Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Feedback on my wedding vows?

So, I tried to write these from the heart, and make them funny, and sappy at the same time.  The last line "Better together, always and forever" is our song, it's engraved in his band, and it's something we say to eachother.  For some reason I'm just feeling like it's not in the right place, so any feedback you guys can give, I'd appreciate.  Thanks! 

P.S. Sorry it's so big.  I c/p from my computer and I can't get it to go smaller on here.

"Tyler, two years ago you captured my attention with your laughter, and one year ago my heart with your love.  You won me over just by being you.  The funny, sweet, strong, devoted, loving, and oh so sappy man standing before me today.  You have been my best friend  and confidant through the best of times and through the worst of times.  You've supported me, encouraged me, and loved me for me, even when I felt like I was unable to do it myself. You've taught me to be a better person, to love, to laugh, and to enjoy the small things in life that seem so insignificant.  I look forward to more days of spontaneous dancing in the kitchen, jamming out to Adele in the car, and letting the waitress pick our date from a straw wrapper.  
Tyler, you've taught me to cherish every day for what it is.  You've taught me to appreciate the hard times, so that I can recognize the good times.  Thank you for teaching me to live, and thank you for loving me and these three extraordinary little boys as your own.  I'm not sure a lifetime is long enough to return all you have given me, but I promise to spend the rest of my life by your side giving it my all.  To laugh with you, to cry with you, to believe in you, and to support you.  In poverty I promise to make our love rich, and in wealth to never let our love grow poor.  In the lowest of lows, and the highest of highs, I promise to be right by your side.  Neither of us is perfect, but together, we are perfect. Today, I give you my heart, my love, and my trust forever.  You will ALWAYS be the best part of my day. Better together, always and forever."

Re: Feedback on my wedding vows?

  • I think they are sweet. I would do something less wordy. I think they are pretty and you should certainly say all that to him but for vows in front of everyone I would keep it a little more simple. I would cut some things out and keep it simple.

  • I agree with the PP. It is absolutely gorgeous and incredibly heartfelt, but it really is a little long. Normally, you probably don't want written vows to take more than a minute for you to speak...any longer than that and people will start getting squirmy and it could sound like you're giving a speech.  Is there a way that you could combine your favorite parts of the 2 paragraphs while cutting it down?

    image229 Invited
    image134 Have their dancing shoes ready!
    image95 Will be sitting this one out.
    image0 Undecided

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