Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Ring bearer pulling nephew (1-year-old) in Radio Flyer

Would it be really weird having the ring bearer pull my nephew down the isle in a wagon? He will be a year old at the time. 

Re: Ring bearer pulling nephew (1-year-old) in Radio Flyer

  • Would it be really weird having the ring bearer pull my nephew down the isle in a wagon? He will be a year old at the time. 
  • Not so much weird as possibly unsafe.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • It depends on the formality of your wedding. And how old is the ring bearer and what kind of wagon (is the kind with seat belts?), and is it on grass or floor? I would be worried about the safety, can the RB pull the wagon smoothly and would the little guy try to stand and move around and possibly fall out. If you think that it would be safe to do and not to out of the ordinary for your wedding then I say go for it. 
    Pumpernickel and olive juice
  • I know I might get flamed for saying this, but if I saw someone do this I would think they were using a kid as a prop in their wedding.   A three- or four-year-old is old enough to understand what a wedding is, they can appreciate the special relationship with an aunt or uncle and what it means to be asked to participate in their wedding, and can verbalize whether or not they want to do such a thing.  A one-year-old can't grasp what is going on, can't decide for himself if he wants to participate, and won't understand the significance of the event.  He may even feel distress at being apart from their parents and surrounded by strangers.    

    I think a one-year-old is too young.    
  • Thanks, Avion. I didn't really think of that. You talked me out of it. You're right, he would be used as a prop. I don't want to do that to him. He's my little sunshine. THANKS! I was just seeing a cute picture in my head, but thanks for bringing me back to reality!
  • One of my future nieces will one of my FGs. She will be 18 months at the time. If she goes down the aisle, it will be with grandpa carrying her.

    We are going to try to do a few pics if she is up for it. I'm perfectly aware that we may not have any pics with her depending on her mood.

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  • The only thing that I can think of would be his safety.  If you can make sure he won't fall out go for it.  I assume you already asked his parents if this is ok. 
  • My son will be a little over two when we get married. He will probably be riding in a wagon (with a seat belt). I think that if the child is important to you and his parents are okay with it, go for it. But that's just my opinion.
  • i am wondering the same thing for my fiance and my son. my niece is the flower girl and my son will be a yr and a half at my wedding. we want him to come down the aisle, but arent sure how to do it. i like the wagon idea as long as it is a smooth aisle!

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