BF and I just got back from vacation. And although there was no proposal.. he did tell me he thinks we should start looking at venues. I don't want to actually go look until we are engaged.. which will probably be around sept when the roommate moves out. We are planning on getting married next summer, so I know we have plenty of time but it would also kind of be nice to start some kind of budget or something since we are also working on remodeling our house. I'm not sure what I'm really asking here.. I just need some opinions. The second question.. which is an actual question and I know that some of you on here have been rock climbing. I've been wanting to go with BF since the indoor gym is only a few minutes away. I'm not sure though how much of BF's and my size difference will make. He is 6'4 210 and I am 5'4 125. I've been a couple times but with a friend my size. Will it be harder for us / me with the rope?