Ok- So i know that i am already engaged- but i like it here

this post is really just to vent some- but here we go: So, I got engaged 2 months ago (squee) and everything was great...except my parent's reactions. My FI had asked my parents for blessing (i'm almost 30 so i forbade FI to ask permission- but blessing is nice)- and they flat out told him NO. Well, he ignored them (obviously) and we're engaged. Since then, my mother has ignored my ring and him- she merrily goes on with life pretending that none of that ever happened. (by the way, i did ask why they said no: among the ridiculous reasons were listed: MY student loans were too expensive, he's not a real man cause he's artistic, and that he is the WRONG kind of christian (he was raised Catholic- i was raised methodist- both of us aren't really religious at all)) So- jumping forward- i have been having a blast planning my wedding for next halloween- narrowing down venues and getting photographers, shopping for dresses- and an awesome thing happened: while trying on my dream dress (maggie sottero Victoriana), a girl with one of her friends told me that she had that dress (wedding didn't happen- very sad) and that she wanted to GIVE it to me! Turns out we're the same size and everything. She and I went for coffee- i have a free dress, and it's just the most awesome thing that has ever happened to me.I had not told my mother about the awesome dress- she was so mad about me being engaged- she refuses to talk about it- and when I mentioned that she should come to dress shop with me, she said NO....well, my mom called me last night- my little brother had told her about the dress, and now she is PISSED that i 1) went dress shopping without her (even though she already said NO) and 2) that I have a free wedding dress (which was "too expensive" and that i shouldn't have tried on anyway)I am at my wit's end! She berated me for leaving her out of the planning- then got on me for how much I was planning on spending! I can't win- she even threatened to not come to the wedding cause I want to be married at the orchid house at the botanical gardens instead of in a church! Any help/advice/nice vibes would help me out here- it's almost making me hate my wedding plans- and i was so excited!