My fiancé and I are very fortunate to have a family member pay for a "cottage" (more like a large townhouse) at our venue where members of the bridal party can stay and we can all hangout. It would be a good home base so to speak and a great spot to do some grilling and getting ready on the day of. In terms of accommodations it has a master, two rooms with two double beds each, and a pull out couch. Our dilemma is the night of the rehearsal dinner and the night after the wedding we are not sure how to go about deciding who will stay there.
It would be free for the people staying there but can only fit 12 and our wedding party plus their dates comes out to 16 people (12 wedding party members + 4 significant others). Our first thought was to put up the people who we know have tighter finances and try to ease some of that burden but now I'm afraid we might offend people who think they deserve to be in the cottage over others. I'm also not really sure how to explain the situation to everyone without people trying to be polite and say it doesn't matter when in reality is DOES matter to them or having everyone contacting me trying to lobby for a spot. People who stay in a hotel room and not the cottage will have to pay for their room themselves because we can't afford to pay for them. My other thought was sense me and the bridesmaids are getting ready there on the day of the wedding all the bridesmaids and their dates could stay over after the rehearsal dinner and the following night of the wedding give the groomsmen the rooms. Basically bridesmaids Friday night then groomsmen Saturday night and the groomsmen hotel rooms Friday night can become the bridesmaids rooms Saturday night (plus they can split the cost of a hotel room between 4-6 people instead of 2-3). Obviously I'm not going to force someone into switching rooms and moving around if they don't want to. If people would rather just stay in a hotel room that's totally fine, I just wanted to throw the option out there to them.
How do we decide who gets to stay here and how do we approach the subject with people?