Wedding Woes


Yesterday was fuckery from start to finish.  Work fuckery, kid illness fuckery...fuckery, fuckery, fuckery. 

It's the end of the year, so everyone is losing it.  But I had some doozies yesterday.  Just completely unreasonable people who seem almost intentionally obtuse or are just that stupid. 

DH took DefConn to the doc around 3pm yesterday.  He has strep.  (Yes, again.  Doc said if he gets it one more time in the next ~6 months, we should maybe see about an ENT consultation.)  Once he got home, we waited until I was off work about an hour later to go to the store and get some odds and ends, plus pick up DefConn's prescription.  By the time we got to the pharmacy, it had been almost 2 hours since the prescription should have been called in and typically, it takes 30-45 min for them to be filled.   It was not there and of course, it was after hours at that point.  

So we had to go on a wild goose chase of phone calls to get it filled.  We came home and ate dinner while we waited.  Poor DefConn is just so sad.  After another 2 hours, we have the prescription.  At that point, DH and I are just done.  We watched 2 more episodes of Maisel and then went to bed a little after 10. 

DefConn is hanging tough and seems to be on the upswing today.  I canceled my hair appt tomorrow just in case he isn't fully better and has to stay home with me again.  Apparently, there's about 5 kids in his class out sick this week.  It's going around. 

I need to get my shit together and start wrapping today and tomorrow.  Deliveries are coming constantly now and I'm buried.  ;) I did get squeezed in Saturday for my hair.  The receptionist was so, so kind and really hunted to get me rescheduled.  <3  Also, my kitchen is so scary right now that I'd rather set a bomb off in it than clean it.   LOL 

So, typical Tuesday shit...right? :D 

Re: Tuesday

  • That sucks DefConn is sick, what a shitty time of year for it and wtf at the pharmacy not having your meds?!

    I can't hear "obtuse" now and not think of Ariana calling Tom obtuse (she is my queen and this is just more reason) in VanderPump Rules  :D

    I am already over today and like 50% over tomorrow. I'm looking at a job change HOPEFULLY in the next 30 days and right now I'm just barely phoning it in. Every day here at work is truly a struggle, and my loud ass co-irker does not make it any easier. And I have a 9am training tomorrow morning, thus the already 50% over tomorrow part. Ughhhhhhhhhh come ON 5 day weekends for Xmas and NY!
    "Gossip is the devil's telephone, best to just hang up."
  • @moira_rose_stan, VPR is my jam.  I am so sad it's not back until next month!  And yes, Queen Ariana forever-and-ever. 

    The pharmacy issue was all finger pointing.  "We're having issues with prescriptions coming through. It's not our system, it's theirs."  WTF-ever.  I have a sick kid and I need my shit.  The pharmacy tech was ever so nice, but the pharmacist she consulted was super snotty.  
  • I know, it's normally early December and I need it in my life right now damn it!!

    Finger pointing is useless. The customer doesn't care where the mishap was, they just want what they need and you don't bring them in to the fold with interdepartmental issues, just resolve it and figure it out behind the scenes. This is Day One shit  :|
    "Gossip is the devil's telephone, best to just hang up."
  • MrsConn - We were there last year with the same med issue for DD including calls to the on call doctor and pharmacy.  Hope DefConn is quickly back to his normal self!

    Charmed - There was a new pre-packaged salad kit recalled for e.coli today!  It was called Sunflower mix or something like that.  But I guess if you are excited for the snack sized candy bars, you must be feeling better!

    Last night was good.  We mostly just chilled.  DD was good at daycare, so just two more days of good behavior and I will pull her on Thursday to go into Philly and see the decorations!

    We did wake up to our tree on the ground in the family room.  The dogs were locked in with us, otherwise we would have blamed poor Cassie!  I had gotten a new tree stand and its not nearly wide enough to support the 9 foot tree it claims it can.  Our tree isn't even 7 feet tall!  I will say it was super easy to install, but it obviously doesn't stay tightly clamped in!  H and I got the tree back up and installed it in our good and sturdy old faithful stand - thankfully I still had it!

    So, if anyone was in the market, do not buy the Black & Decker Smart Stand - it sucks.  I will also be returning it to BJs.  My H was doubtful, but I said if a woman can return tiki torch fuel because it was "the worst apple juice she has ever had", then I can return a tree stand that's been used for 2 weeks.  And the tiki torch fuel is a true story, my sister was working at that location at the time!

    So tonight, we are having yoga after work.  Then we will decorate the tree again.  Thankfully only a few ornaments broke and they were unimportant ones.
  • edited December 2019
    @mrsconn23 urg strep :(  I'm about halfway through my strep meds

    My head is starting to spin with the amount of stuff I need to do.
    I have 2 assignments due by Dec 18th - one is gonna be done today, just need to rewrite and 2nd will be done JUST before due date.
    Then exam is Jan 16th and I have root canal on Jan 23rd.


    I lost an entire week due to being sick, so that kinda threw me off, and tbh I'm pissed about it.

    On top of that, while getting in the car this morning, I thwacked the back of my head on the g.d car

  • Charmed - There was a new pre-packaged salad kit recalled for e.coli today!  It was called Sunflower mix or something like that.  But I guess if you are excited for the snack sized candy bars, you must be feeling better!


    I am.  I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when my appetite came back.  If she used a kit at all, it was a caesar one. But maybe I should rush off and get some sunflower mix.... hmm...  

    D’oh on that tree stand!

    @banana468 you WILL make it to the North Pole on Thursday.  There.  I said it, so it shalt be done

  • My day was good. 
    I got some work done on the quilt that has been hanging over my head for about a year. There is a new one I want to start so I am using that as motivation to finish the one one. Well, not completely finish but at least get the top done.

    I need to get started on Christmas shopping so things will arrive in time. Luckily we just buy everything online and then ship it directly to the person. It's a trillion times easier that way.

    Tomorrow I have the gym in the morning, I will work on my quilt some more, get some laundry done, and then go to work. I think we will get the tree up this weekend and decorate what we can. It will be different this year with DS being mobile and all, lol.
  • I know, it's normally early December and I need it in my life right now damn it!!
    It was what wrapped my presents to last year.  I guess I'll have to make do with finishing The Crown this year, but it won't be the same.  ;) 
  • Yay for heartbeats @NBSquared2017
    Busy busy by me but at least we're all healthy- healing vibes to everyone under the weather! 
  • I hope DefConn feels better @mrsconn23. It seems like he’s had strep a lot recently. I would probably try to push for an ENT consult if that’s the case. Honestly getting my tonsils out (as an adult) was the best thing to ever happen to me. I used to get strep 4-5 times a year and no one ever wanted to take out the fucking things until I ended up hospitalized for a week due to strep and tonsillitis. I was so angry. And then they took them out and I haven’t had strep since. Seriously weeks of my life wasted with unnecessary suffering. Obviously I’m still not over it lol

    I started with my “new hours” today. I’m still really annoyed. I was hired for a specific time slot, and then they changed it without asking or telling me. And because the start time is later, traffic is worse. It added 20 minutes to my commute this morning. I was feeling really discouraged last night. I’m trying to have a good attitude but it’s just a lot of disorganization at once.

     I also decided to say fuck it to Christmas. FI and I are going to stay home alone, no hosting. I ordered a mini honey baked ham and I’ll make some of my side staples for us to eat the day of. I just can’t do the stress of my new job plus the stress of my dad’s sister yelling about immigration, chem trails, fake news, and how the “me too” movement is full of women who deserved it. I think I’ll literally lose it. No one needs that.....ever, but especially at Christmas. 

  • levioosa said:
    I hope DefConn feels better @mrsconn23. It seems like he’s had strep a lot recently. I would probably try to push for an ENT consult if that’s the case. Honestly getting my tonsils out (as an adult) was the best thing to ever happen to me. I used to get strep 4-5 times a year and no one ever wanted to take out the fucking things until I ended up hospitalized for a week due to strep and tonsillitis. I was so angry. And then they took them out and I haven’t had strep since. Seriously weeks of my life wasted with unnecessary suffering. Obviously I’m still not over it lol

    I started with my “new hours” today. I’m still really annoyed. I was hired for a specific time slot, and then they changed it without asking or telling me. And because the start time is later, traffic is worse. It added 20 minutes to my commute this morning. I was feeling really discouraged last night. I’m trying to have a good attitude but it’s just a lot of disorganization at once.

     I also decided to say fuck it to Christmas. FI and I are going to stay home alone, no hosting. I ordered a mini honey baked ham and I’ll make some of my side staples for us to eat the day of. I just can’t do the stress of my new job plus the stress of my dad’s sister yelling about immigration, chem trails, fake news, and how the “me too” movement is full of women who deserved it. I think I’ll literally lose it. No one needs that.....ever, but especially at Christmas. 
    Can you ask for additional compensation or more vacation time to offset the the change in hours? 
  • levioosa said:
    I hope DefConn feels better @mrsconn23. It seems like he’s had strep a lot recently. I would probably try to push for an ENT consult if that’s the case. Honestly getting my tonsils out (as an adult) was the best thing to ever happen to me. I used to get strep 4-5 times a year and no one ever wanted to take out the fucking things until I ended up hospitalized for a week due to strep and tonsillitis. I was so angry. And then they took them out and I haven’t had strep since. Seriously weeks of my life wasted with unnecessary suffering. Obviously I’m still not over it lol

    I started with my “new hours” today. I’m still really annoyed. I was hired for a specific time slot, and then they changed it without asking or telling me. And because the start time is later, traffic is worse. It added 20 minutes to my commute this morning. I was feeling really discouraged last night. I’m trying to have a good attitude but it’s just a lot of disorganization at once.

     I also decided to say fuck it to Christmas. FI and I are going to stay home alone, no hosting. I ordered a mini honey baked ham and I’ll make some of my side staples for us to eat the day of. I just can’t do the stress of my new job plus the stress of my dad’s sister yelling about immigration, chem trails, fake news, and how the “me too” movement is full of women who deserved it. I think I’ll literally lose it. No one needs that.....ever, but especially at Christmas. 
    Can you ask for additional compensation or more vacation time to offset the the change in hours? 
    I highly doubt it. 

    I just had a very enlightening conversation with one of the staff here. I’m going to let this play out but I might not be here for as long as I originally anticipated. 

  • levioosa said:
     I just can’t do the stress of my new job plus the stress of my dad’s sister yelling about immigration, chem trails, fake news, and how the “me too” movement is full of women who deserved it. I think I’ll literally lose it. No one needs that.....ever, but especially at Christmas. 
    Nope nope nope nope nope. While I do sometimes miss the sentiment of gathering at holidays, I DO NOT in any way, shape or form miss my family and having to deal with all of this (above). I only agreed to be around Uncle (H's uncle I referenced a few days ago) in the last year because I literally could not take one more thing (especially having to go in prepared for battle) over the last few years and the depression I've been in, and avoided him for basically that reason for the past several years. 

    Good on you for saying no to the bullshit and staying home to do you. I think your plans sound lovely and there is a lot of peace that comes with doing things your own way and not subjecting yourself to toxicity just because it's the holidays. 
    "Gossip is the devil's telephone, best to just hang up."
  • @mrsconn23, so sorry to hear about DefConn.  When DS was in first grade, he had strep FIVE flipping times between October and February.  We had his tonsils removed and he has never had strep again!  I feel the pain and struggle for you.

    We typically go out to LA the day after Christmas to visit with DS, DIL, and newest grandbaby.  Honestly, as awful as it sounds, it was killing my Christmas Day.  I would be distracted the entire day thinking about rushing home and finishing up what needed to be done for the early morning flight.  For the first time, we are headed out on the 27th instead.  I feel a bit guilty, and don't mean to prolong their holiday, but it has taken a load off my mind!

  • levioosa said:
    levioosa said:
    I hope DefConn feels better @mrsconn23. It seems like he’s had strep a lot recently. I would probably try to push for an ENT consult if that’s the case. Honestly getting my tonsils out (as an adult) was the best thing to ever happen to me. I used to get strep 4-5 times a year and no one ever wanted to take out the fucking things until I ended up hospitalized for a week due to strep and tonsillitis. I was so angry. And then they took them out and I haven’t had strep since. Seriously weeks of my life wasted with unnecessary suffering. Obviously I’m still not over it lol

    I started with my “new hours” today. I’m still really annoyed. I was hired for a specific time slot, and then they changed it without asking or telling me. And because the start time is later, traffic is worse. It added 20 minutes to my commute this morning. I was feeling really discouraged last night. I’m trying to have a good attitude but it’s just a lot of disorganization at once.

     I also decided to say fuck it to Christmas. FI and I are going to stay home alone, no hosting. I ordered a mini honey baked ham and I’ll make some of my side staples for us to eat the day of. I just can’t do the stress of my new job plus the stress of my dad’s sister yelling about immigration, chem trails, fake news, and how the “me too” movement is full of women who deserved it. I think I’ll literally lose it. No one needs that.....ever, but especially at Christmas. 
    Can you ask for additional compensation or more vacation time to offset the the change in hours? 
    I highly doubt it. 

    I just had a very enlightening conversation with one of the staff here. I’m going to let this play out but I might not be here for as long as I originally anticipated. 
    Oh no!  I really hope things get better at the new job.  I feel your frustration.  I can't believe you were just hired and they already made a permanent change to your schedule.

    One of my first jobs out of college was a shift manager for a retail store.  The salary was just barely acceptable for 40 hours/week.  And it was salaried, no extra OT pay.  I'd heard retail could be long hours and was concerned.  I asked a number of questions about the schedule and was polite, but blunt, that a few extra hours here or there was fine.  I was not a clock-watcher.  But I was not interested if a typical schedule was more than 40 hours/week.  I was absolutely assured that was usually not the case, but there could be exceptions at busy times of year, ie Back to School, Christmas, etc.

    My first day at work I go look at my schedule.  52 hours, smh.  It was not a busy time of year.  I could hardly believe my eyes.  I probably should have just walked back out, but decided to keep the "sure thing" while I went back to my job searching.  Fortunately, I was not there long.  That was 20 years ago and I still loathe that place, lol.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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