please


Re: I'm over the funeral photo shoots.

  • There are two different issues here 1) having the pictures taken, and 2) having them posted/tagged on the internet. I think LW can ask not to be included, but I think she’s making a bigger deal than this needs to be. A lot of people aren’t jazzed to have their photo taken, but they do because it’s family, it’s a way to keep the peace, and to remember people. I think she needs to let up just a bit here; agree to be in one or two photos or excuse yourself when they’re being taken. But demanding the photographer delete photos is a bit much. 

    Now having them posted on the internet? Definitely put your foot down here if you think it’s a problem for your safety. 
  • I don't know - I'm still getting over the being asked to smile when you are at a funeral.  I get that these are the times when the family are all together, but maybe they should start doing family reunions and getting photos then.

  • 3 things

    1 - photos at a funeral.
    Personally I also find this not a good time, especially when asked to smile when you're upset. LW's ILs clearly think otherwise, but LW needs to phrase it better.
    "I'm not comfortable with photos at these moments. Please respect my wishes"

    2 - online stalker
    PRIVATIZE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA!! I cannot stress that enough. There are ways to shut down facebook so you can't see anything except the ABSOLUTE basics.
    If need be, shut OFF some social media accounts. I have a lot, but I know if I got a stalker I would be shutting a lot down to avoid them in my life.

    3 - rude family
    The fact they are ok with saying LW is not "real family" just irks me. Like excuse me?
    If they refuse to respect the wishes stated about photos in certain moments, and they railroad other decisions - I would be apt to just not be around anymore.
    LW sounds like she's ready to drop them and the fact her H has no issue either, makes me wonder about other things they've done LW didn't mention.
  • 3 things

    1 - photos at a funeral.
    Personally I also find this not a good time, especially when asked to smile when you're upset. LW's ILs clearly think otherwise, but LW needs to phrase it better.
    "I'm not comfortable with photos at these moments. Please respect my wishes"

    2 - online stalker
    PRIVATIZE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA!! I cannot stress that enough. There are ways to shut down facebook so you can't see anything except the ABSOLUTE basics.
    If need be, shut OFF some social media accounts. I have a lot, but I know if I got a stalker I would be shutting a lot down to avoid them in my life.

    3 - rude family
    The fact they are ok with saying LW is not "real family" just irks me. Like excuse me?
    If they refuse to respect the wishes stated about photos in certain moments, and they railroad other decisions - I would be apt to just not be around anymore.
    LW sounds like she's ready to drop them and the fact her H has no issue either, makes me wonder about other things they've done LW didn't mention.
    Totally agree about that!

  • kerbohl said:
    I don't know - I'm still getting over the being asked to smile when you are at a funeral.  I get that these are the times when the family are all together, but maybe they should start doing family reunions and getting photos then.
    Definitely a good idea.
  • kerbohl said:
    I don't know - I'm still getting over the being asked to smile when you are at a funeral.  I get that these are the times when the family are all together, but maybe they should start doing family reunions and getting photos then.
    Definitely a good idea.
    I think that is a great idea too.   The family should get together for happy occasions.   However should they take zero photos at a funeral?    IMO some of that also can vary depending on the person and some circumstances. 
  • I come from a family of pro photographers, and we take pictures at everything. While we didn't take pictures during my Gma's funeral, we did take pictures at the luncheon afterwards. And I get it. Even though it was a sad day, we'll look back fondly that we were all together for it. I looked horrible as well, as I spent most of morning crying. 

    But his family should respect that she doesn't want to be photographed. It wouldn't be hard to not include her in the shots. 
  • mrsconn23 said:

    Dear Prudence,

    I’m coming up blank for a script I need to deal with the family I married into. They like to take family photos at funerals. I most definitely do not. I consider it out of place, and the fact that I look hideous in black and get swollen and blotchy after crying doesn’t help. Whenever they’ve started telling me to get up and smile with various cousins, I always have demurred and stay sitting. This has not gone over well. At the last funeral, the designated family photographer tried more than once to snap me, and I told him no directly. So he started taking candids. I told him to delete them immediately and that he did not have my permission to take or publish my photos. A cousin who thinks she’s the family’s head genealogist overheard and came over to tell him to ignore me and keep the photos anyway.

    As far as I’m concerned, that was the final straw. I haven’t been to any family functions since. If necessary, both my husband and I are prepared to shut them out of our lives. Since I’ve been told by more than one of his relatives that I’m not “real family,” it’s no great loss. But is there a way I could have gotten my point across more diplomatically? The fact that my wishes got railroaded so thoroughly leaves me at a loss. What’s worse, I have a stalker whose interest gets piqued by any pictures he finds of me on the internet. Considering that my in-laws don’t seem especially interested in my boundaries, I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information with them. Do you have any advice?

    —No Photos, Please

    I know we have to take these things with a grain of salt, but if LW has already tried to be kind about their "no,", I'm 100% fine with being a bitch about my no, b/c I'm a goddamn adult and no is no, whether you like it or not or I'm wrong or not.  Obviously diplomacy didn't work.

    The fact that any family member thinks it's okay to ignore someone's wishes about being photographed and then adds insult to injury with the "not real family" is just horrible.  LW didn't even have to add about the stalker, TBH and I completely understand why LW doesn't want to share that tidbit with the family.  As long as LW's spouse is okay with letting the family go, boi bye.
  • I hate hate hate HATE MOTHER FUCKING HATE having my picture taken.  I hate having it posted on social media even more.  In my experience I have had to get downright rude and aggressive and people who won't stop taking my picture and posting it. People get really snippy and entitled when you politely ask them to stop taking your picture. 

  • banana468 said:
    I think that is a great idea too.   The family should get together for happy occasions.   However should they take zero photos at a funeral?    IMO some of that also can vary depending on the person and some circumstances. 
    The circumstances I would personally think of is a relative you have not seen in years and if they are ok with it. {and not inside}
  • VarunaTT said:
    mrsconn23 said:

    Dear Prudence,

    I’m coming up blank for a script I need to deal with the family I married into. They like to take family photos at funerals. I most definitely do not. I consider it out of place, and the fact that I look hideous in black and get swollen and blotchy after crying doesn’t help. Whenever they’ve started telling me to get up and smile with various cousins, I always have demurred and stay sitting. This has not gone over well. At the last funeral, the designated family photographer tried more than once to snap me, and I told him no directly. So he started taking candids. I told him to delete them immediately and that he did not have my permission to take or publish my photos. A cousin who thinks she’s the family’s head genealogist overheard and came over to tell him to ignore me and keep the photos anyway.

    As far as I’m concerned, that was the final straw. I haven’t been to any family functions since. If necessary, both my husband and I are prepared to shut them out of our lives. Since I’ve been told by more than one of his relatives that I’m not “real family,” it’s no great loss. But is there a way I could have gotten my point across more diplomatically? The fact that my wishes got railroaded so thoroughly leaves me at a loss. What’s worse, I have a stalker whose interest gets piqued by any pictures he finds of me on the internet. Considering that my in-laws don’t seem especially interested in my boundaries, I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information with them. Do you have any advice?

    —No Photos, Please

    I know we have to take these things with a grain of salt, but if LW has already tried to be kind about their "no,", I'm 100% fine with being a bitch about my no, b/c I'm a goddamn adult and no is no, whether you like it or not or I'm wrong or not.  Obviously diplomacy didn't work.

    The fact that any family member thinks it's okay to ignore someone's wishes about being photographed and then adds insult to injury with the "not real family" is just horrible.  LW didn't even have to add about the stalker, TBH and I completely understand why LW doesn't want to share that tidbit with the family.  As long as LW's spouse is okay with letting the family go, boi bye.
    This is where I’m at. And telling LW they aren’t “real family.” They can fuck right off. My snarky ass would probably say “if I’m not real family, then why do you need a picture of me?”

  • banana468 said:
    I think that is a great idea too.   The family should get together for happy occasions.   However should they take zero photos at a funeral?    IMO some of that also can vary depending on the person and some circumstances. 
    The circumstances I would personally think of is a relative you have not seen in years and if they are ok with it. {and not inside}
    I'm really thinking more in context of the event.

    When my cousin took his life photos there were no photos.   We were devastated and in shock.   We didn't take photos and instead we just talked.

    At other events such as the loss of a grandmother or parent, the photos can be showing the family left behind.

    Also, I am interpreting "photos at the funeral" to mean photos taken at the reception that follows the ceremony and burial.
  • This hits a nerve with me. MIL often says, "We're taking a family picture at X event at my house," which people generally don't want to do or dress up for, but it's mostly a known condition of being invited to this party (even if it is family Christmas). So, fine.

    When BIL/SIL and kids, and DH/DD and I went on vacation with MIL/FIL in August, she had invited everyone to have dinner at their condo (which was also our condo) one of the nights. About 45 minutes before, when we're all on the beach, she texts, "By the way, family picture at 6:30." Being fairly pregnant, and not wanting to change our plans in order to leave the beach immediately to go upstairs, shower, make myself photo-ready - I complained to DH that I'd really rather not do this picture, and he said he'd tell her we weren't planning on taking any picture. We both knew that this was something she really cared about and would probably not go over well, but were sick of the expectation.

    When we got up there, she hands us matching shirts she'd had made and told us to put them on. DH says we're not planning on a picture and she flips, and tells him, "Yes you are." That was her crucial tactical error, since a) this was not a known condition of the invite to dinner, and b) DH was now up in arms that she doesn't actually get to tell her adult kids what to do and wear. She ended up saying that we could cook our own damn dinner, and DH was fully prepared to order us some pizza.

    It's one thing to invite people to participate in a picture, but if they say "No thanks, I'm not comfortable being photographed now" - leave it the F alone. Add in the "not real family" bit, and LW can go about this however she likes.
  • This hits a nerve with me. MIL often says, "We're taking a family picture at X event at my house," which people generally don't want to do or dress up for, but it's mostly a known condition of being invited to this party (even if it is family Christmas). So, fine.

    When BIL/SIL and kids, and DH/DD and I went on vacation with MIL/FIL in August, she had invited everyone to have dinner at their condo (which was also our condo) one of the nights. About 45 minutes before, when we're all on the beach, she texts, "By the way, family picture at 6:30." Being fairly pregnant, and not wanting to change our plans in order to leave the beach immediately to go upstairs, shower, make myself photo-ready - I complained to DH that I'd really rather not do this picture, and he said he'd tell her we weren't planning on taking any picture. We both knew that this was something she really cared about and would probably not go over well, but were sick of the expectation.

    When we got up there, she hands us matching shirts she'd had made and told us to put them on. DH says we're not planning on a picture and she flips, and tells him, "Yes you are." That was her crucial tactical error, since a) this was not a known condition of the invite to dinner, and b) DH was now up in arms that she doesn't actually get to tell her adult kids what to do and wear. She ended up saying that we could cook our own damn dinner, and DH was fully prepared to order us some pizza.

    It's one thing to invite people to participate in a picture, but if they say "No thanks, I'm not comfortable being photographed now" - leave it the F alone. Add in the "not real family" bit, and LW can go about this however she likes.
    WOW.   Your MIL is a huge piece of work.  What ultimately came of that event?  Has MIL realized that she can't push grown adults or is this going to be one of those stories that will have a MIL version and the @flantastic reasonable version? 

    FWIW, I agree with all who say you can't force the photos.   People who don't want to be photographed shouldn't be forced into them and certainly shouldn't be told that "We're taking them whether you like them or not." 
  • 3 things

    1 - photos at a funeral.
    Personally I also find this not a good time, especially when asked to smile when you're upset. LW's ILs clearly think otherwise, but LW needs to phrase it better.
    "I'm not comfortable with photos at these moments. Please respect my wishes"

    2 - online stalker
    PRIVATIZE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA!! I cannot stress that enough. There are ways to shut down facebook so you can't see anything except the ABSOLUTE basics.
    If need be, shut OFF some social media accounts. I have a lot, but I know if I got a stalker I would be shutting a lot down to avoid them in my life.

    3 - rude family
    The fact they are ok with saying LW is not "real family" just irks me. Like excuse me?
    If they refuse to respect the wishes stated about photos in certain moments, and they railroad other decisions - I would be apt to just not be around anymore.
    LW sounds like she's ready to drop them and the fact her H has no issue either, makes me wonder about other things they've done LW didn't mention.
    To the bolded: If an aunt/uncle/cousin or whoever is posting these photos to their own page, you don't have control over it.  And if said relative does not have privacy settings on their account, your face is out there for the world to see.   Also, if LW shut down her facebook, she would not be able to see when a relative posts her picture.  Even if you aren't tagged in pictures, it could be possible for someone else to find them, even when you don't want them to find it.
  • flantasticflantastic member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited October 2019
    banana468 said:
    This hits a nerve with me. MIL often says, "We're taking a family picture at X event at my house," which people generally don't want to do or dress up for, but it's mostly a known condition of being invited to this party (even if it is family Christmas). So, fine.

    When BIL/SIL and kids, and DH/DD and I went on vacation with MIL/FIL in August, she had invited everyone to have dinner at their condo (which was also our condo) one of the nights. About 45 minutes before, when we're all on the beach, she texts, "By the way, family picture at 6:30." Being fairly pregnant, and not wanting to change our plans in order to leave the beach immediately to go upstairs, shower, make myself photo-ready - I complained to DH that I'd really rather not do this picture, and he said he'd tell her we weren't planning on taking any picture. We both knew that this was something she really cared about and would probably not go over well, but were sick of the expectation.

    When we got up there, she hands us matching shirts she'd had made and told us to put them on. DH says we're not planning on a picture and she flips, and tells him, "Yes you are." That was her crucial tactical error, since a) this was not a known condition of the invite to dinner, and b) DH was now up in arms that she doesn't actually get to tell her adult kids what to do and wear. She ended up saying that we could cook our own damn dinner, and DH was fully prepared to order us some pizza.

    It's one thing to invite people to participate in a picture, but if they say "No thanks, I'm not comfortable being photographed now" - leave it the F alone. Add in the "not real family" bit, and LW can go about this however she likes.
    WOW.   Your MIL is a huge piece of work.  What ultimately came of that event?  Has MIL realized that she can't push grown adults or is this going to be one of those stories that will have a MIL version and the @flantastic reasonable version? 

    FWIW, I agree with all who say you can't force the photos.   People who don't want to be photographed shouldn't be forced into them and certainly shouldn't be told that "We're taking them whether you like them or not." 
    Who knows. We stayed for dinner, knowing that she didn't actually want us to order pizza, but did not participate in the picture. DH offered to take the picture of everyone else.

    Since we did the blood-talks-to-blood thing the whole time, I think it'll be something where MIL doesn't actually understand why DH made such a thing of it, but may have enough of a clue to change her approach and, you know, ask instead of tell. She was crying to him the next morning about how he ruined the shirts for her, and he was basically like, "I'm sorry about that, but that still doesn't mean you can just tell us what to do, especially on our own vacation."

    ETA - She's in France right now with a group of college friends, and had the same screen-printer friend make matching shirts for that group, too. For one - is there anything that would more scream "American tourist group"? For another, I'm certain she didn't ask them ahead of time if they would want these. So I don't know how much she's willing to learn.
  • banana468 said:
    banana468 said:
    I think that is a great idea too.   The family should get together for happy occasions.   However should they take zero photos at a funeral?    IMO some of that also can vary depending on the person and some circumstances. 
    The circumstances I would personally think of is a relative you have not seen in years and if they are ok with it. {and not inside}
    I'm really thinking more in context of the event.

    When my cousin took his life photos there were no photos.   We were devastated and in shock.   We didn't take photos and instead we just talked.

    At other events such as the loss of a grandmother or parent, the photos can be showing the family left behind.

    Also, I am interpreting "photos at the funeral" to mean photos taken at the reception that follows the ceremony and burial.
    Definitely depends on the situation. I've never been at a funeral where photos were taken, and my SFIL is an avid photographer. {he took a couple photos when M's grandmother passed - only of the set up of things, and they were posted on fb the day after with a copy of the speech MIL said}
  • flantasticflantastic member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited October 2019
    Not to mention, if this pic was so planned out that she even had t-shirts made!  Then why wouldn't she clue everybody else in that on X day of the vacation, she wants everyone to meet at her condo for dinner at 6:30 and a group photo.  Instead, she gets what she gets when everyone is given less than one hour notice.
    It was meant to be a "delightful surprise." I still haven't fully decided if she's incapable of realizing that not everyone loves what she loves, or whether she does know that other people aren't as into the matching shirt concept (or giant food processors, or whatever you want to insert here) and is purposely obtuse about that.

    ETA - She's not a stupid woman, so I think it's more the latter. If everyone loved matching shirts, she wouldn't be the only one who ever made them. There are plenty of times where she's said, "Oh I thought you liked [food] - I guess I'm the only one who likes this??" and makes the same things over and over. There's also an element of being infallible - "I love this cake platter, and my tastes are impeccable." "I use an 11 cup food processor all the time, and I am unrivaled in knowledge of kitchen things."
  • banana468 said:
    This hits a nerve with me. MIL often says, "We're taking a family picture at X event at my house," which people generally don't want to do or dress up for, but it's mostly a known condition of being invited to this party (even if it is family Christmas). So, fine.

    When BIL/SIL and kids, and DH/DD and I went on vacation with MIL/FIL in August, she had invited everyone to have dinner at their condo (which was also our condo) one of the nights. About 45 minutes before, when we're all on the beach, she texts, "By the way, family picture at 6:30." Being fairly pregnant, and not wanting to change our plans in order to leave the beach immediately to go upstairs, shower, make myself photo-ready - I complained to DH that I'd really rather not do this picture, and he said he'd tell her we weren't planning on taking any picture. We both knew that this was something she really cared about and would probably not go over well, but were sick of the expectation.

    When we got up there, she hands us matching shirts she'd had made and told us to put them on. DH says we're not planning on a picture and she flips, and tells him, "Yes you are." That was her crucial tactical error, since a) this was not a known condition of the invite to dinner, and b) DH was now up in arms that she doesn't actually get to tell her adult kids what to do and wear. She ended up saying that we could cook our own damn dinner, and DH was fully prepared to order us some pizza.

    It's one thing to invite people to participate in a picture, but if they say "No thanks, I'm not comfortable being photographed now" - leave it the F alone. Add in the "not real family" bit, and LW can go about this however she likes.
    WOW.   Your MIL is a huge piece of work.  What ultimately came of that event?  Has MIL realized that she can't push grown adults or is this going to be one of those stories that will have a MIL version and the @flantastic reasonable version? 

    FWIW, I agree with all who say you can't force the photos.   People who don't want to be photographed shouldn't be forced into them and certainly shouldn't be told that "We're taking them whether you like them or not." 
    Who knows. We stayed for dinner, knowing that she didn't actually want us to order pizza, but did not participate in the picture. DH offered to take the picture of everyone else.

    Since we did the blood-talks-to-blood thing the whole time, I think it'll be something where MIL doesn't actually understand why DH made such a thing of it, but may have enough of a clue to change her approach and, you know, ask instead of tell. She was crying to him the next morning about how he ruined the shirts for her, and he was basically like, "I'm sorry about that, but that still doesn't mean you can just tell us what to do, especially on our own vacation."

    ETA - She's in France right now with a group of college friends, and had the same screen-printer friend make matching shirts for that group, too. For one - is there anything that would more scream "American tourist group"? For another, I'm certain she didn't ask them ahead of time if they would want these. So I don't know how much she's willing to learn.
    Is it the cake platter friends?  Did they get silver platters on the shirts???
    I'm pretty sure it's a different group than the cake platter friends hahahaha
  • I use an 11 cup food processor all the time, and I am unrivaled in knowledge of kitchen things."
    This is the best QOTD.
  • Not to mention, if this pic was so planned out that she even had t-shirts made!  Then why wouldn't she clue everybody else in that on X day of the vacation, she wants everyone to meet at her condo for dinner at 6:30 and a group photo.  Instead, she gets what she gets when everyone is given less than one hour notice.
    It was meant to be a "delightful surprise." I still haven't fully decided if she's incapable of realizing that not everyone loves what she loves, or whether she does know that other people aren't as into the matching shirt concept (or giant food processors, or whatever you want to insert here) and is purposely obtuse about that.

    ETA - She's not a stupid woman, so I think it's more the latter. If everyone loved matching shirts, she wouldn't be the only one who ever made them. There are plenty of times where she's said, "Oh I thought you liked [food] - I guess I'm the only one who likes this??" and makes the same things over and over. There's also an element of being infallible - "I love this cake platter, and my tastes are impeccable." "I use an 11 cup food processor all the time, and I am unrivaled in knowledge of kitchen things."
    Ah ha!  So now I'm going to throw some shade at my own mom in this same vein.  Though, thankfully, it is generally only on the topic of gifts.

    Like many people, my mom is a self-proclaimed choco-aholic.

    However, for my whole life, even as a child.  I've never been much for sweets.  And she raised me!  It's not like she doesn't know that!

    I've been living OOS from her for 20 years.  For Christmas, my mom ALWAYS ships me something from a catalog that is some kind of sugar-free dessert item.  And she KNOWS...because I've told her a gazillion times (not necessarily related to gifts)...that I rarely eat any of that stuff.  Not because sugar-free stuff tastes bad.  I'm just rarely in the mood for dessert and sweets.  I usually end up throwing at least half of it out, because I'd eat it so occasionally that it would go bad.

    She always asks for my opinion and I finally started being more blunt over the last 5ish years.  That it tasted fine, but I just rarely eat dessert.  She asks if I'd prefer more of a Hickory Farms basket next year.  I tell her yes, I'd like that a lot better.  And in my head I'm thinking, "Have you forgotten all the years you had to practically pry my little fingers from the meat/cheese trays at holiday parties, while I ignored the cookies?" Lol.  But then, next year, it's the same thing and the same conversation.

    She sends me other gifts also, so at least it's not just the desserts.  But, TBH, it's confusing for me and hurts my feelings that she still sends me stuff I've told her I don't want.  Because it's what she wants to send me.  I even think her dessert compulsion comes from a good place.  I think it's a sub-conscious "momma bear" thing where she's trying to "make-up for/make better" the fact that I have diabetes.  But, I can't help it.  It still hurts my feelings.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Not to mention, if this pic was so planned out that she even had t-shirts made!  Then why wouldn't she clue everybody else in that on X day of the vacation, she wants everyone to meet at her condo for dinner at 6:30 and a group photo.  Instead, she gets what she gets when everyone is given less than one hour notice.
    It was meant to be a "delightful surprise." I still haven't fully decided if she's incapable of realizing that not everyone loves what she loves, or whether she does know that other people aren't as into the matching shirt concept (or giant food processors, or whatever you want to insert here) and is purposely obtuse about that.

    ETA - She's not a stupid woman, so I think it's more the latter. If everyone loved matching shirts, she wouldn't be the only one who ever made them. There are plenty of times where she's said, "Oh I thought you liked [food] - I guess I'm the only one who likes this??" and makes the same things over and over. There's also an element of being infallible - "I love this cake platter, and my tastes are impeccable." "I use an 11 cup food processor all the time, and I am unrivaled in knowledge of kitchen things."
    Ah ha!  So now I'm going to throw some shade at my own mom in this same vein.  Though, thankfully, it is generally only on the topic of gifts.

    Like many people, my mom is a self-proclaimed choco-aholic.

    However, for my whole life, even as a child.  I've never been much for sweets.  And she raised me!  It's not like she doesn't know that!

    I've been living OOS from her for 20 years.  For Christmas, my mom ALWAYS ships me something from a catalog that is some kind of sugar-free dessert item.  And she KNOWS...because I've told her a gazillion times (not necessarily related to gifts)...that I rarely eat any of that stuff.  Not because sugar-free stuff tastes bad.  I'm just rarely in the mood for dessert and sweets.  I usually end up throwing at least half of it out, because I'd eat it so occasionally that it would go bad.

    She always asks for my opinion and I finally started being more blunt over the last 5ish years.  That it tasted fine, but I just rarely eat dessert.  She asks if I'd prefer more of a Hickory Farms basket next year.  I tell her yes, I'd like that a lot better.  And in my head I'm thinking, "Have you forgotten all the years you had to practically pry my little fingers from the meat/cheese trays at holiday parties, while I ignored the cookies?" Lol.  But then, next year, it's the same thing and the same conversation.

    She sends me other gifts also, so at least it's not just the desserts.  But, TBH, it's confusing for me and hurts my feelings that she still sends me stuff I've told her I don't want.  Because it's what she wants to send me.  I even think her dessert compulsion comes from a good place.  I think it's a sub-conscious "momma bear" thing where she's trying to "make-up for/make better" the fact that I have diabetes.  But, I can't help it.  It still hurts my feelings.
    My mom does this with stuff.   As a child she'd make food she knew I wouldn't eat and now as an adult I've tried to tell her that most of the clothing she gives me prevents my chances of getting any action from my husband.
  • S+S I can give you my address and your mom can send me the sugar free dessert stuff. 
  • MIL does this to my husband.  He hates getting clothes, doesn't need any clothes, and she gives him non-functional clothes.  And she won't take no for an answer.  He's just taken to leaving  them in his closet and never wearing them, except when he goes over to visit.

  • My MIL has certainly gotten better, but it's taken her 10 years to realize that I don't really like the same sort of stuff as her and both my SIL's (expensive bags, expensive nail polish, tech gadgets...).  I've returned LOTS of presents and thankfully she's starting to get it.  
  • kerbohl said:
    MIL does this to my husband.  He hates getting clothes, doesn't need any clothes, and she gives him non-functional clothes.  And she won't take no for an answer.  He's just taken to leaving  them in his closet and never wearing them, except when he goes over to visit.
    Sounds like your H really cares for his mom when he'll wear the clothing he hates in her presence just to make her happy.   There's something endearing in it. 
  • banana468 said:
    kerbohl said:
    MIL does this to my husband.  He hates getting clothes, doesn't need any clothes, and she gives him non-functional clothes.  And she won't take no for an answer.  He's just taken to leaving  them in his closet and never wearing them, except when he goes over to visit.
    Sounds like your H really cares for his mom when he'll wear the clothing he hates in her presence just to make her happy.   There's something endearing in it. 
    Yeah, he's a sweetie, but then because she sees him wearing it she thinks he wants more ... but he's also done it where he would go over on days after he was working around the house and was wearing his old clothes, and she took that as a sign that he was in desperate need of good clothes.  Poor guy can't win.

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