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Re: @ gunznroses

  • He wants to do it his way is pretty much the case.. he just feels like we hit a wall with the job thing... and he really dosnt have a clue how to propose and i'm trying to ease his mind that it will be fine no matter what ....

    He and I agreed on the things we have planned and are planning and its research to discover a budget because honestly i had NO idea how much stuff costs...He is ok with all of it and is not upset about the planning. 

    As far as introductions, i did make one one the getting to know you , made some other random posts but did not disclose much info because I had a feeling I'd get the "BSC" looks...  
    Love is All You Need
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:13a30c17-8d61-4bf7-a90b-c39df502702dPost:04a7405d-af3f-43c9-8e1c-5d36f1ad6770">Re: @ gunznroses</a>:
    [QUOTE]You've planned your flowers, found a gown...but no ring (yet)? Welcome to NEY. Just thought I would point that out , and yes I read the disclaimer post. Only he and I can decided...<strong><em> Lapse in judgment/absentmindedness and posted bf / fi... I apologize...
    </em></strong>Posted by GunzNRoses213[/QUOTE]

    I typed numerous times that I was sorry that I mistakenly typed that but yet i still get heat for it on a burn /mean girls post of yesterday . And I got called a wacko or whatever it was as well based on posts..

    I am confused since about a week or so ago I posted a random good news/bad news post and everyone took off from that and it was a good post for the day.

    I with the permission and input from my FI have been planning for about a year. This is our decision. You can disagree with me all you want [as you clearly have] but ultimatly it is our decision . You have a right to your opinion , as do I . I do not turn around and try to be rude about your OP, I more or less try to explaine my situation , to which you clearly don't care because you already decided I'm BSC.

    So if you still think i'm BSC go right ahead ...that is your choice.. And it is not worth my time to try to change it.

    Have fun being a bunch of mean girls . Yes I said it ... Now go on and hate it up
    Love is All You Need
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