Military Brides

Engaged & Soon to Be a Navy Wife :D

So I was proposed on April 3 of this year. I've been with my sailor for 3 years and four months :) Met him my senior year in high school. My twin had introduce me to him.

September of 2010 He join the the navy. Right now he is located in San Antonio TX

He was home 3 weeks ago and that's when he pop the question <3

We are trying to get married 2013 or 2014
Destination is what we are look for. Here's the thing i was just informed that there are restrictions on were can they go. Can someone please help me PRETTY PLEASE lol

I need to know the process

Re: Engaged &amp;amp; Soon to Be a Navy Wife :D

  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Congratulations on the engagement! Welcome to the boards, I'm actually a Navy wife myself. 

    You still have plenty of time til the date you want, so planning should be okay. The only thing to keep in mind is things change very quickly with the military, so get military clauses before signing any contracts.

    What kind of DW are you looking for? It really depends on his command if they would allow him to go somewhere. Usually before travelling somewhere outside the country, H has to put in his leave chit the location and see if his command will approve of it, which they usually do. 
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Congratulations and welcome to the boards!  I am also a Navy wife.  

    Is your FI planning on making a career out of the Navy, or at least doing more than his 4 years?  If so, your safest bet for planning (since you are already planning on waiting a few years) is to wait until he goes on shore duty after this tour.  But that is a few years off, so I can understand not wanting to wait that long.  Planning for 2 years from now is difficult with the military, because schedules can change so much between now and then.  When you look into venues and vendors, be sure to ask all of them if they will put a military clause in your contract.  That will ensure that if you do need to change the date they will move your deposit to a new date, or refund your money.  

    I have never heard of there being restrictions on where they can travel to.  But it honestly just depends on his command, and possibly also his rank.  If you want to just be safe in booking, I would recommend the US Virgin Islands.  However, I know at least for H's command you can only apply for leave within 60 days of taking it, so you won't know for sure until right before the wedding.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • eve0890eve0890 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    kara811- Thank you :) Um i was thinking for doing the wedding in Colombia. Im Colombian myself and have family out there and figured it be best but as I was speaking to my Fiance about it realized he might not be allowed there. Another thought was Mexico but the way things are over there I doubt he will get the okay for it. I personally want to have it in a country were the american doller is valued more. That way I can have an amazing wedding that wont hurt my pockets. I live in NY and to have a wedding here its just crazy. But thank you soo much for the information. Its been a great help and help me understand more how the system works.

    @danbeach12- Thank you :) Well he doesn't want to make a career out of it. He signed in for 5 years and as for now he just wants to do his 5 years. I don't know if that thought will change down the road. He wants to become a Doctor that's his main goal. Right now he is in schooling for working in the hospital for the navy. Also thank you so much for your information. I've also took consideration of doing it  earlier. He wants the wedding to be soon. If he could do it his way he would just do it by court lol but I've always dreamed of having a wedding lol and my parents would kill me if I just did it through court lol. But yes definitely taking this information into thought and will be talking to my fiance about it.
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    How long will he still be in school for? When planning that far away, things can get complicated. Will he be in Texas for at least until 2013 or 2014? It's easier to get leave once you've been with the command for a while. Even though the actual leave chit wasn't approved until a couple months before our wedding, H's command had told him months and months ahead that he will be getting his leave since they all knew he's coming home to get married. But if your FI's orders will change in the next year or 2, then it might be best to do it sooner. It's harder to get leave approved when you're just settling it at a new command.

    As far as having the wedding in Colombia, I really don't know whether they'll let him go there or not. Maybe he can start to ask some questions about it. Is your heart set on going out the country? There's other places you can have a DW or somewhere closer like the Carribean. When having a DW, you have to remember that it might be cheaper for the wedding, but there are add on costs like airfare and hotels, especially for your guests coming from the US.
  • eve0890eve0890 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Well he's in TX for the next seven months and then he has to pack up and he might be going to VA or California and we will be there for another 7 months and then idk what's after that. I spoke to him and explaining to him that I need to know what country's can he go to. That's the main thing that's holding me back form planning my wedding. And yes you do bring a good point about the hotels and airfare. I'm trying to do it in a monthly were its cheaper for flights. Avoiding the summer time and any holidays. In my family we did end up attending a DW and the main thing is give a year notice so I know it wouldn't be a problem. And after getting this information I do want to do the wedding sooner then I thought. Thanks again :))
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