Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Ceremony Music

I am having a very hide time coming up with the ceremony music. Especially the bridal processional. I do now want the traditional "Bride's March".  Any ideas?

Re: Ceremony Music

  • edited January 2012
    Pachelbel's Cannon is a popular choice
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  • I can't stand Pachabel or "Here Comes The Bride".

    I've seen people walk down to Bach's "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" and I think that works really well.
    June 16, 2012
  • You can go nontraditional too, if your venue will allow it (some churches do, some don't).  I walked to "Candle on the water" from the movie Pete's Dragon.  If you want an instrumental version of a really non-traditional ceremony song, check out Vitamin String Orchestra.
  • edited January 2012
    The Lover's Waltz is also a very beautiful song.
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  • We had a flute & harp duo. The parents, men, and BMs processed to "Reverie" by Debussy, I processed to "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" by Bach. We recessed to "Winter" 2nd movement from "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi.
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  • I plan to walk down the aisle to Vitamin String Quartet's version of I Can't Help Falling In Love With You. I think it's really pretty, and just the right amount of drama for me!
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  • I didn't want anything too traditional or too contemporary so I think I found a nice mix...for my bridesmaids, I will have someone playing on a baby grand (we're getting married on stage at an opera house so the piano is on stage) the song "River Flows in You" is a beautiful piece that people say remind them of Bella's Lullaby from the Twilight series though it wasn't used for the's very romantic in my opinion...and for my walk I am hoping to play the song that plays when Hermione comes down the stairs in her ball gown in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (I think it's called Harry in Winter)...both because it's beautiful and romantic and dramatic but also because my fiance and I are both major Harry Potter fans (the Harry Potter themepark is a large part of our honeymoon) so it will be a surprise for him :)
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