Wedding Woes

No Monday?

edited December 2019 in Wedding Woes
This weather is killing me. I'm so sleepy. We're getting rain until tomorrow night, and then snow. 

Had a great weekend. Friday night we cooked and relaxed. I finished the tree Saturday. We tried to order cabinets from Home Depot for our built-in for the living room, but apparently you need to make an appointment to do that. So stupid. 
We went out to dinner Saturday night, and then met up with friends for a drink after. 
Yesterday was super relaxing. Cleaned the house, did laundry, watched The Crown (though I feel asleep). 

This week, hopefully will go fast. Not too much going on. 

Re: No Monday?

  • Had a nice weekend. Our Y's breakfast with Santa was Saturday - I volunteer every year. Yesterday I had a baby shower to attend for a neighbor's daughter (of course she was a neighbor too at one time). I got most of the presents wrapped Saturday afternoon. H swears he will wrap the remaining ones - we shall see. Tonight is my book club's Christmas party. Always a fun time. We don't read a book in December but do a book exchange. The member who is hosting is a fabulous cook. I can't wait to see what she is serving. She always goes all out when she hosts December. Next year I'll be hosting Christmas- hard act to follow!
  • We had a pretty great weekend over all!  DD was thankfully on green at daycare when I picked her up!  So that was a good thing for her (and us by default!).  After dinner, we all decorated the main Christmas tree.  We finished it Saturday morning, since DD had to go to bed while still working on it Friday night.

    Saturday morning, we finished the tree and I ran some errands.  We got to Church and had planned to do a Christmas Parade after, but DD had a meltdown in Church, so we skipped it.  Sunday, we got the outside decorations up.  Later MIL and her BF came over to watch DD while we had a date night.  We went to dinner and then went over to the movies to see National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation up on the big screen.  The tiny theater was packed and it was a bunch of fun!

    And a side note: I used the self-cleaning option on my oven yesterday and holy balls - it looks amazing inside!  I knew my oven was needing a cleaning, but I kept putting it off.  I set the fire alarm off on Sunday morning baking Popovers, so I decided to do it that day.  I am so glad I did it!

    I will pick up DD after work today and we may stop by the nearby park, so that I can take another Christmas picture.  I planned to do it at the parade Saturday, but may just do it at our town's Christmas tree tonight.  I still need one more for the back of our Christmas card and I want to get them printed this week and can't wait until the next parade this weekend!
  • So I was literally out half the week yesterday. Sent home early Thursday and home Friday.
    I had strep and sinus infection - still on meds, but definitely feeling better.

    My mum was already taking BabyKitten Saturday night for my xmas party, but I asked her to take her Friday night also so M and I could sleep {he's getting over a bad cold, maybe flu}
    Definitely helped because I'm feeling so much better, just coughing lots and worn down easier.

    Did my xmas party - 1920s Murder Mystery - and I won :) $100 Starbucks giftcard, as to which I shared the wealth with my coworkers this morning.

    BabyKitten's abilities are really jumping lately! She's been stripping down in the crib and trying to redress herself. Which would be a "whatever" kinda thing, but this is when she's suppose to be going to bed .... often we give up and just put her in a long sleeved onesie. She runs warm and often we keep the upstairs a little warmer anyways because I get really cold in my sleep.

    Tonight I need to throw laundry in when I get home and just fill out a few documents for my assignment. I have until the 18th to get it all done and I have another assignment to do still.
  • @OliveOilsMom what does DD being on green at daycare mean?
  • Overdid it just a little bit this weekend.  We went out to one of city gardens that is all lit up for Christmas on Friday and walked around with hot chocolate that we spiked.  It was a lovely night and the hot chocolate was tasty.  Saturday, I somehow turned "make a breakfast sandwich" into "clean the entire refrigerator."  This is usually the time of year I do it, so that's not super surprising, but it took a toll on my body.  Saturday night we went to a cherished friend's open mic night.  She was really damn funny, which was awesome.  Sunday I saw Midway.  I have a lot of feels, but the movie is just okay and I don't think I'll be seeing war movies anymore.

    Other than that, SSDD.  Life is slowing down a bit and that's nice.  K has a couple of weekends out of town and is going to Hawaii in January, so I'll be taking that time to really clean out the apartment.  B/c I'll be bored.  :smile:
  • The weekend was nice. H has been letting me sleep in on the weekends so I enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning of sleeping and lounging until noon while he took the dog to the groomer and then picked her back up again. After that we ran errands and he worked on more projects for the nursery.

    Sunday was my baby shower. I didn't want one in the first place, but had come around for the sake of my MIL (she was so excited to throw us one as it's the first grandchild for my in-laws). There were a few people that RSVP'ed yes and ended up not coming due to illness, which I understood. But my sister, who had made a huge deal on Thanksgiving about being able to come after some work schedule changes, completed bailed and said nothing to my MIL or me. I found out she wasn't coming from a FB post she made about needing a jersey for work (she's a waitress at a local bar). That one hurt and I'm struggling to just be the bigger person and let it go. The shower itself was lovely and we got some great things, but it did highlight just how much more we still need to get.
  • The weekend was nice. H has been letting me sleep in on the weekends so I enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning of sleeping and lounging until noon while he took the dog to the groomer and then picked her back up again. After that we ran errands and he worked on more projects for the nursery.

    Sunday was my baby shower. I didn't want one in the first place, but had come around for the sake of my MIL (she was so excited to throw us one as it's the first grandchild for my in-laws). There were a few people that RSVP'ed yes and ended up not coming due to illness, which I understood. But my sister, who had made a huge deal on Thanksgiving about being able to come after some work schedule changes, completed bailed and said nothing to my MIL or me. I found out she wasn't coming from a FB post she made about needing a jersey for work (she's a waitress at a local bar). That one hurt and I'm struggling to just be the bigger person and let it go. The shower itself was lovely and we got some great things, but it did highlight just how much more we still need to get.
    Thank sucks @cupcait927 ; I’d be really Hurt too I’d my sister did that. I’d have a really hard time letting it go. Did she reach out to you after at all? 

    Really hope you had a nice time with your family!
  • @charlotte989875 she texted me last night but I'm being petty and haven't even looked at it yet. I'm sure it'll be full of excuses and apologies that aren't sincere (we aren't particularly close). She's always had a history of being flaky but had made it a point to let me know she'd be there just a week before.
  • That is bogus @cupcait927, I’d be hurt too!

    everyone had some nice weekends and looks like it’s very Christmassy.  

    Fri night was our holiday work party.  Nice.  Ever have a coworker that annoys you to no end and you just want to bop them in the mouth? But you’ve seen enough jail documentaries to know you’re not built for a life behind bars?

    Saturday I went to my friends for dinner.  She served a caesar salad with chili and corn bread.  everything went well but Sunday I woke up with achey muscles, a flip flop stomach, and I slept on and off during the day.  I make H and I a protein pancake at 2, but then my stomach warned me that I wasn’t going to keep that down so I passed.

    it wasn’t until today (and I have a minor flip flop stomach) that I remembered the romaine lettuce recall. it could have been the (very small amount) of lettuce I had from the salad? Or is that all cleared up now? I mean if your buying romaine in the stores they must have pulled the bad ones off already?  Either way, It was a fantastic appetite suppressant. 
    Load me up with more e.coli infested lettuce please.  I have a goal weight to reach.

  • Morning.  Afternoon. 

    Friday was fine.  We went to Costco and Trader Joe's.  Costco didn't have the Christmas tree truck this year.  I did find the most perfect books for my nephews for Christmas.  We came home and watched 2 eps of Maisel.  <3

    Saturday, I worked.  DH and FIL did brakes and registered the boat.  It was a bit of a crazy day and night.  DH and FIL tied one and were totally obnoxious.  Once they crashed, I covered them with blankets and went to bed.  DefConn slept on the couch downstairs. 

    Sunday, we got up and cleaned up the house.  FIL is letting us use his fake tree this year because we just never got it together to go get a tree.  We decorated for Christmas, finally.  It was the kiddo's bday, so he and his gf came over for dinner and cake, along with FIL. 

    DefConn was complaining of not feeling well all day.  He took a nosedive late afternoon/early evening.   He slept fitfully all night.  He's still spiking a fever and complaining of a sore, swollen throat.  DH is working from home today and taking him to the doctor in few.  We're all tired as no one slept well last night.  

    Work is on my last nerve today. 
  • I'm trying not to be too excited.  Though failing on that because I am, lol.  But I think I found a great new tenant for our renovated unit.  She seems super interested and already turned in my pre-qual. application.  I approved that and just sent her the background check, that checks the things I can't...criminal records and eviction records (if applicable).  I use a 3rd party website for that portion.  I texted her that the website should be sending it over and we could move on to the lease signing once I get the reports back.  She immediately replied back, "Thanks!"  I know she wants to move in ASAP and, assuming she continues to follow through, she could move in on Wed.


    While I expect things to work out Potential Tenant #1.  I also have another person who turned in their application yesterday.  I'm actually eyeing him for our unit that's about to be vacant from that evicted tenant.  I saw on his application that, although his family lives near this renovated rental, his job is really close to that other one.  (Hmmmm...drumming fingertips together).

    Just to be ready, jic, I already called for his employment/income verification.  The company he works for...a huge, nationwide one...requires me to actually sign up an account with them just for that purpose.  Then charges $49!  Get.The.F**k.Out!!!!  I have never heard of anything like that!

    I think I'll get copies of his last two paycheck stubs instead, lol.  His supervisor actually kinda verified his employment anyway ;).  Because the applicant gave me his boss's cell number initially.  That guy told me something like, "I'm sorry, I'll have to give (applicant's first name) the number to send these to.  If you wait a moment, I can give you that number also."


    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm trying not to be too excited.  Though failing on that because I am, lol.  But I think I found a great new tenant for our renovated unit.  She seems super interested and already turned in my pre-qual. application.  I approved that and just sent her the background check, that checks the things I can't...criminal records and eviction records (if applicable).  I use a 3rd party website for that portion.  I texted her that the website should be sending it over and we could move on to the lease signing once I get the reports back.  She immediately replied back, "Thanks!"  I know she wants to move in ASAP and, assuming she continues to follow through, she could move in on Wed.


    While I expect things to work out Potential Tenant #1.  I also have another person who turned in their application yesterday.  I'm actually eyeing him for our unit that's about to be vacant from that evicted tenant.  I saw on his application that, although his family lives near this renovated rental, his job is really close to that other one.  (Hmmmm...drumming fingertips together).

    Just to be ready, jic, I already called for his employment/income verification.  The company he works for...a huge, nationwide one...requires me to actually sign up an account with them just for that purpose.  Then charges $49!  Get.The.F**k.Out!!!!  I have never heard of anything like that!

    I think I'll get copies of his last two paycheck stubs instead, lol.  His supervisor actually kinda verified his employment anyway ;).  Because the applicant gave me his boss's cell number initially.  That guy told me something like, "I'm sorry, I'll have to give (applicant's first name) the number to send these to.  If you wait a moment, I can give you that number also."


    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    It sounds like she has a.....way with words. 
  • MKD- Daycare has a green, yellow, red stoplight for their behaviors.  DD was basically on red all week due to screaming at her teachers, running around when she is not supposed to and a few other things.  Thankfully, she didn't hit anyone this week, but that has landed her on red before too.  If you land on red, you can work your way back to green.  We talk to her at home and she has consequences there too.  

    Cupcait - Your sister did a shitty thing and I don't think you are being petty by not even reading her probably patronizing text to try and smooth things over.

    Charmed - Unless you friend had that lettuce in her fridge for a while, all of that romaine should have been removed from the shelves.  I even saw signs in Target that the romaine they were stocking was not from the effected area.  If this persists, you should check in with your doctor.  Did you ask your friend if she is feeling ok?
  • banana468 said:

    Weekend went well.   Saturday we had Chiquita's birthday party at an arcade in the casino.   It sounds odd to host a 9 yo birthday there but it's a known location that has some family friendly activities so it went well.   She gets REALLY amped up and has pre-party goggles on when there are birthday parties and it took her a good hour into it all to get her to stop the 9 yo sass and listen to DH and me.   She's a good kid but becomes SUPER Type A and refuses to listen when she has an idea in her head.   In short - she's my brother in-law when she gets like this. 

    BUT, the party went well, kids loved the games and then we headed home.   Saturday night we watched Noelle which is the Disney+ movie with Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader and Shirley Maclaine.   If you haven't seen it and love a good heart warming Christmas flick watch it.   It's OK for younger kids and I cried too.   

    Once the kiddos were in bed Saturday I sat down with wine and we watched another episode of Mrs. Maisel which I LOVE.

    Sunday we had church and then went off to cut down our tree.   The farm told us that they had a really limited selection of Fraser fir so we went to their blue spruce section and quickly settled on a good one.   We need a decently full but not too full tree that is about 7' tall and this one was only about an inch or two shy of that.  I named it Lenny. 
    Harrahs in Lake Tahoe has a pretty large and great arcade in their casino.  I found a Monopoly-type game, that issued tickets for the better you did, and became addicted to it.  Probably saved me money to be wasting money by the quarters instead of by the dollars at video poker in the "big girl casino", lmao.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • banana468 said:

    Weekend went well.   Saturday we had Chiquita's birthday party at an arcade in the casino.   It sounds odd to host a 9 yo birthday there but it's a known location that has some family friendly activities so it went well.   She gets REALLY amped up and has pre-party goggles on when there are birthday parties and it took her a good hour into it all to get her to stop the 9 yo sass and listen to DH and me.   She's a good kid but becomes SUPER Type A and refuses to listen when she has an idea in her head.   In short - she's my brother in-law when she gets like this. 

    BUT, the party went well, kids loved the games and then we headed home.   Saturday night we watched Noelle which is the Disney+ movie with Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader and Shirley Maclaine.   If you haven't seen it and love a good heart warming Christmas flick watch it.   It's OK for younger kids and I cried too.   

    Once the kiddos were in bed Saturday I sat down with wine and we watched another episode of Mrs. Maisel which I LOVE.

    Sunday we had church and then went off to cut down our tree.   The farm told us that they had a really limited selection of Fraser fir so we went to their blue spruce section and quickly settled on a good one.   We need a decently full but not too full tree that is about 7' tall and this one was only about an inch or two shy of that.  I named it Lenny. 
    Harrahs in Lake Tahoe has a pretty large and great arcade in their casino.  I found a Monopoly-type game, that issued tickets for the better you did, and became addicted to it.  Probably saved me money to be wasting money by the quarters instead of by the dollars at video poker in the "big girl casino", lmao.
    Oh this one uses swipe cards.   And DD found a love for the claw machines and photo booth.   

    It's $5 for one strip of pictures.   FIVE DOLLARS.
  • Charmed - Unless you friend had that lettuce in her fridge for a while, all of that romaine should have been removed from the shelves.  I even saw signs in Target that the romaine they were stocking was not from the effected area.  If this persists, you should check in with your doctor.  Did you ask your friend if she is feeling ok?
    I haven’t because I didn't want her to feel bad.  It was very fresh lettuce so I’m sure it wasn’t that.  The chili was in the crockpot and it tasted done.... it could have been something I ate at home. Although, I haven’t cooked anything in awhile. it really seemed to be only 24 hours.  I’m cautious on what I’m eating today but at work and feeling ok.

  • @short+sassy will your other side of the new duplex be ready to rent soon too? Hopefully that way you already have a candidate pool from this listing
  • kvruns said:
    @short+sassy will your other side of the new duplex be ready to rent soon too? Hopefully that way you already have a candidate pool from this listing
    Alas, not soon enough.  I think it will be another two months before the next unit is ready.  Possibly shorter because it is already being worked on and it's going to be almost identical to the one we just finished, so I hope that makes it go smoother and faster.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Weekend was good. Friday night we just relaxed. Saturday night FSIL and her FI came over and we played games and hung out. Yesterday was a recovery on the couch type day. This period is trying to end me. I’m so tired and crampy. 

    I’m starting to get really annoyed with my new job. I get there has to be some flexibility but this is ridiculous. I don’t have a real trainer, or even a set training schedule. There are competencies I have to meet, so I talked to my manager about them on Friday. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.” They said. And then Sunday I got an email about needing to finish my competencies. They have me at a desk in an area I shouldn’t really be in. And then today the person I’m shadowing (and technically I am supervising her, not the other way around) goes “oh, did the manager talk to you? They’re changing your hours.” Um, that is not what I agreed to. Wtf is this? Maybe I’m just being overly sensitive because of my period but I’m starting to get really frustrated. 

    On the holiday front I am also getting super annoyed. My dad is being passive aggressive about Christmas Day. He’s trying to guilt trip me to go see his mom since this will probably be her last Christmas. I don’t want to go. It’s my day off too, his whole family is horrible, and I cut off contact with her years ago much to my mental health’s benefit. At this point I just want to say fuck it and stay home with FI and not host anything. I had already made plans to host a small brunch for my parents, FI’s parents, FSIL and her FI and his parents. Then FI invited his whole family. And my dad is convinced I’m “hosting your in laws over your family.” Which is not what happened. This is why I don’t like the holidays. 

  • edited December 2019

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
  • --------------------------

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Louisiana is pretty forgiving towards landlords, right? Like you could call the constable/sheriff and they would show up and let you physically evict someone?

  • --------------------------

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Is this just her pathology?  Does she even have a side business selling pralines? 

    Based on the frequency of the lies is it possible that she is simply not capable of telling the truth but IS instead someone who lies enough that she herself believes it and by doing so convinces others?  
  • levioosa said:

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Louisiana is pretty forgiving towards landlords, right? Like you could call the constable/sheriff and they would show up and let you physically evict someone?
    Yeah, they are.  But we can't just call for the constable visit.  My H will have to go back to City Hall and file for a constable visit, plus pay a small fee.

    He had sent me pictures earlier of the living room and kitchen.  He just called me and said it looks exactly the same, except there is one box of electronics that is now gone.  He didn't take pics of the two bedrooms, but said they are full of stuff also.  He thinks she's totally vacated, but I'm not comfortable making that call unless she tells us that.  I sent her a text that said, "T said there is still furniture and stuff in the house.  Have you totally vacated the unit?  If so, just let me know so we can start getting things cleared out."

    And this is one of the other problems with an eviction.  People know they aren't getting their security deposit back.  And they usually don't care that, on top of stiffing you out of money, it costs even more time and money to clean up all the mess they left behind.  It's free to clean.  It's free to haul your stuff to the curb.  But no.

    I even agreed to give her an extra week to move out, in the hopes of avoiding this scenario, smh.

    Here are a few of those pics (sorry they're huge):

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • banana468 said:

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Is this just her pathology?  Does she even have a side business selling pralines? 

    Based on the frequency of the lies is it possible that she is simply not capable of telling the truth but IS instead someone who lies enough that she herself believes it and by doing so convinces others?  
    I'm pretty sure she does have a praline business, lol.  She has a Facebook page for one and was often baking them if we were stopping by for a repair or something.  But she greatly over-estimates her earning abilities with it.

    I have asked myself that very question quite a few times!  I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle.  No doubt she has bold-faced lied.  But I think she lies to herself also about the reality of things and what she is actually capable of doing.

    On our phone conversation last night, she was giving me this litany of excuses of where her finances went wrong.  None of it made any sense.  She wasn't trying to talk me into anything.  I think she was just trying to weave her own tale, maybe mainly for herself, about why her life is so hard and none of it's her fault.  Except almost all the excuses she has given me involves her making an obviously poor decision.

    For example, she told me things really took a downturn when she bought her sister a car.  But then didn't have enough money to register her own car...which, fyi, she bought over 5 months ago...and it got impounded.  During the eviction trial, she told the judge she couldn't pay Nov.'s rent because she helped pay for her grandmother's funeral.  Surprising, but her grandmother's passing was actually true.  I didn't ask her to, but she texted me a pic of the memorial service hand out.

    Grandmother's funeral?  Sister's car?  Which was it?  Not a doubt in my mind she didn't pay anything for either one.  Yet she's telling me lies that don't even matter!  And actually make her look worse!  Totally unreal.  I knew her grandmother had passed, but we were already in eviction court when she claimed she helped pay for the funeral.  I first heard the sister's car story last night.  I didn't believe a word of it anyway but, if I had, how does she think that plays?  "Oh gosh, Tenant, all my sympathies because your car got impounded after you bought your sister a car instead of paying your rent?"//s.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • banana468 said:

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Is this just her pathology?  Does she even have a side business selling pralines? 

    Based on the frequency of the lies is it possible that she is simply not capable of telling the truth but IS instead someone who lies enough that she herself believes it and by doing so convinces others?  
    I'm pretty sure she does have a praline business, lol.  She has a Facebook page for one and was often baking them if we were stopping by for a repair or something.  But she greatly over-estimates her earning abilities with it.

    I have asked myself that very question quite a few times!  I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle.  No doubt she has bold-faced lied.  But I think she lies to herself also about the reality of things and what she is actually capable of doing.

    On our phone conversation last night, she was giving me this litany of excuses of where her finances went wrong.  None of it made any sense.  She wasn't trying to talk me into anything.  I think she was just trying to weave her own tale, maybe mainly for herself, about why her life is so hard and none of it's her fault.  Except almost all the excuses she has given me involves her making an obviously poor decision.

    For example, she told me things really took a downturn when she bought her sister a car.  But then didn't have enough money to register her own car...which, fyi, she bought over 5 months ago...and it got impounded.  During the eviction trial, she told the judge she couldn't pay Nov.'s rent because she helped pay for her grandmother's funeral.  Surprising, but her grandmother's passing was actually true.  I didn't ask her to, but she texted me a pic of the memorial service hand out.

    Grandmother's funeral?  Sister's car?  Which was it?  Not a doubt in my mind she didn't pay anything for either one.  Yet she's telling me lies that don't even matter!  And actually make her look worse!  Totally unreal.  I knew her grandmother had passed, but we were already in eviction court when she claimed she helped pay for the funeral.  I first heard the sister's car story last night.  I didn't believe a word of it anyway but, if I had, how does she think that plays?  "Oh gosh, Tenant, all my sympathies because your car got impounded after you bought your sister a car instead of paying your rent?"//s.
    And is she going somewhere with a refrigerator?  Because if you were losing your house wouldn't you want to have food?  
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2019
    @banana468, I assume she is temporarily moving in with a family member or friend.  But that's totally a guess from what would make sense.  She didn't tell me where she is going and I didn't ask.

    Edited to add:  so, yeah, I assume there is a fridge wherever she is going.  But maybe not enough room for the hunks of meat left in the freezer.  And it looks like, in the fridge part, it's more just open jars of condiments and drinks.  Like she already took out the food items she wanted.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • banana468 said:

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Is this just her pathology?  Does she even have a side business selling pralines? 

    Based on the frequency of the lies is it possible that she is simply not capable of telling the truth but IS instead someone who lies enough that she herself believes it and by doing so convinces others?  
    Eh, I tend to think she’s in over her head, can’t afford her rent, and buying herself as much time as she can before she starts couch hopping with friends. Not pathological, just poor. 
  • banana468 said:

    The evicted tenant who was supposed to have been out yesterday, is not.  It was looking good because she wasn't avoiding contact.  She was replying to my texts.  All that good stuff.  She even called me and apologized.  That she was upset she'd let me down and now needed to move out, but understood.  She thanked me for how much I'd worked with her.  With the bottom line being that she only had two more trips to her storage unit, but had gotten the big stuff out.  I had already offered...when it sounded like she'd made lots of progress but it was getting late in the evening...that if she wanted to take through tomorrow morning (meaning today), that would be okay.  As long as it was before noon.

    At first she said, thanks but no, she wanted to finish up and had to work tomorrow (today) anyway.  But then, when she called, she said she would get up early to finish before she went to work.

    So, my H gets there at about noon.  When she's supposed to be all done and at work.  SMH.  Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.  She was there, she wasn't at work.  All her furniture was still there.  He said he doesn't know what she might have moved, but it sure didn't look like she was in the middle of moving.  No boxes lying around.  No piles of stuff ready to be taken out.  She told him she would be out by 2PM.  He told her he'd be back at 3PM, but said there was no way she'd be done.

    Holy fuck. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! I mean, at this point, why is she even lying about moving her stuff out!?!? Holy shit. 
    Is this just her pathology?  Does she even have a side business selling pralines? 

    Based on the frequency of the lies is it possible that she is simply not capable of telling the truth but IS instead someone who lies enough that she herself believes it and by doing so convinces others?  
    Eh, I tend to think she’s in over her head, can’t afford her rent, and buying herself as much time as she can before she starts couch hopping with friends. Not pathological, just poor. 
    And I'm sympathetic with that also.  Whenever I see a tenant that's in over their head, including her, I have a CTJ talk about a move-out plan.

    Essentially that, if they can no longer comfortably afford the rent, I'll waive the break lease fee.  I'll take out the pro-rated rent from their security deposit for just the days they've lived there.  And give them the rest of the SD, assuming they leave the place clean and with minimal damage.

    It really sucks for me also and is a financial loss.  But sometimes people fall on hard times, I get it, and so I'd rather help both of us move on as smoothly as possible, without having to go the eviction route.  However, that also involves the other person having character and not being a sh***y person.  For example, it's free to clean.  But she didn't even do that.  Including empty water bottles strewn across the kitchen floor and other trash around the apartment.  True, at least for the trash, it's only 10-15 minutes to pick it up.  But then, that's exactly my point also.

    Update: Pretty sure they aren't living there anymore because the beds are gone.  But now she won't reply back to my text, either way, verifying they have left, nor did she leave the key.  She knows perfectly well that every day I can't take possession, is another day I'm losing out on money.  Which goes back to my premise that there is nothing shameful about being poor/hard times, but it's very shameful to have a poor character.  She also stole two of my curtain rods.

    The rest of the damage is not too bad.  But it's lots of dings in the walls that will need touch-up paint.  I'm roughly guessing it will cost $200 for the cleaning.  Around $300 for the touch-up paint labor.  Which goes way beyond normal wear and tear, especially for someone who's only lived there for 9 months. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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