Yesterday was fuckery from start to finish. Work fuckery, kid illness fuckery...fuckery, fuckery, fuckery.
It's the end of the year, so everyone is losing it. But I had some doozies yesterday. Just completely unreasonable people who seem almost intentionally obtuse or are
just that stupid.
DH took DefConn to the doc around 3pm yesterday. He has strep. (Yes, again. Doc said if he gets it one more time in the next ~6 months, we should maybe see about an ENT consultation.) Once he got home, we waited until I was off work about an hour later to go to the store and get some odds and ends, plus pick up DefConn's prescription. By the time we got to the pharmacy, it had been almost 2 hours since the prescription should have been called in and typically, it takes 30-45 min for them to be filled. It was not there and of course, it was after hours at that point.
So we had to go on a wild goose chase of phone calls to get it filled. We came home and ate dinner while we waited. Poor DefConn is just so sad. After another 2 hours, we have the prescription. At that point, DH and I are just done. We watched 2 more episodes of Maisel and then went to bed a little after 10.
DefConn is hanging tough and seems to be on the upswing today. I canceled my hair appt tomorrow just in case he isn't fully better and has to stay home with me again. Apparently, there's about 5 kids in his class out sick this week. It's going around.
I need to get my shit together and start wrapping today and tomorrow. Deliveries are coming constantly now and I'm buried.

I did get squeezed in Saturday for my hair. The receptionist was so, so kind and really hunted to get me rescheduled.

Also, my kitchen is so scary right now that I'd rather set a bomb off in it than clean it. LOL
So, typical Tuesday shit...right?