My boyfriend and I have decided that in the next few months we will get engaged. I have had my share of bad relationships and am ready to settle down. We are both 20 and work part time, but are both looking to find full time employement. And I've always known I wanted to get married young. I honestly think my parents will be exicted about the idea. I just don't know how to bring it up to them. They make jokes every once in a while asking when I am getting married. So I thought about waiting til then and saying "'actually we've been talking about it". My mom was engaged at 19/20 so the fact I am young really wont be an issue. My boyfriend and I are planning on opening a savings account this week to start saving up for a wedding or deposite on an apartment or rental home since we want to wait a few years before buying. If anyone has any suggustions for me on addressing this to my parents that would be great. Thanks!