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My bf is so not romantic

Here's how today's conversation went: Me: Hi babe, how are you? Him: Good. Me: What are you up to? Him: I just finished wiring the money for your e-ring. Me: Umm... I was speechless. I'm not really into surprises, but I was shocked that he just came out and said it. Oh well, I'm just playing the waiting game now. He told me that he won't hang on to the ring very long because he wants to propose within the return period. This way if I don't like it, I can exchange the ring.

Re: My bf is so not romantic

  • edited December 2011
    LOL, that is priceless!
  • edited December 2011
    Well, we pride ourselves on being honest with each other. But damn, I didn't expect that.
  • edited December 2011
    I meant what are you up to in a really general way. Not, tell me every move you've made today. lol
  • Ana_2985Ana_2985 member
    edited December 2011
    Funny- I just a very similar conversation with my BF.  We just got paid for a project we working on and I asked what he was going to use his check for.  So he told me.  But I don't care because I'm not romantic either.  Did you help pick the ring?
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  • edited December 2011
    yes, I did choose the ring. It's not like it was going to be a big surprise. I just didn't expect him to say that.
  • Ana_2985Ana_2985 member
    edited December 2011
    I picked one out too.  I also figured he would keep the details to himself once he knew what I liked, but like you said it was never going to be a big surprise since we talked about everything together.
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  • edited December 2011
    I can totally see FI being this way if he'd had to buy a ring.  Especially the logical "I'm going to propose within the return period so if you don't like it we can take it back."  That's just priceless.  Maybe not so much the coming right out and telling me he'd bought it, since he was so gung ho on surprising me.
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  • VitaLunaVitaLuna member
    edited December 2011
    Classic. FI did something similar. I was out of town one weekend and called him to chat and asked if he had done anything fun that day. His response "I bought your engagement ring". Smooth, FI. He kind of seemed horrified/shocked that he had actually just told me. It was a classic moment. Oh FI's... gotta love them.
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  • jadedecarojadedecaro member
    edited December 2011
    feel ya pain!mine's so not romantic as well, but he does know how to say the right least his taste of rings are good.lolwell, dont hope for a romantic/creative proposal, i did, and apperantly i didnt get it. yes i know, twice, didnt get it.but think of the bright side, as least u know ur getting the ring right? and if u dont like it u can exchange it.^^non romantic guys are very realistic, and isnt that what we want for a successfully marriage?
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