When my cousin was born I swore that she was going to be in my flower girl one day! Well, that was many years ago, and now that I actually am planning my wedding, I’m faced with many logistical issues and need some advice.
I have two cousins and their mom is one of my bridesmaids; the older cousin will be 9 at the time of the wedding, I was going to have him be the ring boy. The other one (siblings) will be 8 and she was going to be the flower girl. My problem is that she is already really tall, and by next May, I’m sure she’ll be even taller! I’m short, and the other bridesmaids are short so I was considering making her a junior bridesmaid instead. Furthermore, she is just not well behaved AT ALL. She is spoiled and a little rude and I’m afraid she won’t be able to stand quietly during the ceremony. I promised her she would be in the wedding and I want her there, I just don’t know how to handle this situation.
What would you do?