Wedding Woes

Maybe it is MONDAY ?

Back to work, finally figuring out what day it is again. I'm ready for routine

Re: Maybe it is MONDAY ?

  • I’m at work. With a head cold and a team member out with the flu. And it’s our busiest week of the year. 

    Weekend was fine, the Bills list and I was bummed. Other than that just a quiet weekend. 
  • that's awesome @varunatt way to advocate for yourself! At my last job (before they took away raises) you would get a raised based on your rating of 1-5 with 1 being the best. In my reviews I'd always be told you're doing amazing, nothign you can do better and get a 2. When I asked I was told that our department never gives out 1s even if you deserve it, effectively meaning no one ever got much of a raise because the head of the department was a jerk. 
  • We’re still a month away from finding out our bonuses and merit increases! I got the highest rating this year (#humblebrag) so I’m hoping it’s good. We’ve already been told the pool is lower this year but I’m hoping it’s still something good. 
  • Mondays .... amirite?

    Blegh weekend. I barely got anything done because M has a chest cold and was down and out Saturday.
    Sunday I ended up sending him to do groceries because BabyKitten was under the weather. She ran over M's toe with her toy {on purpose} and when M said "ow, that hurt. Don't do that" she just fell apart.
    That's when we realized she was running a bit of a temperature.
    Gave motrin and snuggles.

    It was basically a Wiggles and Little People day.

    Also BabyKitten is starting to show signs of wanting to potty train. They're very early, so we're just going to start really researching and buy a potty.
    Saturday she took off her {dirty} diaper and handed it to me all folded up {no poop fell out!} and Sunday she kept pushing her change pad {pah-pah} at me when she wanted to be changed.
    Like wtf lmao

    She slept but this morning I'm really unsure of how she's feeling. She was chomping on her hand, so I'm wondering if it's a cold and her cuspids causing this hell.
    Hopefully it passes soon :( 
  • @VarunaTT I may have missed it, but why aren't you going with K?
    At least you can see ALL THE MOVIES!
    But way to go for yourself :) 

    @charlotte989875 boo head cold :( Idk if you can take anything med wise, but if you have a saline nasal spray or drainage {think Hydra Sense or Neti-Pot} those are safe for 1st tri colds.
  • Ugh Monday!

    and I spent a good chunk of my life last night on the Golden Globes! Whyyyyy?  I loved when J-Lo walked out way ahead of Paul Rudd:  like, way to good for him? And poor Elton John was looking for a hug from the actor who portrayed him but he turned and walked away.  All caught on camera.  Oops.

    nice!  Hawaii sounds real nice right now! How long is K gone for? 

  • Fingers crossed that this is a full week of work/school.   If it is for the kids, it will be the first time that they will have attended 5 days of school in a row since MID NOVEMBER.  

    No wonder I can't get Chiquita to work on her book report!

    Also, I'm now one of those parents who wants to yell at the collective group of teachers who say, "You're a bag of dicks if you assign a project to kids with the expectation that they work on it over winter vacation."      The kid is in 4th grade and the vacation from school is just that -  a vacation.   I'm not a fan of school work that was ever assigned over a break period and now I'm a parent frustrated that I have to police my kid on vacation because she's trying to vacation from school work. 

    Chiquita loves to read but her focus and desire to work on a big project isn't her strong suit.

    Speaking of reviews, I've been trying to meet with my boss to have mine since mid December.   
  • Back at work today and feeling disgruntled about it. We went to bed late last night due to some bcbc, which I don’t regret. But I am dragging this morning. 

    Weekend was otherwise okay with some down points. My grandfather had a heart attack on Friday. My mom called me to tell me he had been to the hospital with “acute coronary syndrome.” I said mom, that’s a heart attack. She didn’t believe me until she went to see my grandparents and looked at all of the paperwork. He’s doing okay but he needs to be compliant with his medications, and I bet he won’t be. Ugh. Stubborn people. We need to hear from them too when things happen instead of having them hide it. I could have gone to the hospital and helped. Instead my grandfather had a delay in care because they didn’t want to be impolite and cut in the sign-in line in the ER. Ugh. 

  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited January 2020
    @levioosa, Ts and Ps for your grandpa!  I hope he surprises you and takes his medications correctly and on schedule in the coming days.

    @kvruns, yes and no, on "glad to get back into a routine".  I took off so much time over the last couple weeks that it almost felt like life was "paused".  So it will be nice to be moving forward again and feel productive.  But then, this is going to be a looonnnggg week!  Now that I'm back to working a full and normal work week, lol.

    My H and I didn't do anything for NYE.  In fact, he was already sleeping at midnight.  That's his usual, lol.  Me and the Izzy dog stayed up.  She was a lot calmer about the fireworks than she usually is and I was proud of her.  I spent Wed.-Thurs. and Sun. totally relaxing at home.  Ran quite a few errands on Fri.-Sat., but even that was not too bad.  Izzy went to the groomer on Fri.  She always looks so much smaller when they're done, lol.  We made a sorely needed Costco run on Sat.  Ooohhh!  I also made a crockpot of apple cider on Sat.

    My next time off is a four-day weekend for Mardi Gras from Feb. 22nd-Feb. 25th.  I don't think I can wait that long, y'all.  I decided I need to take a vacation day on Jan. 31st to get a 3-dayer in at about the halfway mark, lol.

    Edited to add:  @charlotte989875, I'm sorry about your Bills!  I was thinking about you when I saw they had lost.  And then my Saints had the same curse of losing in OT, smh.  Just a bad football weekend all around.  I swear, I blame the pre-game announcers.  Okay, not really, but they could not stop blah-blah-blah'ing about how much of an underdog the Vikings were.  I even said to my H, "OMG!!!  Can those a$$holes just STFU already?  They are jinxing us!"
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sorry to hear about your grandfather @levioosa

    Anyone else seeing giant emojis on here??
  • @VarunaTT I may have missed it, but why aren't you going with K?
    At least you can see ALL THE MOVIES!
    But way to go for yourself :) 
    No lie, totally my plan.  K struggles with sitting through movies most of the time unless it's specifically something they want to see (and that's not a lot).  So, making up for lost time!!  Also, derby starts soon, so I'll have my T/R back to see movies.

    K's maternal grandmother has been doing her "bucket list."  K has family (aunt = maternal grandmother's daughter) in HI, so the trip is K, K's mom, and K's maternal grandmother. 

    I was trying to write an explanation of all the personalities, but I think it can be succinctly put with:  I am a very different sort of personality than all of K's family and, even when everyone is trying which we all really are, we all find it very difficult to manage time together, even with the best of intentions.  (I don't want to lay this all at their feet, I know they're trying with me too).  While 8 days in HI sounds like heaven, I don't think I can manage myself with K's family that long and it would be unavoidable and/or rude with the intent of the trip.
  • VarunaTTVarunaTT member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 2020
    kvruns said:

    Anyone else seeing giant emojis on here??
    Yes.  IDK why, but I kind of like it.  
  • Levioosa - Prayers for your grandfather's recovery!

    My Eagles also lost their game yesterday, but I'm not too surprised by it.  We really could have won it too, since the Seahawks played terribly.  Our QB went down early in the 1st quarter with a concussion because the dirty Seahawk lowered his helmet during a tackle - which wasn't even called!  I think if that didn't happen, we may have actually advanced!  But I'm just glad the Patriots are out and that the Titans used one of the classic Belichek time "management" techniques to pull over 1 minute off the clock, without even snapping the ball!

    Our weekend was pretty great!  DD was on green at pick up on Friday, so that helped tremendously!  She was good for us too.  We did our last "finishing touch" project on our half bath renovation this weekend.  It consisted of changing the door knob!  This sounds easy, but the knobs are all original to 1972 and current doorknobs are bigger, so we also had to cut larger holes in the door!  Then it needed more paint.  So the bathroom is now 100% done!

    I'm busy at work, but also busy trying to plan our Ireland vacation for May!  I'm trying to figure out a way to take a vacation to various locations around the country without doing a self-drive.  I was petrified of crossing the street when there 15-18 years ago, so I'm not very enthusiastic about being a driver there.  And since manual cars are the most economical rentals, I would be the only driver.  H could probably learn, but learning how to drive stick while on the opposite side of the car and road... Eek!  I've tried pricing out the train or bus tours, but those seem too pricey for our budget.  So its going to be various DIY train/bus tours to get us everywhere I want to go!  I've been 3 times, but I've really only seen Dublin and Galway.  I had one overnight in Cork to see the Blarney Stone too.  I also always stayed with friends or their parents, so it was super easy to go.
  • Best vibes to your grandfather @levioosa
    Weekend was alright - annoying IL stuff on saturday but then a low key day Sunday
    Work was fine.  Putting a spaghetti squash into the oven for dinner now.
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited January 2020
    @OliveOilsMom, it's so wacky to me sometimes the feelings I have for NFL teams that are based on nothing important, but are still so strong!  The Eagles are a good example.  An ex-b/f was a huge Eagles fan, so I was vicariously a fan for the two years we dated.  Although things ended with him, they didn't end badly.  So, although they may not be one of my fave teams, I have warm feelings for the Eagles.

    As opposed to the Seahawks.  I had a coworker...years ago!...who was a hard-core Seahawks fan.  It's a long story that is not worth getting into, but I could not stand that guy.  The Seahawks remind me of him, so I don't like them either, lol.  And that is despite the fact that they are my BIL's favorite team and my H's second favorite team.

    Edited to add:  For the cost savings, I would shore myself up to be prepared to do driving around Ireland.  I'd bet there are tips online to help the transition.  Try to be hitting the road at "off" hours when there is less traffic and allow yourself plenty of time to get there so you don't feel "rushed".  FWIW, I had a British online friend who drove the first time he came to the U.S.  He even grew up in a fairly small town that he rarely left, so he wasn't even that experienced of a driver.  He said it was a lot easier to get used to driving on the "wrong side of the road" then he was expecting.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Posting because I am up too early. 😠 I am not a morning person. DH has to be in early all this month so that means we all have to get up early. He set his alarm for 5 today because he almost overslept yesterday but does he get up at 5? No. He just just snoozes the alarm for an hour, then the baby makes noise threatening to get up, then the cat wouldn't shut up. The universe just needs me up early today. 

    Today I am taking myself shopping. I have needed a pair of jeans for a year and today is the day I buy them, lol. However long it takes. 

    I am joining a book club, which I am excited about, but with with that comes the WhatsApp group. We haven't even had a meeting yet and it has already derailed into tango lessons. 

    I think I am just grumpy this morning. 
  • Posting because I am up too early. 😠 I am not a morning person. DH has to be in early all this month so that means we all have to get up early. He set his alarm for 5 today because he almost overslept yesterday but does he get up at 5? No. He just just snoozes the alarm for an hour, then the baby makes noise threatening to get up, then the cat wouldn't shut up. The universe just needs me up early today. 

    Today I am taking myself shopping. I have needed a pair of jeans for a year and today is the day I buy them, lol. However long it takes. 

    I am joining a book club, which I am excited about, but with with that comes the WhatsApp group. We haven't even had a meeting yet and it has already derailed into tango lessons. 

    I think I am just grumpy this morning. 
    I’d be cranky too if I listened to someone else’s alarm for an hour! H is also an alarm snoozer and it drives me crazy. 
  • Posting because I am up too early. 😠 I am not a morning person. DH has to be in early all this month so that means we all have to get up early. He set his alarm for 5 today because he almost overslept yesterday but does he get up at 5? No. He just just snoozes the alarm for an hour, then the baby makes noise threatening to get up, then the cat wouldn't shut up. The universe just needs me up early today. 

    Today I am taking myself shopping. I have needed a pair of jeans for a year and today is the day I buy them, lol. However long it takes. 

    I am joining a book club, which I am excited about, but with with that comes the WhatsApp group. We haven't even had a meeting yet and it has already derailed into tango lessons. 

    I think I am just grumpy this morning. 
    Good luck!  I was searching for a LONG time.  Many purchase and returns, especially at Old Navy.  I took a stab at Walmart online during their after Christmas clearance.  I got the box a few days ago and the jeans I chose both fit well and look good.  It was a (after) Christmas miracle!

    This was funny also.  In addition to those jeans, I also got some capri jeans that are designed with the bottoms flipped up once.  On the model in the picture...who I assume is super tall...they hit about mid-calf.  On my 5'0" tall self?  When I took out the "flip up", they are a perfect "normal" length jeans, lol.  Which was exactly my hope and plan.  They mostly fit and look fine, but feel a little snug.  However, they were only 9 bucks and I'm excited about the length, so I'm keeping them.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Posting because I am up too early. 😠 I am not a morning person. DH has to be in early all this month so that means we all have to get up early. He set his alarm for 5 today because he almost overslept yesterday but does he get up at 5? No. He just just snoozes the alarm for an hour, then the baby makes noise threatening to get up, then the cat wouldn't shut up. The universe just needs me up early today. 

    Today I am taking myself shopping. I have needed a pair of jeans for a year and today is the day I buy them, lol. However long it takes. 

    I am joining a book club, which I am excited about, but with with that comes the WhatsApp group. We haven't even had a meeting yet and it has already derailed into tango lessons. 

    I think I am just grumpy this morning. 
    Good luck!  I was searching for a LONG time.  Many purchase and returns, especially at Old Navy.  I took a stab at Walmart online during their after Christmas clearance.  I got the box a few days ago and the jeans I chose both fit well and look good.  It was a (after) Christmas miracle!

    This was funny also.  In addition to those jeans, I also got some capri jeans that are designed with the bottoms flipped up once.  On the model in the picture...who I assume is super tall...they hit about mid-calf.  On my 5'0" tall self?  When I took out the "flip up", they are a perfect "normal" length jeans, lol.  Which was exactly my hope and plan.  They mostly fit and look fine, but feel a little snug.  However, they were only 9 bucks and I'm excited about the length, so I'm keeping them.
    I second Old Navy - they have a bunch of new fits {petite, tall, regular - curvy, narrow, etc}
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