Hey girls I've only posted here once, but have always lurked around and see that you guys are very nice. so i would really love your advice since nobody else seems to be able to help me. Bf and i have been toguether for almost 4 years and have been living toguether for 2. I moved down to FL to live with him then about 3 months later we both moved to NY.(worst mistake we ever made) We kinda did it without planning (and i know is wrong) but he just loves ny so much and ive always lived here. Ok well thing is that after we moved his mom stopped talking to him. (she lives in FL) At 1st we didnt know why, then we found out and she said it was because she felt we abandoned her, and that he had made a promise to her about staying with one of her 2 apartments so she could go and buy a house. Thing is we didnt even get to live in that apartment because his aunt and uncle were living there. He never even told me he had made a promise to her, i would have never agreed to move under those conditions. So now his mother hates me, she says that she doesnt see us having a future toguether. We are having it really bad here in NY (we're living in my moms basement because we cant afford nowhere else really) and were trying to go back down there but she said i wasnt allowed to go. She actually told him "it is either her or your family". So now this has him torn apart because i know it hurts him a lot. He told me he wanted his mom there when we got married and had children and that he did not want our lives to be like this. So now he is going to move to his cousins house here in NY for a couple of months so he can save up some money (since he doesnt have to pay rent there) so he could go down to FL and try to ease his mom a little and to confront her in person. Just to let you know she did kinda the same thing to him when he joined the marine corps. (didnt talk to him for 4 of the 6 years he served) He wants to also get himself settled financially, so we can live toguether again but in our own apartment and not have to depend on other people like right now. So we are not breaking up, but hes gonna tell his mom we did just so he can satisfy her. Then hes going to try to get her to like me again.(somehow) He wants me to keep going to school so i can finish getting my degree, and then get a stable job, and then once we're both in the right place we move in toguether again. I understand why he is doing this, and that it is for a better future for us. But this has just hit me really hard, i dont think i can get used to not having him next to me every night. We promised each other we would go through everything toguether and now we're breaking the promise, And just the fact that we have to hide our relationship from his family not only his mom (so they dont end up telling her) just really bugs me. Im really scared that he wont come back. What should i do? What should i say? Im so stuck right now. Crap this is so long, sooorrryyy hopefully you guys can help me. Thanks!!!