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I have to cold call 60 people who don't want to be in school and try to convince them to come back by Friday. Half of them are in collections. Ughhhhhhhhhh. I hate cold calling. Okay, that is my public vent of the day. Any other takers?

Re: Vent.

  • edited December 2011
    I hate cold calling.  Had to do it for campaign stuff.  Even people who signed up to volunteer on the web site were like "who the eff are you, don't call me ever."  So good luck. I realize that won't make you feel any thing it's only 60 people.  Half usually don't answer.
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  • edited December 2011
    Glad to see someone else hates it. I mean, I hate it when I get cold called, so I cringe doing it. Oh well.. I guess there are worse jobs.
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah I hear ya, at least it's a job. My vent today is that I am not seeing any results yet from weeks of dieting and working out.  Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    I'm there with you on that. I've been doing WW since... January... and hit my plateu back in May. Frustrating. But don't give up, I know firsthand it takes longer to see once you've been working out. I've been trying to get back into it, but it seems my seasonal allergy for the summer is the gym.
  • edited December 2011
    What do you think of Weight Watchers?  Is it any better than just counting your own calories?  I bought a couple of their frozen dinners when FI was away and I was too busy to cook and they weren't half bad (pumpkin ravioli - yum).
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    I like Weight Watchers- I lost around 25 from Jan-May with it, and I've kept most of the habits since I fell off the wagon. I've done the in person meetings as well as the online and I think the in person works better (for me at least). In the online ones it's hard to be accountable. As for the food, I like it. It's better now because most brands have low fat/sugar free/low calories substitutes. Also, Lean Cuisine now puts WW points on their frozen meals. Even though I'm not following it as closely as I should, I still use the WW frozen meals as dinner options (BF secretly loves them too haha).
  • edited December 2011
    NQB - Chances are you've reached a plateau. I started working out/eating right in January, and quickly lost 10 lbs, then didn't go anywhere for three weeks, then starting losing weight again. My best advice is to try and push through it - change up your workout, or add different foods to your diet plan. Hopefully you'll see a change soon :)My vent - I work with students applying to med school in prepping their applications. Yet they a) need hand holding on every. little. tiny. thing., b) cannot write an email using proper spelling, grammar, or even a resemblence of sentence structure, and c) ask me the same 10 questions over and over again, all of which are answered and explained - in detail - in emails that I have to send out on a weekly basis. Sometimes I wonder how some of them go on to effectively function in society. ::headdesk::

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    "Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons

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  • edited December 2011
    I think WW has revamped their meals- they have a larger selection and they taste wayyyyy better than they did a couple years ago.Oceana- Are you seeing the same students I do? I help them choose their classes. Some can't speak English. Some have failed every class they've ever taken in their life. Some don't know how to set up an email account. Yet, they're trying for their doctorate in psychology with the intent of counseling others and prescribing them medication. In what way does this work out well???
  • edited December 2011
    The fact that these people are going into medicine scares me.It reminds me of a joke my grandfather used to tell:What do you call the guy who graduated last in medical school class?..........Doctor
  • edited December 2011
    Is it bad that when I saw the thread title I thought it was about "Ventrillo"?I think my gamer's showing. O_OAnyway, my vent is...... umm.... what the heck, I vent in just about every thread. See any of numerous topics for details on my hilarious life.It sure gives me a good laugh. :D
  • edited December 2011
    Ha Jeana I like your amusing vents.  You should start (fuuck my future mother in law).
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    NQB, WW is definitely good as long as you follow it. Although counting points is just another way to count calories, the points system makes it more streamlined. It's also great that you can earn more points if you workout and that there are days when you can eat extra points. I used to save up my points for cocktails with bf. As soon as I get back from vacation, I'm starting WWs again.
  • edited December 2011
    I have several vents...#1 To the bank:  Accept our offer already (and do you really think you are going to get a better offer on a house that has 1 bathroom completely demoed and no stove or fume hood in the kitchen?)  We are so ready to move.  See vent #2 for why this has become more urgent. #2 New Neighbors: I do not understand why your kids (approximately ages 5 and 7) are still up at 1:30 in the morning.  Furthermore, I REALLY do not understand how you let them shriek, jump off beds, yell and bang crap around at that time of night.  I was thisclose to leaving a note on your door this morning.  You are lucky that with the 3 hours of sleep I got, it took every bit of me to just get our the door.  If it happens again tonight, I won't be waiting until the morning to come knocking on your f-ing door.  Stupid rental townhouses with their paper walls. 
  • edited December 2011
    Oh no Mutley I hope you get the house soon.  What is it like?  Is it a foreclosure?
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    Yup, it's a foreclosure.  So who knows.  It is just right for us though (huge backyard that backs up to a school field.)  We would redo the bathrooms anyways...and we already have a stove and fume hood that we can bring on over.  FI is in development and used to flip houses.  My dad is a general contractor, who focuses on kitchen and bathroom remodels.  The last house we put an offer in on was a short sale.  We were the best and highest offer.  Two days later, the owners handed the keys over to a REO company.
  • edited December 2011
    Try cold calling, in a language you are not quite fluent in. It sucks, especially when they are super important people (politicians, supreme court judges, ectera)... really sucks.
  • tpaigejrtpaigejr member
    edited December 2011
    Ouch. I feel your pain. I used to cold call hospitals to try and convince them to work with our transcription services. Talk about a hard sell.Best advice - just do it. haha my old bosses used to tell me to wake up and say "I LOVE COLD CALLIN' IN THE MORNIN'" hahahaha.
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