Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions


I read that one way to incorperate your child into the wedding is to do family vows, but I can seem to find a sample to go by. Does anyone have any ideas?

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  • Maybe just mention the child IN your vows, i.e. "and be the best possible mother I can be for Joshua..." - I don't know about everyone doing their own vows, though.
    "So what? So it's not going to be easy. It's gonna be hard.
    Really hard. But I wanna do that because I want you
    - all of you, you and me, every day. Forever."

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  • he will be just over a year old when we get married. I know people say he wont remember it, but I will and I want to be able to tell him look you mean so much to us that we made you apart of the ceremony.
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  • My fiance and I loved the idea of incorporating my girls in the ceremony but didnt agree with the "family" vows where both the incoming parent and children repeat them. So he will be making the following vowel to them and giving them a special necklace.

    I promise, ______ & _______, 
    to be available for you as I am your mother,
    to be a good listener, loving counselor,
    and in due time earn your true love and friendship.
    I promise to love and support you as you are my own. 
  • Yes, I would love to help you.  I create all kinds of vows,   from the ceremony to vow renewals,  all in a POEM - original  and fun

  • Yes, I would love to help you.  I create all kinds of vows,   from the ceremony to vow renewals,  all in a POEM - original  and fun

  • tldhtldh member
    edited December 2011
    ptg1234 - vendors are not allowed.  Reported.

    OP - I'm confused. Is this a child of you and your FI or is this your child from a previous relationship?  If it is the child of both of you, you made the commitment to be a family when the child is born.  If it is a child of a previous relationship, I'm really not a fan of doing something like this unless the birth parent is truly a bastard who has absolutely nothing to do with the child.  If the other birth parent is still in the picture, there is little that could be a bigger slap in the face to that person because essentially, the incoming step parent looks like he or she is trying to replace the birth parent.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • I don't think a family vow is a bad or inappropriate idea at all (no matter how old the child is). We are planning to do a family vow at our wedding, and the child is both ours and she is 3. I wanted to express to everyone that my fiance and I are not only showing our love and commitment to each other but also to our daughter, as a family. Here is a rough draft of what we're planning to have the pastor state (might make a few tweeks here and there):


    (Groom) and (Bride), just as the rings that you have just exchanged symbolize a lifelong commitment to each other, this union also has significant meaning to your daughter (name) ____. She will now look to both of you for unconditional love and guidance within your new family. To let her know how special and wonderful she is and how blessed you are to be her parents, I will now ask that you present (daughter’s name) ____ with this token(necklace, bracelet, etc.) to serve as a physical reminder to her that as she grows,  her parents will always be there to love and support her. (item is now presented)

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