What do you do when you have a friend that you've known your whole life, but you just really don't want to have her in your wedding party? How do you go about handling that? We've known each other since we were about 8, but in the last few years, I have not felt a good friendship with her. She is SO abrasive, quite blatlantly rude, on the very annoying side, and quiite frankly makes the friendship feel like work and an obligation. I KNOW this sounds so horrible to say, but it's just the truth. People ask me why I'm still even friends with her! Mostly because she's the queen of guilt trips and we've known each other for just so long. Other people find her very hard to stand, has the most sour personality, and just doesn't make a good case for herself with anyone! Despite all the reasons I just listed, I guess I do care about her feelings, or I'm just not enough of a bitch to just not care! Thing is, I would be extremely surprised not to receive World War 3 from her if I don't ask her to be in my wedding. I know she will be mad when I have people in my wedding that I haven't known as long as her, but these are friends who I have a blast with and have always been there for me. I 'm sorry, but I just don't want to feel like I am obligated to have someone in my wedding party that makes a friendship feel like very hard work.\
How in the world do I handle this situation? Should I explain to her that I decided to have certain people in my wedding party? Should I not say anything at all and just sit and wait to receive her wrath? Who knows, maybe she won't even say anything at all and I'm worrying for nothing, but let's face it, I know her. What the heck do I do?????????????????????????????????????