Wedding Woes

Last Friday of the year!

Another boring, slow day at work. I'm going to delete more emails and organize my desk. I should be done in an hour. 

I booked my plane tickets for Mexico! I'm going in Feb to celebrate my BFF's 40th birthday. 

Not a ton of plans this weekend. I may go out tomorrow to watch my brother's band. What's everyone else up to? 

Re: Last Friday of the year!

  • I’m off again today. I basically slept all day yesterday and it was great. We’ve got a wedding tonight so I’m resting up a bit. It’s one of Hs best friends so it should be a really long night. I’m going to need all the naps. 

    Also, TMI but I’m waiting on a call back from my Dr. I had some spotting this morning after H and I had sex. So I’m a little nervous but hoping all is okay. 
  • I'm also working, but WFH. I was originally supposed to be off all this week, but with staff changes we had to have someone available each day. So I'm not necessarily expected to put in a full day, but I need to be here if someone reaches out or something breaks. So, I've gone through my email, accomplished the one task I needed to finish before YE, paid bills, done laundry, caught up on Prudie, and am now about to go online shoe shopping. Next I'm going to take a 2 hour lunch, and will spend the afternoon binge watching the rest of the Crown. 

    Busy weekend here. Today is my sister's birthday, so we're going to Medieval times. Tomorrow we're meeting some friends for a hike in the morning, and then we're supposed to go to our friends' group "Friendsmas". I don't really want to go, but I'll make an appearance. Sunday will put the house back together because we're hosting NYE. Monday isn't really weekend, but "working" and then going to a get together at another friend's house. 

    Mexico sounds amazing! We're going to Florida in Feb, but Mexico sounds way better!
  • It was supposed to be a sloooow day but one of our customers is demanding the impossible and I realu dont think we have the man power to do this until after the new year when everyone’s back.  I also asked my counterpart in a different region for some help and got a “nope” so I’m basically on my own here.

    Blackhawks game tonight and then I’m looking for stuff for H and I to do tomorrow since he’s actually off. I want to do something other than our usual dinner/movie but something tells me it’ll be dinner & a movie

    fx that it’s nothing @charlotte989875
    mexico in Feb sounds wonderful! @climbingwife, and before you know it, it’ll be here

  • Awwww hopefully she can stay in there for longer @cupcait927

    A few hears ago I bought this plastic reusable cup from Etsy:
    I washed it out and left it on my desk to use for the next day.  Our cleaning staff threw it out! We emailed the office and told them they threw out a reusable cup and I just went ahead and replaced it.  After washing it though, I always left it in the drying rack, upside down with the other cups. It’s been Ok for months doing that.

    This morning I found out they threw THAT one away too.  And it was in the drying rack! I can’t  win! Even a guy who has been working in our office for only 2 days said “cant they pick it up and tell it’s not styrofoam?” Like even HE gets it!

  • Good vibes @charlotte989875 and @cupcait927

    Yesterday was super busy. It was my first day by myself and legitimately one of the busiest days we’ve had since I’ve been here. I was on the struggle bus. I’m still sick and I don’t feel like I’m getting any better. I just wanted to keep sleeping this morning. We’re supposed to do Christmas with my parents tomorrow but I’m not sure. I’ll have to re-evaluate when I get off work tonight. At least it’s the weekend. 

  • hope she stays in a bit longer @cupcait927 but it sounds like you're both in great hands being monitored if she needs to come a bit early

    that's ridiculous @charmedpam not to mention someone should feel it is a different material than a regular paper Sbx cup
  • cupcait927cupcait927 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2019
    @levioosa Feel better!
    @CharmedPam I remember when you bought that cup the first time and it got thrown out. WTH are they doing touching stuff in the drying rack? It's clearly reusable if it's been washed.
    @kvruns Luckily we're delivering at the best hospital in our region so if she does need a little extra care in the beginning, she'll be in great hands. I'm just not ready yet for her to be here - I'd love if she could hang on until her due date, or at least pretty darn close to it. 
  • I'm in the office today in my workout pants. I think there's only 5 of us here. I had planned to work from home but it's so quiet here I don't mind it at all. I knocked out a couple projects yesterday and today that I'd been stalling for quite some time. Still need to do a few more things before calling it a wrap. Off next week so it will be a nice break.

    Have DH's extended family get together this weekend. It's 2 hours away and I don't know anyone so I always dread it. They do a white elephant gift exchange although it's weird because some stuff is nice and other things given are like true junk. I don't see a reason to spend much $ on stuff when there's plenty of stuff I have on hand in the gift closet or regifts from work (vendors send us tons of stuff). DH is being dumb about it and wants to see what I'm putting together to make sure it's ok. wtf? A) no one knows who gives what B ) who gives a rat's ass, it's all decent stuff and last year we didn't even stay long enough for the exchange and C) just no. I'd tell him to just do it himself but then he'd go spend $30 on stupid stuff when we already have plenty. 

    I have: Christmas mug filled w/ candy and a box of tea, wine glass tumbler filled with candy, and then some sort of bath set/bath bomb type stuff. I think that is nice enough for 3 presents. 
  • I just went to edit my post and it disappeared. lame. 
  • @CharmedPam I'd be so mad about the cup. What the hell! Why are they throwing something away on a drying rack? Clearly someone washed it, and wanted it dried, regardless of what you think it is. 
  • Best vibes @cupcait927 and feel better @levioosa
    @charlotte989875 if you weren't pregnant would this be around the time you would get your period?  During the first trimester while your body is still adjusting to being pregnant, some women spot on what would be their period.  It happened to me both times...maybe it's that? Vibes to you too  <3

    The kids and I caught the craziest winter solstice sunrise while out running an early morning errand on 12/21.  They've been talking about sunrises since which is cute bc they're usually very into the night sky (moon and its phases, the stars).  So this morning we caught the sunrise on the beach. It was very cool.  Followed  by runs into Target and Trader Joe's.  Making them lunch now but then giving some screen time bc I feel like relaxing now lol. 
  • @charlotte989875 fx it's nothing! Most likely it's just cervix irritation that caused the spotting. 

    I'm in the office today. I had another non-stress test for baby followed by an ultrasound. NST was perfect. Ultrasound showed that she's gained weight since the last scan at 32 weeks (up to 4 lbs 5 oz at 34 weeks) but her abdominal measurement has gone from 5th percentile to 3rd percentile. Not diagnosed with growth restriction yet but they want to do weekly ultrasounds along with NSTs. I'm just mentally preparing myself to be told at 36 weeks (the next time they'll do measurements) that she's growth restricted and that I need to have her ASAP. If that doesn't happen and she gets to stay in for a little longer, it'll be happy news. 
    Really hoping she gets to stay put for a few more weeks! Is your doctor concerned about her size? And do they have any ideas about what it’s happening? 

    I’m hoping it’s just cervical irritation, given the sex this morning. Everything I’ve read said this is fine & should be totally normal but still a little nervous. 

    Fingers crossed all is well for you and the baby. 
  • ei34 said:
    Best vibes @cupcait927 and feel better @levioosa
    @charlotte989875 if you weren't pregnant would this be around the time you would get your period?  During the first trimester while your body is still adjusting to being pregnant, some women spot on what would be their period.  It happened to me both times...maybe it's that? Vibes to you too  <3

    The kids and I caught the craziest winter solstice sunrise while out running an early morning errand on 12/21.  They've been talking about sunrises since which is cute bc they're usually very into the night sky (moon and its phases, the stars).  So this morning we caught the sunrise on the beach. It was very cool.  Followed  by runs into Target and Trader Joe's.  Making them lunch now but then giving some screen time bc I feel like relaxing now lol. 
    It’s a little after when my period would normally be. Thankfully it’s stopped (for now) & was really light to begin with. I’m hoping it’s nothing and everything is fine. Thanks for the good thoughts!!
  • I hope it is nothing @charlotte989875 I know I was always on edge with even the slightest spotting so it is totally understandable
  • @charlotte989875 I've been measuring small my entire pregnancy and at our anatomy scan (20 weeks), all of the baby's measurements were proportional, which was a good thing. I haven't gained a ton of weight though, which the doctor wasn't concerned about until I got to 30 weeks and she saw I had lost a pound since I was in at 28 weeks. They did an ultrasound at 32 weeks and that's when they discovered the possible growth restriction. Typically it's caused by placenta insufficiency but they do extra monitoring of the umbilical cord and my fluid levels to make sure those are still normal. The doctor did tell me that my lack of weight gain isn't what caused this, that the lack of weight gain is caused by the baby not growing as much or as quickly.
  • Fingers X for you both @cupcait927 and @charlotte989875.   FWIW I had some spotting in both pregnancies so if it stopped I hope it's an OK thing. 

    I'm off today but scanning emails that come through that look like they need to be attacked.   I'm not really back in until the 2nd.  

    Santa brought Chiquita the Hogwarts express so we have some building to do.   My parents bought Chiquito a real tool kit for kids with a crane kit so DH is going to help him soon.

    Kiddos had sleepovers last night (Chiquita at my aunt's and Chiquito at my IL's) while DH and I went out for a grown up dinner in Essex, CT.  It was SO GOOD. 
  • @MyNameIsNot I hope you have fun at Medieval Times!  I love that place!  

    I'm visiting my sister this weekend with the rest of the family.  I am supposed to bake but haven't had time ... hopefully I get everything done tonight.

  • We've had a great, busy, exhausting week. All my kids were home for Christmas day. They arrived in shifts starting the 22nd and ending the afternoon of the 24th. They left yesterday and today. The house is so quiet without the grands around. They were so much fun running around. We have a playroom above our garage (that hasn't been used for around 8 years). We fixed it up and got our kids toys out of storage boxes. The boys absolutely loved it. After DD and family left today, I started the inevitable mountain of laundry. Tomorrow that will continue along with cleaning bathrooms. I did get my nails done this afternoon.

    We are having friends over for dinner on NYE so I need to do a good cleaning then after NY I will pack away Christmas decorations. Tomorrow night we are going to a get rid of your leftovers party! Hopefully that will get rid of all the cookies and cakes leftover!
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