Wedding Woes

No Wednesday?

It’s just me at work today in my role. I’m trying to brace myself for what’s coming. My grandma texted me this morning that my grandfather went to the cardiologist (by himself) and the cardiologist told him “it was only a muscle strain.” I don’t buy that for a second. It’s just super frustrating to have someone (who I strongly suspect has the beginnings of dementia) and who is a general ass about their health going to appointments by themselves. They’re giving me a headache. 

Otherwise SSDD here. How is everyone else’s day going? 


Re: No Wednesday?

  • levioosa said:
    It’s just me at work today in my role. I’m trying to brace myself for what’s coming. My grandma texted me this morning that my grandfather went to the cardiologist (by himself) and the cardiologist told him “it was only a muscle strain.” I don’t buy that for a second. It’s just super frustrating to have someone (who I strongly suspect has the beginnings of dementia) and who is a general ass about their health going to appointments by themselves. They’re giving me a headache. 

    Otherwise SSDD here. How is everyone else’s day going? 
    I'm so sorry @levioosa.   I remember hearing my aunt talk about her FIL (a diabetic) talk about how many cookies he was allowed to eat by his doctor. 

    I've asked my parents to at least include me on all HIPAA forms for their physicians.   Would that be something they would consider doing with you with your medical background or are they unlikely to listen to you because regardless of your knowledge you are "a kid" in their eyes? 
  • @banana468 my grandma might be open to it but my grandfather tries to hide everything. He’s hidden cancer treatments and surgeries before too. My uncle and mom are both in the healthcare field so they would probably take precedence on being named on forms. My uncle and I are probably the most knowledgeable with things. My grandma’s issue is mainly that she doesn’t want to bother us. But of course we wouldn’t be bothered. Trying to get that through to her is impossible though. 

  • Levioosa - That sucks and I'm sorry.  If you can, try to do Banana's suggestion.

    Yoga was nice except for the two times I had to sit down due to light headedness.  It was really hot in our law library, where we had to practice last night.  It was hot just walking into the room!  So between that and my blood donation, I had to sit down.  I began to feel better as soon as I left the room!

    Headed to Wegmans at lunch for a few staples, since today is payday.  Tonight I think H and I are going to try to take down the big Christmas tree.  I was able to undecorate our small/fake tree yesterday morning, so we just have this one to go and we can put Christmas back in the basement.  DD is already asking when we can decorate again!
  • So brief update on my BFF's dad {haven't heard anything today so this is from yesterday}
    Blood thinners were working. Chest xray done, but no results yet. He's at the heart institute - which is the best place for him - and they had him eat, so there wasn't an immediate rush for surgery.
    I told her to sit and have a come to jesus talk, because her parents don't take care of themselves.

    Last night M made a chicken with mushroom and cream sauce for dinner. Unfortunately for us, it seems M's dairy sensitivity is a little more and I'm becoming sensitive. So we've decided to find alternatives for some of the stuff in there {like the heavy cream} so we can make it again.

    BabyKitten woke up at 3am and struggled to get back down. She was quiet, so I didn't get her. I had to by 5:45am because she was screaming bloody murder. I may have drifted off again before I had to get her, so I'm not entirely confident she slept again.

    We realized last night our stove is dying a lot faster than we expected, so I think we'll be looking at a new one sooner than we'd hoped. I was personally hoping to push it until a good deal but idk if it'll make it.

    This weekend I'm hoping to get BabyKitten's closet done, and some work on the basement but she has swimming and we have groceries to do. So idk ... I just want my fucking dryer done.
  • I am having some issues with Chiquita.   We've entered the phase of she's 9 and now I'm never correct and I lost my shit on her this morning.

    I regret how loud I was but not that I put her in her place.   That said, I know I'm the grown up here and I need to change my approach or the next 10 years are going to be terrible. 

    Then at 9:15 the power went out so I worked in the dark on battery back up until it was restored two hours later.   I still have no idea what caused it (it's a sunny day with no wind) but at least it wasn't while I had any appliances running or while we tried to cook or get ready for bed. 

  • @levioosa, I hope everything is okay with your grandpa.  But I can understand the frustration that what he says, can't be trusted.

    @MissKittyDanger, Ts and Ps for your BFF's dad.  I'm glad things were looking better, once he got to the heart institute and that he did not need to be rushed into surgery.

    Good luck on the stove.  Especially if it's fairly convenient, regularly check out the appliance clearance section of big box stores like Home Depot/Lowe's.  You never know what you'll find and I have seen unbelievable deals there...usually floor models, so they have some dings...but they're still new and come with all the same warranties.  When I first moved into my house, I bought a $700 gas stove for $375 in Lowe's clearance.  About a year later, I was on the hunt for a large fridge (25 cu/ft at least), but could take my time because the fridge we had was fine.  It took me 6 months, and I wasn't even making special trips, but I finally found one (also at Lowe's).  Normally $1300, on sale for $650.  And I got them to take another $50 off the price, because it was missing one of the drawers.  They even provided me with the missing drawer later on!  But they had to order it and I needed to wait 3 weeks for it to come in.

    My dinner last night turned out to be awesome!  The appetizer was meh.  It was bruschetta and it tasted fine, nothing special.  But they just served it loose on a plate.  It wasn't on bread or anything like that.  Weird and confusing but, oh well.  My entrée was actually mini portions of three of their chicken dishes.  I love when restaurants have options like that because I always want to try a bite of everything, lol.  And, major bonus, they were ALL good and packed with flavor. My H got the lasagna.  He said it was good, though complained the sauce was a little too sweet, but didn't seem that blown away by it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited January 2020
    @ILoveBeachMusic   Oh, I'll keep that mix in mind :) We want a good mix that won't overdo the flavour because the sauce is soooo good lol
  • It’s amazing what, almost, sleeping through the night will do! All hail Benadryl for the win. 

    Had a meeting with the Treasurer of the bank today and it went really well. We’re a small division so getting this 1:1 time is really great. 

    H has his holiday party tonight so I’m on my own for dinner. I’ve been working late so much I don’t feel like cooking but have no idea what to stop  to get. Serious first world problems here. 
  • Very annoying @levioosa, hopefully it’s nothing
     @OliveOilsMom, I actually know a few people who just leave the tree up all year round. Only one that I know of is themed (nightmare before christmas).  Maybe DD is telling you something!
    Yes @short+sassy would rather a “sample plate” than a whole meal.  Unless one sample over rules the others and your just sad you didn't have a portion of the good thing. Lol

    getting my short, awful, chewed up nails and toes done for Vegas.  Leaving Friday. Woot!  Mom said she has concert tickets for us and I have a feeling it’s Keith Urban.  Love him and if my guess is right I’m so excited! 

  • Very annoying @levioosa, hopefully it’s nothing
     @OliveOilsMom, I actually know a few people who just leave the tree up all year round. Only one that I know of is themed (nightmare before christmas).  Maybe DD is telling you something!
    Yes @short+sassy would rather a “sample plate” than a whole meal.  Unless one sample over rules the others and your just sad you didn't have a portion of the good thing. Lol

    getting my short, awful, chewed up nails and toes done for Vegas.  Leaving Friday. Woot!  Mom said she has concert tickets for us and I have a feeling it’s Keith Urban.  Love him and if my guess is right I’m so excited! 
    There was one that overruled the others and, when I go back there, I'd probably be more inclined to get that entrée alone as opposed to the sampler one.  But the other two were so good also and I was glad to have had a chance to try them, that there was not one bit of sadness or regret, lol.

    Have fun in Vegas.  That's exciting!  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • There was one that overruled the others and, when I go back there, I'd probably be more inclined to get that entrée alone as opposed to the sampler one.  But the other two were so good also and I was glad to have had a chance to try them, that there was not one bit of sadness or regret, lol.

    Have fun in Vegas.  That's exciting!  
    did you get the best one as your to go entree? 
  • Charmed Pam - This tree is real!  So if we left it up, it would be a giant stick in another month!  We have lucked out the last few years, that our real tree hasn't shed much.  We also keep it up until the Epiphany (Jan 6), so we are also almost 10 days past that!  I'm pressing my luck with this tree!

    Banana - Hugs!
  • kvruns said:

    There was one that overruled the others and, when I go back there, I'd probably be more inclined to get that entrée alone as opposed to the sampler one.  But the other two were so good also and I was glad to have had a chance to try them, that there was not one bit of sadness or regret, lol.

    Have fun in Vegas.  That's exciting!  
    did you get the best one as your to go entree? 
    Lol, I did not.  But only because we placed the orders for our to-go entrees at the same time we did for our dine-in entrees.  The to-go entrée I chose is seafood related instead of chicken.  It has shrimp and, even more importantly, scallops.  I love scallops.  It was already packed up when they brought it out, so I haven't tried it yet.  But after liking my chicken sampler entrée so much, I'm really looking forward to trying the shrimp/scallop dish also!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Charmed Pam - This tree is real!  So if we left it up, it would be a giant stick in another month!  We have lucked out the last few years, that our real tree hasn't shed much.  We also keep it up until the Epiphany (Jan 6), so we are also almost 10 days past that!  I'm pressing my luck with this tree!

    Banana - Hugs!
    Oh.  I failed to have thought of real trees....

  • VarunaTTVarunaTT member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 2020
    Last night M made a chicken with mushroom and cream sauce for dinner. Unfortunately for us, it seems M's dairy sensitivity is a little more and I'm becoming sensitive. So we've decided to find alternatives for some of the stuff in there {like the heavy cream} so we can make it again.
    I saw someone else recommend coconut milk and I just wanted to add...since I learned the hard way...coconut milk is a diarrhetic as well.  Once you're used to it, it should be fine, but just take it easy the first few times.  I was at a friend's house who hosted fantastic vegan meals and we had a lot of it and I was miserable at the danged party, it happened that fast.  I don't have any issues now, but I had it happen one other time when I over-indulged at an Indian buffet.

    I've done a version that just used mushrooms, white wine, and a shallot, with some herbs thrown in.  The mushrooms will really thicken it up almost by itself.  You could add some arrowroot (or cornstarch, they're mostly interchangeable) and if you really want the creaminess I suspect plain almond or oat milk would also do the trick.

    ETA:  So, I went searching for the difference between arrow root and corn starch, b/c I knew it wasn't about dairy or extraction and just assumed it was some elitist vegan BS.  There actually is some cooking differences which are interesting (and of note, not to use with dairy at all):
  • Yay hump day.  Feeling a bit more drained than usual from work and trying to summon the energy for a PTA meeting followed by Family STEAM Night at the kids' school a bit later. 
  • This has been a yucky week too. In addition to my Houston sports fanship taking multiple whammys (I mentioned it yesterday), my office's QuickBooks program did something weird with a client's files that we have to straighten out just as we're trying to close out their books for the year. Aaaaaaaaargh.

    Also, weird personal stuff coming from my folks. This year is a milestone birthday for me, so we were talking about planning some kind of celebration. We're still at the guest list stage, but they want me to make all the suggestions while they shoot them down, and they want me to invite my brother. I'm thinking about telling them that I've just decided that it's not worth it and that I'm not going to bother celebrating my birthday at all. After my last birthday, I think I just want to be incommunicado all day and let it go at that.
  • Sorry your still at odds with your bro @jen4948 is there a way around having the celebration but no to the bro?  My sister and I dont talk right now and it looks like my bro and her as well so I TOTALLY get it! 

    Yikes @VarunaTT so glad you got that out!!!

  • Sorry your still at odds with your bro @jen4948 is there a way around having the celebration but no to the bro?  My sister and I dont talk right now and it looks like my bro and her as well so I TOTALLY get it! 

    Yikes @VarunaTT so glad you got that out!!!
    I'm not sure about my brother. I can live with inviting him, but I don't like my parents' "we don't want to take an active role in the planning but we reserve the right to exercise veto power" attitudes, which is basically what this problem comes down to.

    There's a discrepancy in their relationship with me and their relationship with my brother that I was hoping this party could help resolve. My parents are acquainted with, and in some cases, close to, my brother and SIL's friends and her relatives and spend a lot of time gossiping about and with them, but they only know a few of mine.

    Part of the reason for this is that when I lived in NYC, they seldom came to visit so I never got to introduce them. When I was dating my ex, we had to arrange a special trip for him to meet my immediate family, which took place in California at my brother's house when my brother and I were on better terms. I had to end things with my ex when I was forced for financial reasons to move back to Houston in 2014. Since then I've retained friendships with my NYC friends (including my ex) and made some new ones (I did have a few from when I grew up here in Houston). But by and large, my parents don't know most of them.

    Since moving back to Houston, I've always celebrated my birthday separately with my friends and my parents with one exception (and that time they already knew the friends). I've felt weird being the only person of my age at their celebrations, such as their 50th anniversary celebration last year. So I've been hoping to close the gap this year. But they've been giving me weird vibes about it, and ultimately I'm not sure it's worth it.

    Also, I'm not feeling good about birthday celebrations for me in general because family and friends abused mine last year. The daytime was okay, but when I got home from work that night, my phone lines burned up. Not with happy calls, but my brother called to "forgive me" (I needed an apology from him, not his 'forgiveness'); my mom called, sang "Happy Birthday" to me and in the very next breath told me that a kid we knew needed emergency surgery on his brain because he'd been hit in the head by a ball; a person who I used to intern for called me to beg for "help" and then told me she couldn't use what I came up with (and I still hadn't eaten supper at that point), and another friend called and all she had to say for some 20 minutes was bitching about how some guy on Facebook knocked her sports teams (I actually knew the guy and he is kind of strange). Before 11:59 pm that night I just wanted the f-ing day to be over with and never have a birthday again.
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