Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

kids in the ceremony

I am having a beach wedding in june of 2012 in california. Among my bridal party I am also including two kids (not mine or his ) that I adore. The girl is 6 yrs old and her brother is 8. Normally I could have them act as ring bearer and flower girl, however we cannot have flowers on the beach and MOH and BM well have the rings. Its really important to me to have these kids as a part of my big day..... Any suggestions on special jobs to give to them?

Re: kids in the ceremony

  • Can the little girl help carry your train, and the young man help walk you down the aisle?  I have 3 little boys (8,8, and 4) and they are giving me away at my wedding in May.  My Dad passed away 4 years ago, and so we decided to have them give me away and be included in the unity ceremony.
  • You can have both of the kids walk down the aisle together holding a "Here comes the bride" sign.
    Ignorance is a poor defense. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • What if you had the little girl carry a basket of flowers or a bouquet down the aisle? The little boy can escort her, maybe? At 8 years old he might be happy handing out programs.
  • The ring bearer doesn't have to carry the actual can be symbolic, and you can tie two rings to the ribbons, that's what we did. The flower girl can carry as silk flower pomander. Sometimes people struggle wanting a flower girl and ring bearer because they think they have to, and then struggle to find the right 2 children. In your case you have 2 children you want in the wedding. They can serve as RB and FG, just not carry flower petals and the real rings.
  • Like PP said. She doesnt have to throw petals, she can carry a basket of flowers. And the RB can carry fake rings (which is what my son will be doing) no one will really notice that they are fake.
    Pumpernickel and olive juice
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: kids in the ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]You can have both of the kids walk down the aisle together holding a "Here comes the bride" sign.
    Posted by jagore08[/QUOTE]

    Ah, Thank you!  I have four wonderful little nephews and needed a job for the two smallest.  Will be using this idea!
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