New Jersey - South

For Sale, Vendor Reviews, & non pro pics

I finally finished writing my reviews, getting together all the stuff I am selling, and a bunch of non pro pics. If anyone would like to purchase anything, email me at tonysgurl020406 at yahoo dot com Link below

Re: For Sale, Vendor Reviews, & non pro pics

  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    you have great stuff....I was wondering where you got your candy from for your candy buffet. thank you
  • edited December 2011
    Rissa - Im actually in DE, and bought most of my candy at Bylar's in Dover. It's an Amish place, and the candy was WAY cheaper then anywhere else I looked. I had 28 different types, majority from Bylars. I had over a half a cart of candy for less then $200. The Ring Pops and Giant Pixy Stix from Sam's club. The candy cigerettes and rock candy from a candy store in Rehobath. And the wax bottles, Sugar daddies, and Fun Dip were from Oriental Trading. Overall, candy was about $300. for about 3 massive Rubbermaid tubs, and majority of candy was eated/taken home - Ive never seen anything like it lol.
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    We had 118 people. We did tell the staff to help themselves afterward also, but they didnt take much (wasnt much left)... I ended up taking home a pack of pixy stixs, a bag of kisses, and a small bag of random bottem of the bowl stuff,
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