So, for the past month FI had been acting really weird. He is in the Navy and lives 12 hours away from me. Anyway, he was having a really hard time because he was there when one of his patients died. He has somehow gotten it in his mind that it is his fault that the patient died. (It really isn't. I have heard the whole story and it was actually the patient's fault.) So to "cope" with his pain he has been going out to bars 3 to 4 times a week. This is very unusual for him since he really HATES going out anywhere. So he wasn't talking to me much, in fact he wasn't talking to anyone.
So, last night I get this text from some number I didn't know and they wouldn't tell me who it was. The text told me that FI had been sleeping with some girl from one of the bars he had been going to and had actually been staying there for the past two weeks. I called FI screaming and crying because I was so heart broken. FI said he had not cheated on me but if I would like to believe some random person I could. He continued to say things that eventually led to him saying that he didn't want to hurt me anymore. So we broke up..
I text his mom to tell her that she needed to talk to her son since in his own words he couldn't eat or sleep, he didn't want to get out of bed and he just didn't care anymore. I was really worried about him. She called him and he was highly irate that someone had sent me that text (from a text only phone we later found out. I didn't even know they had those!) saying that he had done that. His mom asked him if he had and he said NO. His mom called me after talking to him to tell me that everything was going to be okay. But I am so scared! I don't want to be apart. I just want to drive to him and hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay. He deleted his facebook last night. I guess so he didn't have to talk to anyone.
Anyway, I'm just sick to my stomach worried about him. I don't know what is going on. But as of right now, there will be no wedding.
Sorry this is so long..