Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

NY Times article - kinda cool!


I got interviewed for this article - kinda cool to see it published!

The article is about how people are choosing family & friends to officiate their weddings. 

Re: NY Times article - kinda cool!

  • Nice! This is becoming more & more prevalent. I had heard of this long before TK. I technically do have a friend marrying us, but he is already an ordained minister in our congregation. He didn't get ordained just for us. 
  • How funny!  I have yesterday's paper right here and was reading that earlier.

    Do you have a hard copy of the article or would you like me to send it to you?  PM me if so
  • Very cool. 

    My BIL was ordained on line as well so he could perform our ceremony.  He did such a great job!
  • ootmother2 - YGPM!
  • and you'll have real mail in a couple of days ;)
  • What a great article.  We are having my dad officate our wedding in November, and couldn't be happier!  It really does make more sense to have someone who knows us both extremely well marry us rather than someone who is loosely affiliated.   
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