Wedding Woes

Friday Eve aka Thursday

VarunaTTVarunaTT member
Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited October 2019 in Wedding Woes
I was out sick yesterday.  IDK how or why, but there was a lot of poop and vomit in the cards for me yesterday.  I figured out I was constipated and got the medicine I needed, but I don't even know what I ate that would've caused it and I've been pretty good about water, so I think my body was just pissed off at me.

I got a call yesterday.  All of that painful and depressing shit that I went through with my community work and ended up resigning a year ago?  Everything, literally every little thing I warned about before my resignation...I'm absolutely right and all of it is happening and our little community center is facing down a huge crisis I warned about.  I looked up my resignation letter to my VP and it's not even a year old.  At the time, I said it would take 2 years to get to the "no return" point and I was right.  They're a year into my 2 year prediction and the crisis is so obvious, it can't be ignored, but I don't know that they have people in charge willing to make the hard decisions to avoid or stop the crisis.  I'm trying to keep my distance and perspective and offer what help I can, carefully.  I'm also struggling b/c I definitely feel this:

Image result for schadenfreude gif

Which isn't very nice of me.  I'm justifying it b/c quite a few people were fucking horrible to me a year ago and I deserve my goddamn redemption arc.

I'm glad the weekend is getting close.  I need some down time to just clean my house and see some movies.  By the way, Jexi is cute and totally worth a rental.  Very funny and not just the preview parts.  Very reminiscent of Mannequin from the 80s.

Re: Friday Eve aka Thursday

  • I remember you telling us all this when it happened @VarunaTT.  I would totally be gloating about my “told you so” foresight too!  Not that it was actually happening - but that I called it. 

    Last night I got my teeth whitened at my dental office. My bottom row are hurting when the air hits it, as she warned me about because of all the sensitivity.  But they look GOOD and I love ‘em! Can’t eat chocolate, red wine, coffee, berries or red sauce for 2 weeks!!!! I think the red sauce will be the one to get me. Not even coffee - I may still sip through a straw in a few days.

    today is my Friday!!

  • I'm with you @VarunaTT on the schadenfreude.    We've had some family situations and DH has vented when MIL has gleefully expressed it. 

    My arm is still sore from a tetanus shot I got on Tuesday.   I am now vaccinated for that and flu though so I at least feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing!

    There is still a frustration I have with an account that has been historically difficult and only now is attempting to rectify the situation now that those a pay grade above me have decided to put them on hold.   It makes for interesting conversations and yet I am assuming that once the current situation is resolved they'll still go back to the way they did things.   

    The weekend has no soccer games or practice but the weather is looking yucky too.   Tomorrow I'm thinking we can let Chiquita stay up late and we'll watch The Nightmare Before Christmas which neither she nor I have seen.   Saturday if the weather holds we'll head to the farm in the morning for pumpkins and maybe I'll grab some apples to make a pie.   I'm not one to want to load up on carbs right now but pie is apple pie.

    DH and I host an annual event the weekend before Thanksgiving and we need to get our invitations sent for that or we'll have a lot of fried turkey and no one to eat it.
  • @VarunaTT glad you're feeling better and damn, you should just be like "told you soooo!!!" 

    @CharmedPam lol I would sacrifice white teeth for coffee too ;) Try having water before and after, might help {also if the sensitivity continues, try colgate sensitive line - it's worked great for me :) }

    Apparently BabyKitten knows how to head bang? Lmfao M's coworker showed him a metal version of Baby Shark. She didn't mind until the actual lyrics, but other covers she was bopping around. Even made some metal faces! We tried to make her do the rocking hand gesture {\m/} but she didn't want us touching her hands. She gets like that sometimes though .... just doesn't want someone touching her hands/feet. We usually try to abide by her requests - even when it's safety - I'll hold her wrist or shirt/jacket. She's getting better if I tell her to hold my hand for safety.
  • I’m under water and work and it’s making me just want to crash when I get home. I’m happy about the developments, grateful for the opportunity, blah blah blah. I’m tired and need a break. 
  • @mrsconn23 yay to not pregnant! Lol Yay for your mum being home :)

    @charlotte989875 :(<3
  • I'm having a really "meh" day and am trying to get out of my funk.  But I AM looking forward to a special dinner tonight and think I'll be able to let go of my worries as my workday starts drawing to close and dinner is closer, lol.

    The House of Blues Foundation Room is a 4-star restaurant.  The dining room surroundings are luxe and gorgeous.  The food and service are usually phenomenal.  About a year ago, I heard about a prix-fixe Italian night they usually do once a month, but not always.  One of the entrees is always veal meatballs and I have had multiple tell me they are the best meatballs they have ever had.  So I've been "on a mission" (hahaha Blues Brothers) to go to one of the Italian nights.  But was never able to make it happen until this month!  Specifically, today!

    I also forgot it was Prudie day, so that's perking me up also.  A fun lunch while I read the letters :).  
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  • Definitely getting a cold.  It's been months since I've had one and mine usually aren't bad and I work in a petri dish and come home to three little germs so it is what it is  :D 
  • ei34 said:
    Definitely getting a cold.  It's been months since I've had one and mine usually aren't bad and I work in a petri dish and come home to three little germs so it is what it is  :D 
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