New Jersey - South

**demarcos & aviewfromheaven**

How are you girls doing?? I miss you! How's married life?

Re: **demarcos & aviewfromheaven**

  • edited December 2011
    Diana!  I haven't seen you on in a while!  I'm good and married life is great!  How about you?  I don't really post on the sept board because work doesnt let me access it like it does the knot (weird...and I was able to get to the a bump board someone linked on one of my other boards). 
    At sea, heading to Lisbon, Portugal Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    Northstar1808, sorry to post in your conversation but I have to ask where you had your makeup done?  I noticed it before and always wanted to ask you, you look amazing!!  Really beautiful, congrats on your wedding :)
  • Northstar1808Northstar1808 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Rach - I've been good too. Married life has it's ups and downs but it's all good. The sept board is pretty slow. Not as slow as this board but way slower than what it was. You should come to the Philly board I'm always on there.

    Cherie - I got my make up down at Hello Gorgeous in Deptford by Tina. She's the manager of the make up dept. She's sooo sweet and is really good. I also got my hair done there as well. GL
  • edited December 2011
    Hi Diana! I'm doing well. How are you? Married life is going well, we have our moments but its mainly silly things like what color to paint the bathroom or what couch to get. It's hard to believe I've been married for 7 months. Looking forward to the summer. We are starting to plan our 1 yr anniversary vacation, we are thinking St. Maarten and Anguilla. I haven't been on here as much. I feel like after a few of us got  married the board really died down.
  • Northstar1808Northstar1808 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Yeah I'm not on here much either. I pop in and out once every few weeks because it's so slow. I hope I get a job soon so we can go on a vaca for our 1 yr too. :)

    Just wanted to say hi to you girls and see how you were doing.

    Rach - pm me with your new last name so I can friend you on facebook
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