Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Niece/Nephew question!!

Okay so our wedding is May 25, 2013 and my brother and his wife just found they are going to have a baby! He/she is due October 22, so he/she will be about 7 months old at the wedding. My question is, how should I include the little one in the wedding? I really want him/her to either be carried down the aisle or pulled in a wagon or something like that but I'm not sure what would be my best option! Thanks so much pretty ladies!
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Re: Niece/Nephew question!!

  • If you really want your niece/nephew to be included, I would wait until you are closer to the wedding and ask your brother and his wife what they think.  They may not be comfortable with the idea of their baby being in a wagon, or even being involved at all.  They may have their own ideas they can add to the mix as well!
  • That's pretty young.  I think either being pulled in a wagon or carried could work, but you need to have a back-up plan if the baby has a meltdown from all the people and stress.  Someone needs to be able to take him or her out quickly, so you probably don't want him/her to be held by someone in the wedding party.
    Congrats to your brother and SIL!
  • I think that is really young. We just went to a wedding where they had nieces and newphews who were around 2 or 3 (could walk by themselves). And both had major meltdowns cried for their parents who were in the bridal party when they walked before them. And both ended up having to be carried as they cried. I have seen a 1 year old pulled in a wagon that worked out okay at her parents wedding, but I really think that 7 months is too young.

    My church also had rules and flower girls and ring bearers had to be at least 5 years old. My cousin is five and will be our flower girl because she wanted to be. (I just got an adorable call yesterday where she told me thank you, sang me a song and told me she loved me for picking her.) I agree that kids shouldn't be forced to be in weddings just for the cuteness factor, only if they (and their parents are okay with it) really want to be in the wedding.
  • Thanks for the advice ladies! I wanted him/her to be in our wedding because this will be my first neice or nephew and I'm very excited so I just wanted him/her to be involved in some way. But now I understand that 7 months is probably too young for such a thing so I will probably talk to my brother and sister in law clower to the wedding and see what they feel would be appropriate, since they will both be in the wedding party.
    Thanks again!!! :D
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  • Are your brother &/or SIL in the wedding party?

    Our DD was 3 months old & my sister's younger DD was 6 months old when our brother married.  Oldest niece was 23 months old.  DH & I walked down the aisle together with DH carrying DD.  DH handed DD (who slept the whole time) off to MIL who was sitting near the front of the church on the end of an aisle.  My sister & BIL did the same thing with their girls, handing them off to BIL's mother.  The youngest were "flower babies" & the older one was the flower girl.  This way there was no distraction during the ceremony, but all close family members were included in the wedding party.

    If your brother &/or SIL are in the wedding party they could carry the baby in & hand the child off to a close family member who is armed with a bottle just in case!
  • That's such a great idea! They are both in the wedding, so I will be sure to run this idea past them once the day gets closer and see how they feel. Thanks so much, I hadn't even considered that!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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