Military Brides

I'm new here!

Hey all!  I am officially here as an Army fiancee!  I'm so glad The Knot has a military bride section. :)  Mark and I just became engaged on December 12th so we're just still in the very early stage of engagement, haven't seriously started planning yet.  We're gonna wait till after deployment to get married (he leaves sometime in the spring, not sure where yet).  I hope wherever he goes (could be to the sandbox) that he'll have decent internet access so we can plan things together as much as possible.  It would be nice to pick out a date and reserve the church and reception venue before he leaves so we can at least look at those things together.

Anyhow, I'm super excited to be here!!  I couldn't be happier!! Laughing
~Malori, proud Army fiancee to Mark~

Re: I'm new here!

  • natalieervinnatalieervin member
    edited December 2011
    Congratulations!! :) This board is very helpful! Good luck in all of your planning!
  • edited December 2011
    Congrats on your engagement! Planning during deployment is not bad at all. We got the big things done, like you mentioned, before he left, and now it's been a breeze. Good luck! Ask lots of questions on this board if you need advice, these ladies are all really helpful.
  • jeffsteph1207jeffsteph1207 member
    edited December 2011
    Congrats!! Agree with planning not being hard during deployment... my and my babe are both deployed right now, it hasn't been too bad but I also have an awesome support team at home! It should be pretty easy because you are on ground.  Good luck girl!
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  • edited December 2011
    Congrats! I think planning while he is deployed is an awesome idea! I just got engaged in October but we're waiting about 2 and a half years! He's in school so we're waiting until he graduates. I have all the time in the world to plan because I'm almost done with school but I'm so happy that I found this miliraty section!
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