Wedding Woes


This has been the longest week with a day off ever! What's everyone up to this weekend? 

My BIL is visiting from NC so we're going out to dinner tonight with family. 

Saturday I've got some errands to run, and then my rescheduled tattoo appointment at 5pm. 

And that's about it. 

Re: Friday!

  • I have canceled all plans for this weekend and told DH that I cannot do FIL coming over tomorrow.  This cold is stubborn and I'm done hosting anyone.  We're going to run to Costco tonight and maybe Trader Joe's.  

    DH is probably going to the shooting range tomorrow with his dad and the kiddo.  I am going to de-Christmas the house between tomorrow and Sunday.  I also need to do laundry and some purging of DefConn's clothes and maybe some of mine too.  I plan on sleeping as late as possible Saturday and Sunday.  I just need to be in my own home without other people here.  

    If mom can't get her electrolytes up and needs more fluid on Monday, she'll probably be admitted.  
  • Last night was the worst.  DD hit a few kids at daycare (her teacher didn't even write it up because she has gotten so many write ups in recent weeks).  So she had her usual consequences.  She went to bed after dinner and just proceed to scream her head off for 2 hours.  We even ate dinner a bit late, so it was a normal bedtime for her.  So I think her staying up until midnight NYE just bit us in the ass.  I just hope and pray she doesn't hit anyone today.  We ended up taking her bedroom toys away since she wouldn't get into bed.  I finally bargained that if she got into bed, I would pat her back.  She agreed and that finally got her to calm down and fall asleep.  But she was up normal time today again, slow as molasses and really tired.  This day could go either way.  I gave her a shot of ibuprofen cause Mom of the Year right here and maybe it would actually help.

    I will run around at lunch making some returns.  We don't have anything planned for this weekend other than Church on Saturday.  The Eagles slumped into the playoffs, so we will watch them on Sunday, but probably from home.
  • I'm finally over the flu, so karma decided to bless me with pink eye. I've been basically quarantined since Sunday, so I've got to get out, pink eye be damned. If it's not too obvious this afternoon, we'll try to do dinner out. 

    Otherwise, pretty chill. If the weather clears I'm taking the pup to the park. Mom is coming to help me split a potted plant tomorrow (it spawned a baby!), we're going to hit a couple of open houses, and then just packing. 

    I've started laundry mountain today. It feels like spring cleaning or something. Something about the end of being sick makes me want to purge and clean everything. 
  • Last of work and this week felt so long. I feel like next week is going to slap us in the face with five days straight. I’m looking forward to getting into a routine though. 

    Not much planned for this weekend. It’s my mom’s birthday. I asked her if she’d like to go out for lunch or dinner on Sunday but she wasn’t sure. I guess we’ll see but it would be nice to get an actual answer. 

    Now it’s the new year and I’m starting to get antsy about the bathroom getting finished. I’m tired of having half the house in construction zone mode. 

  • Last night was the worst.  DD hit a few kids at daycare (her teacher didn't even write it up because she has gotten so many write ups in recent weeks).  So she had her usual consequences.  She went to bed after dinner and just proceed to scream her head off for 2 hours.  We even ate dinner a bit late, so it was a normal bedtime for her.  So I think her staying up until midnight NYE just bit us in the ass.  I just hope and pray she doesn't hit anyone today.  We ended up taking her bedroom toys away since she wouldn't get into bed.  I finally bargained that if she got into bed, I would pat her back.  She agreed and that finally got her to calm down and fall asleep.  But she was up normal time today again, slow as molasses and really tired.  This day could go either way.  I gave her a shot of ibuprofen cause Mom of the Year right here and maybe it would actually help.

    I will run around at lunch making some returns.  We don't have anything planned for this weekend other than Church on Saturday.  The Eagles slumped into the playoffs, so we will watch them on Sunday, but probably from home.
    Hugs.   We've had that with Chiquito.   It is SO HARD.   Even today he just didn't listen and he's taken the Switch out of the dock and used it and dropped it so much he's forbidden from using it without the TV being on.   He knows this.   Today I saw him using it on the couch and then 20 minutes later he had it at the kitchen table and DROPPED IT AGAIN!     He now can't use it all weekend which also means that I need to watch him like a hawk ALL WEEKEND. 

  • So I joined a gym and last year they had zumba every Tuesday night.  I saw 3x classes a week that would work for me so I joined it then. Zumba didn't really get my heart rate up but it was fun. Now, it looks like they took out zumba this year! Now I only see 2 classes a week that work for me.  Unless I want to pay extra for group training. Now I’m just not so sure if the extra $ to put into it will be worth it.

    i’ll just back out on my “get fit” resolution. That seems easier and less expensive. 

  • @CharmedPam I had the opposite problem with my gym. They replaced all the classes I loved with Zumba! 
  • @CharmedPam Is this the one in your office? Can you look at other gyms nearby? Surely there is something else that fits better? Gyms are getting so cheap here. 
  • Yup, one in the office.  I’m locked in for 1 year.  I could ask them to play videos for me - but I actually just joined for the classes since I have a home gym - I’m looking for people! 

  • Happy new year everyone!

    This was us xmas eve:
    Me cutting and wrapping gifts for family while M cleans the table and tries to organize things before having people for breakfast.

    Time off was pretty busy but relatively uneventful. Tried to see everyone and got my hair done.

    BabyKitten has been doing great with sleeping but one night she had a rough one. Her last molar {until 2y.o ones} powered through and went from barely to all 4 points out! :O She ran a low-grade temp and had teething poops for a couple days, but I think we're good now.

    This morning though .... good lord.
    So we have a few things to barricade BabyKitten in the living room - tote, trunk and shelving cube - that we plan on eventually taking down before she's 2, but need to figure out what needs to be covered before we do.
    Anyways I angle the trunk and tote so it's easy for us to step over. I was grabbing her this morning to lift her over, and idk wtf happened but I fell. BabyKitten was fine - we think more shocked than anything - but I smashed my elbow into a metal tool box.
    M - who was maybe 2 ft away from us - rushed over, and I passed off BabyKitten because I didn't know if she was ok and I just couldn't breath.

    Anyways ... BabyKitten was/is fine {told daycare about it in case} but my elbow is in bad shape. It's swollen and very bruised. M is pretty concerned because the metal box I dented is not something flimsy. He was ready to take me to emerg this morning, but I can move my elbow. I'm basically babying it today and keeping an eye on it. I'll probably ice it when I get home.
  • Omg I love love love the hair!

    and I don’t even pretend to wrap anymore

  • MKD - Make sure you get your elbow looked at!  Could be something serious if you dented a metal toolbox!!!!  Glad BabyKitten was ok!
  • @OliveOilsMom I may go to walk-in clinic tomorrow if icing it tonight doesn't help. I have definitely got more mobility now than I did this morning. I haven't taken anything and I haven't really done anything for it {no freezer at work :( } but I had M pick up Ibuprofen today so I could take some for inflammation at least
  • Hashtag longestdayoftheyear (so far)

  • I haven't been able to keep the days straight this week! Yesterday and today I took all the Christmas stuff down except snowmen - it is winter after all. I haven't put back any of the regular stuff because I like to look at empty space for awhile. Tomorrow I will clean because Christmas decorations make a mess! We are going out with friends tomorrow night for dinner. Sunday I'm headed to Chicago for the week. SIL has a business trip, so I'm going to give DD a hand and spend some one on one time with her (except for the 18 month olds lol). I can only take so much of SIL at a time so it should be fun. Today I had a massage - much needed after lugging all the boxes!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Hashtag longestdayoftheyear (so far)
    Same. I’m actually still at work. Busiest time of the year. 
  • we're open on all the days off this time of year, so, yeah, extra crazy here too.
    Also, next week, work has a new computer system for EVERYTHING-registers, donors, memberships, donations, etc go LIVE.  should be fun times.
    (I'm going in for training on my 'day off' monday)

    And can't take the decorations down until Monday, what w/ the 12th day of Christmas being then

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