Military Brides

Army wedding Favors

Okay so I am kind of new at this so you will have to go with me here. But hi everyone I need help with my wedding favors my husband to be is in the army and my wedding is july 16 so if any one has any ideals please help! Thanks So Much

Re: Army wedding Favors

  • K&JChristieK&JChristie member
    edited December 2011
    well my wedding is also army and we are having gummy bears in our wedding colors which are blue and olive/army green. but they also make gummy army guys (resemble the toy soldiers) its a cute idea if your not going for a super formal look to the favors. If you like the idea then i can give you the website that im purchasing them from. 5lb bag for $9.99!
  • GerArmy2BGerArmy2B member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    O thats so cute like I wanted some kind of candy in it but yeah if you dont mind in all. when is your wedding? Is he wearing his greens or the new dress blues for the army?

  • K&JChristieK&JChristie member
    edited December 2011
    Our wedding is Oct 8th this year and he is wearing his dress greens. My favorite color is blue so my wedding dress has a blue sash around the waist and down the back. The girls are in green dresses to contrast with his uniform and the men will have blue vest and tie (black tux) to contrast with my dress! We both love gummi bears so I thought it was a cute idea with our colors! We thought about dress blues, but they are expensive. The website is and they actually have more than just gummi bears... and you can look under color catagories!! I need help finding army emblem lapel pins, i believe is what they are, to pin to the bouquets and prolly other things!
  • GerArmy2BGerArmy2B member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hey those are really cute I have so many ideals I just dont know what I want, My fi is wearing the new dress blues and my brides maid dress are red.
  • kkaurakkaura member
    edited December 2011
    I went to a wedding where both the bride and groom were pilots in the Army and they had helicopter cookie cutters as party favors. Other ideas can be giving away properly folded military flags (you can get small ones that are the size of a paper notecard), Army coins, swiss army knifes (the little ones), wine stoppers, key chains (not my fave idea though), GI Joes (one of my fave ideas), Army flasks, there are a ton of ideas out there! :-)
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