Military Brides


I clicked on your profile to see if it listed your names, since your last name is clearly in your SN and your siggy. It did, but I have to say, love those comments under your story too! Very amusing!

In all seriousness, you should probably get a new screenname that has nothing to do with first/last names, and don't put up giant flashing siggies of what your name will be. 

Also, for your new SN, you can change your profile pic by clicking on 'change avatar' under community links on the left hand side bar. Since you asked.
I hate Dave Ramsey

Re: K&J

  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011" class="avatar">K&JChristieK&JChristie wrote:how do i change my profile picture?9:24PM 03/27/" class="avatar">katelyn26katelyn26 wrote:Yeah...I know I came off snotty but I couldn't help it because people started bashing me and yeah1:02AM 03/27/" class="avatar">K&JChristieK&JChristie wrote:I stand my ground and dont give in to their discrimination.... that one chic is bashing all my ideas, but she can bite it... maybe my ideas sound better than hers!! Some people cant handle jealousy!12:57AM 03/26/" class="avatar">katelyn26katelyn26 wrote:no problem...i just hate how the marine brides get on the army bride posts and trash us10:24PM 03/25/" class="avatar">K&JChristieK&JChristie wrote:lol lets see a marine wife take me on.... i think i may be a touch more competative! Dont worry the FSIL and I are working things out!! This tough girl has a soft side! thanks for having my back!4:30PM 03/25/" class="avatar">katelyn26katelyn26 wrote:aww this is cute and wanted to try to send you a message but couldnt figure it out so u can delete this once you read it but just wanted to say us army wives gotta stick together :) and not let the marines tear us down on the discussion boards ;) took ur side on ur board post...good luck wedding planning :)     :D
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • Sammy0709Sammy0709 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:2af8e588-a884-4b59-9edd-dbfdf7d0104ePost:b46ecaf0-975d-4346-8abd-948790b41d2a">K&J</a>:
    [QUOTE]I clicked on your profile to see if it listed your names, since your last name is clearly in your SN and your siggy. It did, but I have to say, love those comments under your story too! Very amusing!<strong> In all seriousness, you should probably get a new screenname that has nothing to do with first/last names, and don't put up giant flashing siggies of what your name will be</strong>.  Also, for your new SN, you can change your profile pic by clicking on 'change avatar' under community links on the left hand side bar. Since you asked.
    Posted by WishIcouldbeinthe'stan[/QUOTE]

    Don't mean to commandeer this post but I second the bolded.  PERSEC is no joke.
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  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Okay, I can understand why you just think I'm being mean based on this post, and I probably should have held back from the jokes so that you would get the message.

    Genuinely, PERSEC is not a joke.
    Even for non-military SOs, posting first/last is not a good idea. None of us are perfect, we've all made mistakes in PERSEC, but I genuinely would advise ditching this screen name and getting a new one. Someone on TK, back in the day, had her wedding venue canceled, because she posted too much info. I would never dream of doing something like that to anyone, but our board is not password protected. Anyone, internationally, can see it. There are so many more lurkers than we'd like to think there are.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    K&J and Katelyn, you both seem to have a giant chip on your shoulder about the ladies on this board, and I really think a lot of it is unfounded.  I have NEVER seen a single poster on here bash another branch of service or question their worth, except for the both of you.  If I am mistaken, please link me to posts where Marine wives/SO's (or any other wives/SO's for that matter) have talked trash to you specifically for being Army SO's.  I am a Navy wife, and have never once felt that brides on here thought any more or less of me because of that, and I have never judged someone for their or their SO's service.  But please, if I'm wrong, prove it to me.

    Sammy was doing you a favor by suggesting you change your name and delete some things from your profile.  Being in the military or being an SO of someone in the military comes with the responsibility to do your part in keeping them safe.  That includes following all OPSEC and PERSEC guidelines in regular life and especially online.  This website is open to any and all people who choose to read it, from anywhere in the world.  It really is not that hard to follow someone's posts on here and find out a lot of information about your FI, and potentially use it to harm him.  If that doesn't scare you enough, your FI can also get into trouble for your breaking OPSEC guidelines.  I know of several wives from this command whose H's got into trouble for what the wives posted on FB about the ship and their H's.  Depending on how serious the violation is, your FI can be stripped of rank, docked pay, have priveleges revoked, and many other things.  So while you think Sammy (and I) are just bitches looking to give you a hard time, we are actually looking out for your FI's safety, which is something I highly suggest you research your role in.  

    ETA: Stan was doing you the favor.  Sammy too though.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • iluvmytxrgriluvmytxrgr member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    You don't have to post your phone number and address on a site for people to be able to find you.  You listed your city.  A simple search and narrowing down info can lead straight to you. 
    Stan is only trying to look out for you, there is no need to be rude.  She's also telling the truth when she says there was a woman who had a stalker from this site cancel her entire wedding. 
    I'll go one further.  There was a woman on one of the other chat sites for military spouses who posted frequently.  Her H was in the same regiment as my H.  Over several months, she posted enough personal info for someone to figure out her H was deployed. That person was able to figure out her Facebook account from her SN and other info she posted over a period of time. 
    That man knocked on her door one night wearing a dress uniform that he bought from a surplus store.  He told her her H had been killed.  She was upset and she let him in her house.  He then raped her, beat her and stole her purse.  By the time the police got there, he had charged a large amount of money on her credit cards.  She was in the hospital for quite a bit of time.  PERSEC is no joke.  You'll only make yourself and the people you love victims. 
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  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Immature little twits...

    That's all I've got to say on that one.  And no, it has absolutely nothing to do with your fiance (or what branch he's in) - I just think the two of you are stupid little children.

    For the record, one of my guy's best friends is a Captain in the Army.  And his wife is one of my dear friends.  My uncle was in the Army, my brother's good friend joined the Army, and one of my best friends from high school went to West Point and met his wife there, who I am now also good friends with.  The only thing I think of them being in the Army is to be proud of them.  I would never judge someone for their spouse's job, partially because I'd never tie my own identity to my spouse's job.  And I certainly have not a single negative word to say for the Army. 

    And I've never suggested that I'd "take someone on" because their spouse was in the Army.  You both sound like you watch too much Jersey Shore and Teen Mom.



  • Sammy0709Sammy0709 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Love Its
    edited December 2011

    I too have many people that are close to me who are in the Army.  I have a cousin in the reserves, one who just finished OCS, FIL is a 24 year retired Master Sergeant, MIL was in for 12 years, and one of the people who stood witness for us when we got married is in the Army.  Don't ever go thinking I would bash someone for their branch of service.  As DH says all the time, "We all serve together for the same reasons."

    And for the record, yes we do recommend to everyone who has their last name in their screen name or siggy that they should change it.  We're not "attacking" you.

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  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    <div>ETA: Well, you already deleted, but I think you should take my advice anyway, and I don't think it's any more polite of you to call your USMC cousins robots than it is for them to stop talking to you.</div><div>
    </div><div><div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10px;background-color:initial;background-image:none;background-attachment:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial;color:#1f1f1f;font:normal normal normal 11px/14px Arial, sans-serif;text-align:left;line-height:normal;">In Response to K&J:
    [QUOTE]<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;" class="Apple-style-span">okay im just going to delete my whole membership on here. Im not posting anything on here about my FI to get him into trouble... only how we met and why we love each other and that we are getting married. I never say a word about his location, MOS, travel plans... or anything of the sort. I have respect for all branches!! Dad (USCG RETIRED), Brother (USAF CURRENT), 2 cousins (USMC), friend from school (USNAVY), and FI (MI ANG soon to be A/D USARMY). The comments on my profile never mentioned anyones names and have been deleted. And woohoo it says Grand Rapids..... yea anyone looks there for me... they arnt gonna find me!! They dont show my city in the list so blah there. Do you know how many people have the same last name? Like I said before... they dont allow a change in s/n's i checked that already. But, since im doing everything wrong even though i havent said anything about my FI or where I live or anything like that. Just someone who wants to pick a fight started a post about me to make my life hell and scare away a weak one new to the military spousal thing. I know better than to give any details about my man and his job and i dont know how that got into the conversation when i dont post crap about him..... so too keep lil miss thang from pissing in her panties again about me... i will be deleting my account!! Thanks so much for being so kind.... oh and for the record.... the USMC turned my wonderful cousins who used to talk to me all the time.... into robots who dont acknowlege anyone they feel is not worthy of talking to or looking at!! Neither speak to me or give me a passing glance... EVER!!! Maybe thats just true for the men....</span>.
    Posted by K&JChristie[/QUOTE]
    </div>Oh man. I do think you should delete this SN. But you don't *have* to leave, though if you do I'd recommend CinCHouse.<div>
    </div><div>My major in college was Political Science, because of my campus, I was able to have a concentration in National Security Studies. One of our projects was to use open source intel (OSINT)</div><div>to put together information dossiers on people, specifically to illustrate just how damaging OSINT can be. You would be shocked at the kind of stuff people can turn up when it's just for a grade, let alone when someone wants to actually cause harm.</div><div>
    </div><div>Also, the USMC doesn't turn people into robots, and when you say that it does, you're not exactly having "respect for all branches!!" Choosing to no longer be as friendly to someone who clearly has an attitude problem does not mean they're robots. FI is not nearly as close with people he was before he joined 10 years ago, usually because they're making poor life decisions or because they have poor attitudes.</div>
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  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    And, to be honest, my original problem with you was your rudeness to your FI's BIL, a guardsman, all my posts there were all about defending an Army Guardsman. I like the Guard, I like the Army. I like all of the military. I'm not sure where you're getting this branch war stuff. You and Kaitlyn are the only ones who feel that way.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • iluvmytxrgriluvmytxrgr member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Oh FFS!!! 
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  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Do you always fly off the handle that easily?  And take constructive criticism that bad?  Maybe you haven't mentioned anything about your FI yet, but if you do stick around this board, and make friends with people, which many posters do, then eventually you start talking about things.  Your post history stays forever, and people can look back through your posts to piece together information.  Nobody said you did anything to try and hurt your FI, but we are saying that there are further steps you can take to help protect him.  

    Also, you can't delete your own account.  You need to email TK people to delete it for you.  

    However, since you think everyone has teh wrong impression of you, and you only have 37 posts, why don't you just create a new account, and just stop posting on this one?  Come back with a fresh start.  And FTR, I had no problem with you in your other thread, it was the other poster who was rude and immature.  But your comments from your bio and now on here have made me think otherwise.  
    Just create a new SN and make a fresh start.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • K&JChristieK&JChristie member
    edited December 2011
    Please just stop, i removed the comment because I rethought it and Im done with the arguing. I love my cousins weather they choose to acknowledge me or not. Like I said before, my FI is fine with his FBIL, not what his sister said to him. Im proud of his service too. But Im done with being tore down because of something in the past that is resolved now. So thank you for your constructive criticism.
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    K&J, you will have PM momentarily.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • K&JChristieK&JChristie member
    edited December 2011
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Private message.  Theres a button for your inbox on the blue tool bar on the left.  

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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