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Engagement Proposal Ideas?


I'm going to propose to my gf in a couple of months, and I'm trying to come up with some unique ideas to go about doing this.

A couple ideas I've been bouncing around are:
- maybe doing a trip to disney and arranging a disney engagement package.
- going to the place we first met for dinner and doing it there.
- going by the NYC skyline and having a caricature sketch us in the sidewalk with "will you marry me".

One of her cousin's did a similar proposal where he hired a caricature who pretended to go around table to table at dinner to ask people if they wanted a caricature drawing. He then had a picture of them already made of him kneeling down with a diamond. I really liked this idea but now I definitely can't do it since her cousin already did it.

But I wonder if my NYC skyline caricature sketch in the sidewalk above is a little too similar to his "dinner caricature" proposal?

I'm trying to get a girl's prespective and see what ideas you girls imagine as your perfect proposal. Obvisiouly, I know every girl is different but maybe there are some ideas that you have that I haven't thought about yet that would be good.

I don't want to talk to her about this because I want to catch her off guard, and I don't want to ask any of her friends because I don't want it to leak and get back to her.

Also, about the actual proposal; do you girls rather have a guy have a long speech prepared to say before popping the question, or just a couple words before popping the question, or just go right into popping the question?

Thank you for your insight and help on this!


Re: Engagement Proposal Ideas?

  • edited December 2011
    If her cousin did the charicature thing, I wouldn't do it.

    I'm a fan of proposals that are natural. My fiance didn't have a speech or anything, he didn't even have anything really planned out. He just said what he wanted to say and it was great.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Aww, yay!!!

    If it's in your budget, I think a surprise trip could be an awesome way to propose. 

    I think the key is for most women that they want something personal and heartfelt most of all, not necessarily over-the-top and expensive.  But every woman is different, so you know if your girl is the kind of 'grand gesture' type, or would prefer something more personal and private.

    If she really liked the caracature idea, then she'd like the idea of a surprise public proposal.  Maybe take her somewhere personal and propose, maybe where you had your first kiss, or a first date spot... and then have all your friends and family waiting nearby to celebrate after?



  • Elle1036Elle1036 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I love the caricature idea, but I see your concern about feeling like you're copying her cousin.  Maybe we can help you come up with an original idea?  Tell us more about your girlfriend.  What does she like?  What are her favorite places?  Is she more simple and laid-back or glamorous?

    As far as the proposal speech, I wanted just a couple of sentences.  I didn't want "will you marry me?" to be the first and only thing out of his mouth, but I also didn't want him to say so much I wouldn't remember it later.  I think that telling her why you love her and want to spend the rest of your life with her, then asking her if she wants the same thing, is plenty, but you know her better than we do.
  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    First off- I love that you joined The Knot to get proposal ideas :)  That already shows that you are putting a lot of thought into it, which is great.

    I definiely wouldn't do the caricature if her cousin already had that proposal.  Personally, I didn't want anything over the top or cheesy for a proposal, but that's my personality.  Is she the type of person that would be happy if you proposed to her while you were both in your pajamas?  Or would she rather have an elaborate public proposal?  I think we need to get a feel for the type of person she is and what she likes to help give you better ideas.
  • motoLynmotoLyn member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I agree with the ladies above, that the proposal should be something that reflects you both.  Something that comes from the heart.  My FI proposed to me on the beach right after we got done surfing.  Still salty in our wet suits and me carrying my surf board he knelt in the sand and asked me, even had our friends hiding near by to take pictures and videotape it.  Because we're beach bums it meant the world to me.  So tell us more about you and your GF.
  • edited December 2011

    First,  you're awesome.

    Second, it depends on your GF. Does she not mind being watched and having everyone's attention on  her? If she doesn't mind, then the resturant would be cool.

    Or, if she's a romantic type of person... Maybe a scavenger hunt to a bunch of important places the two of you have went, and at the end propose? That's always cute.

    I really love the charicature idea!!!! 

    Finally, I think it is best to go into a nice speech (heartfelt) about how much you love her, then propose.

    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    I think Lyn said it perfectly- the best proposals IMO, are the ones that are so personal and customized.

    For example, a Disney engagement package may not be for some girls because it's a "package" that's already pre-created for you. So that could seem a little less personal, KWIM? But if she absolutely loves Disney and it's her favourite place on earth, then that could be a super cute trip proposal that she'd love. It really all depends on what she likes.

    I think the first step could be figuring out if she'd prefer a private or public proposal depending on hwat you know about her.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    I only get once chance at this; so definitely want to do my homework first! ;-)

    She's is definitely a more private person and doesn't need a big over the top public proposal.  I was also leaning towards just a couple words and then pop the question instead of a long speech; that might be too much...

    1. I was thinking the disney idea would be good because I could use the excuse of going there for vacation and to celebrate our anniversary in the fall.  I'm sure she might have an idea that I will propose but maybe I can still catch her off guard. 

    And after looking at the disney site they have a more private package where you go to dinner and they bring the ring out in a glass slipper; which could work.

    2. Another idea I just had that I think would be great is to do dinner in Weehawken, NJ by the NYC skyline and then go for a walk by the water.  And have big LED letter lights across the river on the NY side saying "Will You Marry Me?".

    I like this idea but my only issue is how/where/who is going to allow me to set this lights up on a building on the NY side, or maybe I can hire a boat to go across the river with the LED lights on the boat?

    Thanks again!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I really like idea #2!  It gives you the opportunity to have a private proposal but obviously put a lot of thought into it.

    Take a stroll out there by yourself, and snap pictures of a few buildings across the way that are very visible.  Then use Google Maps to figure out what buildings these are - then go ask!  People tend to have a romantic side, so they're likely to let you set up the lights.

    Or just set it up beforehand on the NJ side by where there's a good view - have it taped to a park bench, and when you ask her to sit down, she'll notice the sign and you can go down on one knee.



  • edited December 2011
    I really like your second option, but like you said, that'd be hard.  If you can find someone to do it, then do it!

    I applaud you for getting the input of other women.  Some of us have crazy engagement fantasies and we wish someone would take our ideas.  Some unique ideas I have are:

    * If you're daring enough, you could take her skydiving.  Talk to the instructor first and see if you can hold up a sign that says "Will you marry me?"

    * If you want something more low-key and you like chinese food, you could order custom fortune cookies online, pick up some chinese food or go to a restaurant, and ask her to see what her fortune is.  While she's trying to figure out whether you're for real, you can be down on one knee.

  • Wrkn925Wrkn925 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011

    I'd prefer short and sweet. I sense that a long speech would be awkward.

    Whatever you do, I'm sure she will  love it!  Good luck!

    And fill us in afterwards, ok?
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  • leia1979leia1979 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    You're coming up with some really elaborate ideas. Do you think that's what she's looking for or is that something you really want to do? I just don't want you to feel like that's what you're supposed to do.

    I never even knew there was such a thing as a Disney engagement package. We got engaged at Disneyland, but  it was just the two of us on a bridge next to Sleeping Beauty castle, and it was perfect. There was a short speech that I don't think was really prepared or rehearsed.

    Make sure you do remember to actually ask "Will you marry me?" Some guys forget.
  • edited December 2011

    If you're willing to wait until it gets warm outside...maybe consider a romantic picnic. Get a nice picnic basket and blanket and scope out a nice private area in a park or somewhere you two frequent. (near a lake/river, the zoo, botanic gardens, art gallery, museum, etc.) Pack things you can feed each other: fruit, veggies, meats, cheeses, crackers, cookies, chocolates - and don't forget the wine (or champagne)! 

    BF did this for me once as a surprise date and I could tell he had really put a lot of thought into it. He had pre-sliced everything and really took time to set it all up. I think it would make a very special proposal...and not be something too over the top!

    If you do go this route, don't forget these things:
    -Bottled Water

    Oh! And if you're worried about what to say...I would suggest writing her a love letter. It sounds so old fashioned, but it's the kind of thing girls melt over. That way you can tell her exactly how you feel and it will be a keepsake she can always look back on and remember the day with!

    Good luck whatever you decide. I think she's a pretty lucky gal to have a guy like youWink   

  • edited December 2011
    Your gal is one lucky lady to have such a romantic man in her life.

    DH worked out a plan with my parents and some of my friends to propose to me on my birthday.  I taught a Sunday School class and since my birthday was on a Sunday, I decided to have a party for the kids, complete with traditional birthday party games.  They had me play pin the tail on the donkey and while I was blindfolded, DH got into position - when I took off the blindfold, he was there in front of me on one knee.  He said a short little un-rehearsed, from the heart speech before he asked me to marry him and it was perfect.

    I gave this idea to a friend many years ago (and also used the same idea myself for a friend's bridal shower)...I told him to set up a treasure hunt in their home.  The first clue was on their front door when she got home and each clue led her somewhere else in the house with the final clue leading her to her treasure - he had set up dinner and was waiting for her on bended knee.

    My suggestion is to do whatever feels right in your heart.  Trust me, she's going to love whatever you do.
  • edited December 2011

    Thanks for all the replies; a lot of good ideas and it was nice hearing what some of your own proposals were like.

    I think I'm going to lean towards the NYC skyline idea with the lights; I think she will definitely like this proposal.  I took her here for our first date for dinner on my motorcycle and she really liked it; it was her first time on a motorcycle.  And the walk by the water is really private at night there so it will be a perfect setting.

    Well, I have some planning to do; so I will definitely follow up with everyone on this post once the question is popped!! lolol :-)

    Thank you!

  • SKP82SKP82 member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think it is so sweet that you came on here to ask opinions before popping the question!

    Is she a Disney freak?  If not, I wouldn't propose at Disney. 

    I like your LED light idea, but it does seem very elaborate.  Unless you think that's what she would really want or something you really want to do, I don't think all that fuss would be necessary.  The proposal should be personal to the two of you.  Do you have a favorite park that you go to?  A place where something special happened?

    I think that whatever you do, she will love.  I agree with PP that said to say a few short words (like why you love and want to spend the rest of your life with her)and then ask the question. 

    I would also think about what you are going to do afterwards.  If you've already gone to dinner, would you just go home after the proposal?  I would personally want to celebrate, so would want to be somewhere where we could have some champagne and share the excitement together. 

    Good luck and definitely come back and let us know how it goes!
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
  • Eggshell31Eggshell31 member
    edited December 2011
    you are the sweetest guy ever!

    To be honest my ideal proposal would be in bed in my pajamas. I would want something simple and sweet! 

    And "will you marry me" is enough for me.. 
  • desertsundesertsun member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I had a pjs proposal! It was perfect.

    It's a happy moment no matter how you do it, so just listen to your instincts and do what you think SHE will like.

    GL and please come back and tell us how it goes!

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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    As long as it comes from the heart it could be at a garbage dump and I'm sure she'd love it.

    andplusalso: think of the stories for the kids! hahahaha

    Good luck!!

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  • SopChickSopChick member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Personally, I'm a huge fan of the pjs proposals. Add breakfast in bed (French toast or pancakes, mmmm!) to the mix and I would be one beyond ecstatic girl!

    The NY skyline idea is great if you can pull it off, and she would certainly know you put thought into it! Good luck!
    Canada Cat Pictures, Images and Photos
  • edited December 2011

    You girls are making me blush; paying me all these compliments!  I should be the one thanking you for helping me out! :-) 

    SKP82: No, she isn't a Disney freak; but I figure Disney is a magical place and seems like a good place to propose.  I always liked Disney as a kid and as an adult as well so I guess I'll always be a kid at heart! haha...

    If I decide to do a laid back proposal I definitely like the chinese fortune cookie idea, and also the pajamas proposal to keep it simple and heartfelt.

    I guess I have to decide which route I want to take; either a  laid back approach or more of a planned approach.

    If I do the NYC skyline; maybe I can get her/my family and friends to meet up with us after and we can have a small celebration at a lounge.

    Thanks again!
  • hannahnolahannahnola member
    edited December 2011
    Oh wow this is awesome, a guy really put thought into one of the most special moments in a couples' life!

    Ok I think if you could afford a trip ANYWHERE but especially DISNEY that would be amazing.

    If not I think a dinner and a very special, sweet romantic night would be nice. Go all out, flowers, dress up, nice dinner. Very sweet.

    Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!
  • hannahnolahannahnola member
    edited December 2011
    Just make it something special between yall. I wouldnt do the characture thing since its been done. I have heard of this quite a few times actually.
  • edited December 2011
    My husband told me he had a gift for me, made me close my eyes, then went all around pretending to look for the gift. He finally put a piece of paper in my hands- a letter/poem about how much we'd been through and what our relationship meant to him. At the end, it said "So, there's just one thing left to say..."

    And as I read that, he got down on one knee and said "Will you marry me?"

    Of course, we both laughed and cried. lol

    But, I loved my proposal because I was able to keep that letter, and I'll be able to show it to our kids and grandkids. I think it's nice, whether you do a letter or an illustration or have your photo taken... it's great to have something besides the ring to share with others and to look back on and remember exactly how it happened.

    That's my opinion anyway. :)
  • edited December 2011
    Aw, this is sweet :) I personally only have two things I'd really want in a proposal: 
    -I'd want it to be just the two of us when he actually asks
    -I'd like to hear the words "will you marry me" said out loud.

    Every girl is different though, so maybe this will help you

    They have a ton of proposal stories, and you can sort them by category (romantic, adventurous, etc.) and also by "rating" (though I personally think that rating someone else's proposal is stupid). Good luck!
  • edited December 2011

    Since you seem to be leaning towards the NYC Skyline as a backdrop.... Take a dinner cruise around the city. The views are incredible... Dinner, dancing and a proposal... Sounds like a nice plan to me....  or maybe I'm partial because that was my BF's proposal plan... lol

  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Just don't do anything too crazy or off the wall!  One jewelry store we went to gave my guy a little book of proposal ideas.  They were truly terrible, and we've been joking about them ever since.

    One suggested having a picnic in an open field, and having a pilot drop the ring with a parachute to land on your lap.  Except of course it would probably end up in a tree or a lake!

    Another suggested having her meet you in a park, and renting a horse and silver armour and ride into the park to meet her as her "knight in shining armour".  Except he'd probably get head stroke and die, or fall off and get a concussion.  Not to mention the hilariousness of this situation - if my guy showed up in a suit of armour, I'd die laughing before he'd ever get a chance to ask me!



  • edited December 2011
    My boss told me that his son had planned to propose to his girlfriend by chartering a hot air balloon and having "Will You Marry Me?" written in cupcakes on a field that they were supposed to travel over... apparently she really loves cupcakes or she bakes cupcakes or she looks like a cupcake lol... IDK but I think that's just ridiculous and thank God he chose to just be normal about it.
  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement Proposal Ideas?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My boss told me that his son had planned to propose to his girlfriend by chartering a hot air balloon and having "Will You Marry Me?" written in cupcakes on a field that they were supposed to travel over... apparently she really loves cupcakes or she bakes cupcakes or she looks like a cupcake lol... IDK but I think that's just ridiculous and thank God he chose to just be normal about it.
    Posted by LyzMcFlyz[/QUOTE]

    LOL...does he not know that you can't control where a hot air balloon goes?  I could just imagine all the work to set those cupcakes up, and then have the wind take the balloon in the complete opposite direction.  Ha ha.
  • edited December 2011
    That's actually what I told him... I pretty much would have died laughing if that happened....

    My college roommate got engaged in a hot air balloon last year... I think it's an awesome idea but not when you're trying to make the proposal come from the ground! lol
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