Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Courthouse wedding with a unity ceremony at a reception

My fiance and I have 3 little girls (two are his, one is ours) they are between 1 and 5. We are ready to get married and our daughters want to be a part of some kind of ceremony but we would really like to save our money to buy a nice house. We want to get married at the courthouse because its free, but we would like to do some kind of unity ceremony and have a reception for our friends and family to be able to celebrate with us. I just need some ideas on what to do. I have seen several posts where people disagree with having a reception only wedding, but we are not selfish and would much rather spend the money on our children than a bunch of frilly things for one day. We do however want to do something that our family and friends can see so they can have that experience with us.
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