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Problems viewing the boards

Does anyone else have issues viewing new posts on the boards through mobile or safari? I'm wondering if it's my devices (iPod, torch and Mac) but my play book is fine. Anyone else got some insight?
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Re: Problems viewing the boards

  • The board has been screwey for the last month or so. I use Firefox on a Mac, and it works as well as anything else. I haven't tried in Safari. I have noticed at times that new posts are just really slow to show up. Could that be it?
  • Yeah it usually shows my a day old posts and wrong thread counts, when I'm logged in though. It's weird sometimes it's fine then when I go back its all screwed up. But I'm glad to know TK has been screwy and it's not my devices per say.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yep, it does that for me all the time when I'm on Safari on my phone. Usually it corrects itself once I refresh the page.
  • The Knot seriously has like 99 problems. If asked the cause of something, I'd say ignore the browser and just assume that it's TK :|.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Problems viewing the boards</a>:
    [QUOTE]The Knot seriously has like 99 problems. If asked the cause of something, I'd say ignore the browser and just assume that it's TK :|.
    Posted by ahstillwell[/QUOTE]

    <div>This. TK is a fvcknut of problems, particularly the ones that involve eating threads/posts altogether or when it jumbles the posts around in nonsequential order.</div>
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