New Jersey - South

anyone heard of this?...

so my fiance's mother calls me today and our contract with luciens came in the mail after making the down payment. she says that it says on there 'half price staff meals'....does this mean vendor meals? because i have never heard of having to feed the wait staff?!?! my fiance just txtd his friend and asked him (who has been a waiter/worked in catering for years) if he's ever heard of this, and he said no way. i'm confused. has anyone had this issue? i really hope she is just confused and it means vendor meals (which makes sense).

Re: anyone heard of this?...

  • edited December 2011
    Usually, vendor meals are half-priced, but to make sure give them a call.
  • edited December 2011
    I don't post much, I'm more of a Lurker but I'm getting married at Lucien's in June and the half priced meals are for vendors not the wait staff.
  • jkarlage414jkarlage414 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    whew, okay THANK GOD!! that's what i figured, but she got me really worried! that would add so much money onto the total, i was getting scared haha, thank you so much, i feel better! vendor meals make sense! lol
  • edited December 2011
    You are correct. I had my first wedding at Lucien's a few years ago and they charge half price for the vendors. PS - you will love it there! The food and staff were amazing!
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