I've posted on here a few times. My partner and I had gone shopping for a ring to go with my great-grandmother's diamond, and had picked something out. The one time-frame I didn't expect him to propose was during my birthday/our 1.5 year anniversary. Well, he brought me onto his podcast, the 14th issue on the 14th, to talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the comics. Towards the end of the podcast, he repeated a convo we had had when we first started dating, about when I joked that if he didn't like the Buffy television series, we couldn't date. Then he said, aren't you glad that I did, so I can give you this? And he presented the ringNot romantic, but it was very fitting for us. Only downside is that the program they were using to record messed up, and didn't save the podcast. Poor guy looked like he was gonna cry, because he had told all of his family and friends that he was doing this so they could listen to the proposal. Oh well, all that matters now is we are engaged!