Military Brides

Mess Dress "Party Shirt"????

Hey Ladies,

  Has any of your FI or husbands bought or had a "party shirt" made for a wedding?  We have been to two weddings where some of the officers had regular mess dress shirts with their coat on, but then when they took their coat off, the back and sleeves were made with "fun" fabric. 

Id like to order one for FI (we are having a formal ceremony...full military dress blues....but a more fun casual beach reception) so I thought it would be cool to have that as a surprise for everyone. 

Anyone done this before?

Re: Mess Dress "Party Shirt"????

  • meltoinemeltoine member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I made one for H before our wedding. I had never seen it before and I though it was kind of weird, but he and everyone else loved it.
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:0bff30c9-fcc9-49e5-8682-a176e2f5f971Post:2b6383fa-5412-422b-9508-517729dd4d63">Re: Mess Dress "Party Shirt"????</a>:
    [QUOTE]I made one for H before our wedding. I had never seen it before and I though it was kind of weird, but he and everyone else loved it.
    Posted by meltoine[/QUOTE]

    Wow, you made it?  Well I have zero seamstress ability, so I was thinking about taking all hte materials to a seamstress outside of post.  About how much fabric did you need to buy?  I am just replacing the sleeves and back. 

    We went to a wedding where a 4 star general wore one, it was the funniest thing ever.  He got his in Korea I think.
  • edited December 2011
    A couple of FI's buddies have them and I have been meaning to ask him if he wants one for the wedding. He too is wearing is Mess Dress. I think they are fun and unexpected. However, if its a very formal event I prob. wouldn't do it. If you guys are fine with it I say go for it.... as for how to get it done I couldn't tell you. Sorry!

    HTH anyway!
  • cmdalecmdale member
    First Comment
    edited January 2012
    Hi ladies! I heard about these shirts from a friend of my fiance's who's in the Air Force and I thought it would be a great idea for our wedding so I started googling and found Looks like you can order them in a bunch of different fabrics or ask them to do a custom fabric. Sounds like it's MUCH easier than going to a seamstress... Hope this helps!!!
  • there's a company advertising on here from Georgia under unique wedding ideas that makes party tuxedo shirts.  You choose the fabric and they do the rest.
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