Wedding Woes


It's crickets around here.  :)

I did not have a great morning.  I somehow managed to turn on my interior light and my car battery was dead.  Anything with my car in the garage is just dramatic, b/c the parking garage is a tight fit for anyone to deal with.  But, my buddy came and helped me and I finally got into work.

I'm struggling with the blahs.  No plans for this weekend. 

Re: Friday?

  • Jstump2Jstump2 member
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2019

    I am struggling today. My Starbucks barely made a dent.  My youngest (9mo)was up at 330am. I think because she is popping 2 teeth right now. I got her settled but then couldn’t fall asleep and then it was almost time to wake up anyway. I am having trouble focusing at work but luckily I don’t have too much pressing stuff right now.

    Tomorrow is the last soccer practice for my 3yo, they are supposed to wear their costumes and have a little party afterwards. Later on, we are going to my parent’s house. Their neighborhood is trick-or-treating and we are going over to have pizza, hand out candy, and take the girls to a couple houses that my mom knows in her neighborhood.  At some point we need to carve our pumpkins and clean the house.

  • Ugh. I'm so burned out from this week. How is it not time to go home already??

    Not much planned for the weekend. Getting my hair and nails done tomorrow. How stuff to do around the house. That's about it. My friends are going out tonight, but I'm not even sure I have the energy for it. 
  • I'm so glad it's Friday. It's been a busy week. A good one, but it's been so stressful! This is the week that every system and process at work decided to break, crash, get hacked, or otherwise just stop working correctly. 

    It should be a pretty good weekend. Going to top golf tonight, but going to make it an early night. Then going for a long hike with my family and the pups tomorrow up in the mountains. (My sister has our dog's litter mate, so we call them sister-cousins. They adore each other.) Sunday we're thinking about checking out an open house. I think it will make this theoretical house idea a lot more real for me. Other than that, just things around the house and trying to catch up on sleep. 
  • It's been a week at work.  Nothing seems to be easy and even the smallest, simplest things are turning into a BFD.

    No major plans for the weekend.  Basic house stuff but I'd like to get out and do something tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be great and the trees still have some color. 

    DH's sister is in the hospital so we'll go up there as well. She was transferred to the medical center in our city on Weds night.  Another sister called and alerted us.  Long story short - we were up all night Wednesday and then went to work Thurs.  We are both trying to catch up from that as well.  Sister is doing better.
  • Half marathon tomorrow!! I’m on my way out of work (I was scheduled to leave an hour ago but things). My mom is coming to watch the race and stay overnight with me. I’m super excited! 
  • I'm here now!  This morning DefConn wanted to see my mom.  She went back to work today, so we picked up some flowers at Trader Joe's and took them to her.  All of mom's co-workers were over the moon about how sweet DefConn was for bringing her flowers.  <3  She took us to lunch. 

    After that we went to the store.  Now we're home and about to make cookies. 

    Tomorrow is supposed to be some majorly bullshit weather, so we're going to clean closets and watch movies.   We'll probably carve pumpkins too.  

    Sunday we have to get the truck ready for trunk or treat at some point.  
  • Good luck @charlotte989875
    Roasting a chicken to bring to my sister tomorrow - I'd warned her that my nose is still a bit runny (I get over colds extremely fast) but she said come tomorrow and not when im completely better...her older two are preschool age and both have various forms of colds anyway.  The new baby is already such a third child  :D
  • @VarunaTT Sounds like a nice self-care relaxing weekend is in the cards for you!

    @Jstump2 Urg, I feel you on the teeth. We're popping molar 3 :( Hopefully they pop soon and you get rest!

    Tonight M is picking up "Outer Worlds" video game, so I'm gonna pick up my (late) Sephora bday gift and check some Carters stuff for Hallowe'en gear for BabyKitten.
    My course stuff is being mailed today. Exam is Jan 16th so serious crunch time is on! Hoping to study a bit Saturday, but I'm not confident as I'm pretty tired.
    We are working on the spare room with the filing cabinet at some point.

    Sunday is a pumpkin patch in the morning, then going to see "Rent" with my mum and aunt in the evening.
  • Weekend is nearly here! 

    Saturday I need to take the kids to get pumpkins since the original ones that MIL and FIL got are turning into .... something.

    Then at noon we find out if the Halloween parade on Sunday in town is on or off for rain and based on that DH and I figure out what we're doing about pumpkin carving, if we have his parents over, and if I'm making a pie.

    the leaves are yellow and I haven't had apple pie yet - and I make a good one.   
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