Not Engaged Yet


Over the weekend I cut about five inches off of my hair. Prompting my friends grandmother to comment that I must have given up on marriage because apparently everyone wants to have long curls of hair on their wedding day.Moments like that make me wish I wasn't raised to be polite...In happier news we're going on a fact finding mission to apartments this weekend because the association websites I've been stalking aren't very forth coming about the actual cost of renting (rent/common fees/etc..). Which I find mini squee worthy because the longer we stay where we are the crazier I get.
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"but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara - Oceana 
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Re: Seriously?!

  • edited December 2011
    Haha.  Cutting my hair was good luck for us.  (I also cut off about 5 inches.)  We got engaged 4 days later.  Two of my good friends got engaged within 2 weeks of chopping their hair off.  We all joke about it being a good omen.  Much better than engagement chicken if you ask me.  Did you get a new hairstyle as well?   Good luck this weekend.
  • edited December 2011
    I didn't really get a new hair style, my hair, like the rest of my life is in a transition. I'm trying to grow out these crazy layers my stylist put in a few months ago that just made my hair look unhealthy and dead. I have super thick hair and enjoy it that way but my stylist isn't a fan and would rather it be flat, stringy and lifeless. So I'm looking for a new stylist as I wait for my hair to grow out again...I've always preferred it all one length or at the most one long layer, I'm still not sure why I agreed  to her crazy idea in the first'm totally rambling. lol
    image image image image 
    "but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara - Oceana 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I honestly don't understand why people treat unengaged women so badly. Seriously, it's ridiculous. A year ago (bf and I had been together a little over a year and a half at the time), I was being harassed at a family member's wedding. Mutiple family members kept asking me when was I going to get engaged. Shouldn't the bride be the focus?
  • edited December 2011
    I think most of the time people assume that they're being funny. I think that was the case with my family. A few months ago I couldn't stand it anymore because even though bf and I were comfortable with where we were all of the nagging was starting to make me BSC. I took my mom aside and explained to her how upset the comments were making me and she must have passed the word along because for the most part it stopped.A friend of mine has been in a relationship for a long time and has no desire to get married anytime soon, her family has taken it upon themselves to assume that because she is female it's her biggest dream in life to get married and the reason they aren't married yet is because her bf is dragging his feet, so they're pretty relentless with their comments whenever he's around. It's caused a rift between my friend and her family and she's currently dreading the upcoming holiday season because of it. I feel so bad for her and I can't help but scratch my head over how her family can be so blind to the situation.
    image image image image 
    "but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara - Oceana 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    My family is not too bad. My mom is pretty laid back and never asks. I just couldn't believe how inappropriate it was for them to be discussing it at someone else's wedding. I am starting to get comments about when am I going to have a child since I'm getting "old". I'm 27 btw. Even my mom's wondering when I'm going to "have a bun in the oven" (I hope I used that expression right)
  • edited December 2011
    I saw some chick comment on a mutal friend's Facebook about 'When are you guys gonna get engaged and pop out some babies?!?!?'.  I was mortified and irritated for my friend.  Right there on the damn newsfeed for everyone of her friends and family to see.  I wanted to smack that other girl.  My friend handled it well by saying something along the lines of 'You'll find out when I do!'
  • I just couldn't believe how inappropriate it was for them to be discussing it at someone else's wedding. I can since it happened to me 2x last my brother's wedding and at then-BF's brother's wedding (if that makes any sense).  At both weddings we had family coming up to us and asking when they'd be coming to our wedding. 
  • edited December 2011
     i cut off like 4 inches and got engaged less than 1 week later.   and rude people suck - sorry you have to deal with them! :)
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