Wedding Woes

Terrible Tuesday

Just b/c we all loathe Tuesdays.

I have been lacking motivation at work.  Yesterday, I did my "daily list" and then spent the rest of the day designing new costumes for a show for K at the end of the month.  I'm about to rhinestone a jock strap, y'all.  This is my life.  :smile:  We found a cover of You Should See Me In A Crown that is nice and dark, then we're doing Todrick Hall's Amen, then something My Chemical Romance (K doesn't know which song yet, I've just designed the outfit to match whatever it is).  Having a project to do at home will be nice.

The weather here can't make up it's mind what it wants to do, which is annoying, but I"ll take these last few days of sunshine before the dreariness of winter sets in.  I saw Terminator: Dark Fate last night.  I liked it; you definitely need to have seen at least T:2 to see it and enjoy it.  I liked the changes a lot.  Linda Hamilton is still a badass and I loved the character arc they gave Sarah Connor in this.

Re: Terrible Tuesday

  • I'm tired. Baby B yelled out in his sleep at 3:55 and I've been up ever since. That is why I hate falling back, since my body thought it was 5am it refused to let me go back to sleep.  On the plus side I got in a decent amount of work this morning and then didn't feel bad stopping by Target for 90% off clearance shopping on the way to work
  • I need it to be tomorrow.  I just need to know WTF is going on with mom and what she's facing going forward.  There's so many variables and the unknown is making me want to shut down completely from the stress and anxiety of it all.  I've been up at 4am for over an hour or for the day the last 3 of 4 nights and I've got the stress shits.   Ugh.  DH has been my rockstar.

    We went out to dinner for our anniversary last night.  We wanted to go to a place that we've talked about trying several times, but they're closed on Mondays.  We ended up going to a place we'd been before, but were kind of lukewarm on.  I'm glad we tried it again because dinner ended up being really good.  

    Funny story from the weekend:  DH wanted a pic with our boys, BIL, nephews, and FIL since it's not often we're all together just hanging out.  Of course nephews were all backward due to DST and slept for-eve-er on Sunday for their naps.  The kiddo had to go to work around 4.  So just after 3, we were able to get the kids up. We're trying to get the kids rounded up to take this pic.  The baby wanted what was in my snack bowl, bold Chex Mix, so I gave him a pretzel.  He starts crying because it's spicier than he expected.  DefConn was outside with older nephew and when he went to take his jacket off, he gets stung by a bee that had gotten into his hood.  He starts freaking out (it immediately welted, so I'm sure it was painful AF).  We finally get everyone semi calmed down, but the kids don't want to cooperate with the pic.  So we're trying to get everyone to at least look at me and then FIL starts to get antsy because it's taking too long.  FIL is not one to hide his light under a bushel.  DH was like, "Dad, chill!"   So yeah, epic fail.  I hope DH posts at least one pic because it's seriously making me laugh thinking about the comedy of errors.  .

    DefConn is OK and it stopped swelling pretty quickly after ice and ibuprofen.  I'm glad to now know he's not allergic to bee stings. 
  • Tuesday should really just be called Second Monday. 

    Not much going on here. Ordered some stuff from Sephora since they're having a sale. Daydreaming about flying to AZ in March to see RATM (why can't they be playing ANY east coast shows?). 

    I have to go vote tonight, which is annoying because we actually had early voting this year and I should have just gone, but I didn't because I was lazy and now I have to go tonight after I get home. MEH. 
  • @kvruns, 90% off!  Sweet!  It's nice in New Orleans because Mardi Gras day is less than 5 months away and that is another costume wearing event.  Not everyone wears a costume, but it's not unusual either.  I'd guess 60-70% no-costume and 30-40% costume.

    And then there are MG grinches like me.  Who wear PJs all day because I'm not leaving my house, lol.  I loved MG for many years and was super gung-ho.  But time started eroding the excitement and my H isn't that into it anymore either.  I'll still go out for it, if friends/family come visit.  It's fun to be with people seeing it for either the first time or first few times.  However, it is a good excuse to take a 4-day weekend from work, lol.

    My H and I are having coffee tonight with a new couple.  Such a weird story of how this has transpired!  My H was driving with our friend and happened to catch a license plate border that came from a car dealer near the tiny Oregon town that he grew up in.  My H got his first car there, like 30+ years ago.  He was shocked the place was still around, much less have someone with a license plate border from them all the way out here in Louisiana.  So he stopped and left a note on the car, lol.

    And the guy called!  He lives here now (the plate itself was Louisiana) but, yes, is also originally from Oregon.  Him and his wife also live almost walking distance to us.  They chatted for a bit and thought it would be fun to meet up for coffee.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Tuesday should really just be called Second Monday. 

    Not much going on here. Ordered some stuff from Sephora since they're having a sale. Daydreaming about flying to AZ in March to see RATM (why can't they be playing ANY east coast shows?). 

    I have to go vote tonight, which is annoying because we actually had early voting this year and I should have just gone, but I didn't because I was lazy and now I have to go tonight after I get home. MEH. 
    I love that we have early voting but I also still voted this morning. Although our public radio station reported that we had 4.5% early voting turnout! 
  • levioosalevioosa member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited November 2019
    I slept great last night and I’ll take it. I took zzquil around 8:30 and passed out at 9:45.

    I made bread yesterday and I think I finally figured out the secret. I have this one rosemary loaf I make that always seems to turn out too flat or too dense. So yesterday I experimented and I finally nailed it with the second batch. I always liked cooking more than baking because with cooking you can just “feel” seasonings and ingredients and throw them in and it’s great. You can’t do that with baking. But I’m a pretty good cook and now I’m trying to work on my baking skills. It’s a lot more challenging but I think I can figure it out. It’s a shame that baking is like 75% carbs though. 

    I think I’ll ask my mom if she wants to get lunch tomorrow. 


  • Tuesday should really just be called Second Monday. 

    Not much going on here. Ordered some stuff from Sephora since they're having a sale. Daydreaming about flying to AZ in March to see RATM (why can't they be playing ANY east coast shows?). 

    I have to go vote tonight, which is annoying because we actually had early voting this year and I should have just gone, but I didn't because I was lazy and now I have to go tonight after I get home. MEH. 
    Our elections are a bit unusual in Louisiana, in that some of the more important governor (happening this year)...have two elections.  The first election has the whole host of candidates.  It happens in Oct.  Which then get narrowed down to two.  And then there is a second election in Nov. to vote for one of those two people. 

    It's become really annoying because, this year, one of the candidates is Democratic and the other one is Republican.  So Trump has made our gubernatorial race ALL about him, smh!  OMG, he has been up our ass with multiple visits.  For example, there is a huge rivalry between LSU and Alabama.  That game is Nov. 9th and Trump has announced he'll be there.

    Can you please just leave us alone!  Like you already do the vast majority of the time, lol? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I didn't take advantage of early voting either.  I just voted on the way home from work, i was voter #82 at my polling place...ouch.  The kids' school was closed for election day and mine wasn't so my parents took them into the city to the History Museum.  They're not due home until 3-3:30 so I'm just soaking in the glory of an empty, quiet house.  
  • @VarunaTT Never a dull moment with K in shows ;)

    @kvruns was Baby B still asleep? I blame DST for you staying awake.

    @mrsconn23 if you can, try taking some gravol before bed. Might help your stomach settle and you won't get the 4am wake ups :(
    Glad you can see the humour in that chain of events because I would have lost my damn mind and ended it all lmfao

    @short+sassy  what an ironic moment!

    @levioosa lucky for you it works. Zzzquil does nothing but make me stupid. I don't sleep any better.

    So last night was better but I think I may have figured out issue. My bite feels really off where they did filling. I'm gonna try and call my dentist and see what's up.

    Meds are working, so that's good. The night meds are just weird. It's a muscle relaxant, so it just makes me slow. At least I slept. BabyKitten woke up in tears. I think a nightmare - which if it is, she's getting them often lately :( - or maybe just woke up upset? Idk. Brought her down and changed her. She went back down pretty easily, so idk.
  • I also hate Tuesday. The weekend is so far away and yet I feel like I’ve been at work forever this week. 

    But at least I have Friday off! I’m flying to Indianapolis for the race and super excited to see my running friends!!
  • Terrible Tuesday is right.  I finally HAD to break down and write an email to someone in my meet up who wont let anyone talk and have all the stories go back to her.  I’ve had people tell me they don’t want to come back to it because of her... so I wrote a “here is what you have to abide by if you want to come back” email but she’s already left a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth.  I KNOW she’s fast with her online checking of emails and messages and that was 3 hours ago!!

    i slept OKish.  I’m getting over a cold so breathing is hard.  My lungs feel closed and it’s hard to take a deep breath in. Plus SUPER dry in my house. Yet I still got up to walk on the treadmill and do minimal weights.  If you’re planning on giving me a medal I already made some free space on my desk for it. 

    @mrsconn23, that’s the worst.  I hope you sleep tonight and tomorrow goes smoothly.  She’s getting surgery for sure tomorrow?  Or is that all up in the air too?
    @short+sassy, I can see how MG lost it’s appeal.  Once you live in it for awhile, I’m sure it gets old.  Like Salem.  I SAY I want to live there but would probably end up hating the October hustle and bustle 
    @VarunaTT, woohoo rhinestone jockstraps! 

  • Went to Qdoba with a friend and got a Fanta Zero Orange. The orange flavoring was shooting out sideways and got on my jacket, purse, and all over the floor. The supervisor came over to wipe up the mess after I told them about it - I didn't want it happening to anyone else so I hoped they would fix it. You would think they would give me a coupon or something but I swear she just acted like I made a mess on the floor

  • @mrsconn23, that’s the worst.  I hope you sleep tonight and tomorrow goes smoothly.  She’s getting surgery for sure tomorrow?  Or is that all up in the air too?
    Unless something completely changes between now and 7am tomorrow, it's definitely happening. They held off the last time because they thought with her progress that it could be managed via diet changes, but that didn't happen. :/ 
  •  @CharmedPam ...Yet I still got up to walk on the treadmill and do minimal weights.  If you’re planning on giving me a medal I already made some free space on my desk for it. 

    I just laughed out loud at my desk like a lunatic at this line.  

    My family is coming back to our house tonight because my sister flies home tomorrow.  Excited to spend the day with them tomorrow before she leaves. 

    Loving DST because I can actually get my a** out of bed a reasonable hour in the morning because it's light out.  Based on all the accounts from yesterday though it sounds like maybe I won't love it when the babe is here!  

    Baby shower this weekend was crazy and fun.  My MIL invited way more people than I thought (lots of her friends that I wasn't expecting) - definitely a change of pace for my family because we are only like 12 people including all my aunts/uncles cousins.  Awesome that we got so much baby gear and but it's currently all just sitting our living room and I get overwhelmed every time i think about putting away, lol.  Waiting for that "nesting" mood that people keep telling me will hit. 

    @mrsconn23 Hope everything goes well tomorrow, thinking of you guys. 
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited November 2019
    Terrible Tuesday is right.  I finally HAD to break down and write an email to someone in my meet up who wont let anyone talk and have all the stories go back to her.  I’ve had people tell me they don’t want to come back to it because of her... so I wrote a “here is what you have to abide by if you want to come back” email but she’s already left a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth.  I KNOW she’s fast with her online checking of emails and messages and that was 3 hours ago!!

    i slept OKish.  I’m getting over a cold so breathing is hard.  My lungs feel closed and it’s hard to take a deep breath in. Plus SUPER dry in my house. Yet I still got up to walk on the treadmill and do minimal weights.  If you’re planning on giving me a medal I already made some free space on my desk for it. 

    @mrsconn23, that’s the worst.  I hope you sleep tonight and tomorrow goes smoothly.  She’s getting surgery for sure tomorrow?  Or is that all up in the air too?
    @short+sassy, I can see how MG lost it’s appeal.  Once you live in it for awhile, I’m sure it gets old.  Like Salem.  I SAY I want to live there but would probably end up hating the October hustle and bustle 
    @VarunaTT, woohoo rhinestone jockstraps! 

    Now I do want to send you a medal, lmao!

    For Salem, plus it's kitschy witch stuff everywhere all year long.  Or probably people who live there avoid that main street with all the cutesy stores, lol.

    I have to give MG credit, though.  It took a LONG time before I got tired of it.  It really is a lot of fun and a lot of excitement in the city.  But it's 12 days of constant parades, with only a 2-day break for the first Mon.-Tues.  TWELVE DAYS!!!!  It gets overwhelming, lol.  Plus my workplace is right on the main parade route.  So, here I am.  Just trying to drive home, as usual, on that Wed. and Thurs. night.  It's at least 3 more hours before the parade even hits that area.  But pedestrians are just blithely walking into oncoming rush hour traffic without even looking, smh.  Trust me, Mr. Wayward Pedestrian.  The Laws of Physics work the same way here in NOLA as it does in wherever you are from.  Our cars aren't made of the plastic beads that our streets are now lined with, lol.  
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  • I should go to MG to show off the new girls.  Even though... coulda gone bigger IMO.  I’m sure if I did flash people would be like “oh.  Wow.  You paid for those?”....

  • I should go to MG to show off the new girls.  Even though... coulda gone bigger IMO.  I’m sure if I did flash people would be like “oh.  Wow.  You paid for those?”....
    Not at all!  I'm sure yours are fantastic and boobs of all flavors are welcomed and encouraged, lol.  However, that's pretty much only done on Bourbon St. in the French Quarter.  And it's done all year.  It doesn't have to be MG, lol.

    Contrary to our reputation, the MG parades are mostly family-friendly.  You might occasionally see someone flash at one of the night parades.  But not usually.  That's okay in the FQ, but it's frowned upon at the parades. 

    Little kids just HAUL it in!  They get the best "throws".  Throws=stuff that is tossed out by the people on the floats, ie beads, stuffed animals, plastic cups, plastic doubloons.

    But living in NOLA for some many years now, it is weird to watch or go to parades in other parts of the country.  Like, "Wait. What? Why are people just waving? Why aren't they throwing things? Where are the beads, man?!?"
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