Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

iAny ideas how to incorporate grandchildren in vow ceremony

We both have grandchildren and would like to make them a part of our Vow cermony. Need ideas on how to do this

Re: iAny ideas how to incorporate grandchildren in vow ceremony

  • Maybe the could bring up the gifts if you are having it in a church? or they could do a reading?
  • A reading or perform a musical piece?

    They aren't part of your union with your husband/partner, so there's no need to include them in the actual vow and commitment part of the ceremony.
  • If you are talking about including them in the vows -- each of you saying vows to them -- it's inappropriate.  As PP said, the vows are between you and your husband.

    If you want them as part of the wedding party, then anything goes depending on their ages.
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